One second, two seconds, three seconds...

People opened their eyes and found that the dazzling light had dissipated, but the sight in front of them made them stunned and doubted their eyes.

"What, what, what's going on?"

"Oh my God!"

"It's incredible!"

"Icebergs are gone!" people rubbed their eyes and asked each other, finding that they were not dreaming or fireworks.

The huge iceberg that originally lay across the sea has disappeared!

The channel that was blocked by the strait also reappeared.

On the boat, people couldn't help the commotion, and then they all looked at Li Zhenwu with fiery eyes, some of them were incredible, some were unbelievable, and some were convinced, amazed, and so on.

But the director suddenly shouted: "Is the picture just recorded!"

Shiro, Ranmaru, and Junmalu looked at each other, and they all saw the same amazement in each other's eyes.

"As expected of Lord Zhenwu." After a while, Junma Lu was suddenly amazed, but there was no surprise.

The image of Li Zhenwu in their eyes and hearts, after so many years, has become as if he can do everything!

On the whole ship, from this day onwards, all were respectful towards Li Zhenwu, did not dare to neglect him at all, and had an extremely positive and enthusiastic attitude.

Fenghua Xiaoxue, on the other hand, stayed in her room almost all the time.

Just like this, until this ship sailed to the port of the Snow Country...

(The fifth watch will be completely restored from today! If you are free, you can go to the computer page and vote! There is a survey of the next world!)

Chapter [-] The Princess of the Snow Country! (third more)

The ship arrived at the port of the Snow Country.

From here, the roads on both sides are full of white snow, and the nearby sea is almost full of ice water.

There was snow on the ground at the port.

The entrance is full of white, and in the sky, another elementary school is still falling, and there is always some haze in the sky.

"This is the country of snow!" People who came here for the first time felt an eye-opener.

"As expected of the country of snow." They said so, there is snow almost everywhere, and it is difficult to see other colors in the white snow.

Because he arrived at the port, the people who had been drifting on the ship for a long time finally reached the land, and they all rushed to get off the ship.

Busy and busy, the entire boat was transferred to the land and officially entered the country of Snow Country.

As for Li Zhenwu, after the residence was determined, he called the three masters over.

This former palace guard of the Snow Country, and now Fenghua Xiaoxue's manager, is also the one who persevered to let Fenghua Xiaoxue return to the Snow Country.

"Three gentlemen, you know, Miss Fuji Kazee, or Princess Fenghua Xiaoxue, as the former princess of the Snow Kingdom, once she returns here, she will encounter inevitable things."

Facing Li Zhenwu's culture, the third generation of husband nodded calmly, but his tone was full of firmness: "In order for the princess to return to this country, I can only do this."

Bai and the other three were also on the sidelines at the moment. After all, it was related to their mission this time, so Li Zhenwu did not avoid them.

In addition, the film director this time is also included. After all, he is the leader of the crew this time.

At this moment, through the dialogue and the previous incident, they learned that the actress they want to protect this time has a hidden identity, that is, the princess of the Snow Country.

The three masters then began to slowly talk about the past of the Snow Country.

Ten years ago, Fenghua Xiaoxue's father Fenghua Zaoxue was the king of the Snow Country, but it was only ten years ago that Fenghua Zaoxue's younger brother Fenghua Nutao betrayed him.

Fenghua Nutao gathered a large number of Snow Ninjas and launched a rebellion.

The capital of the Snow Country, Fenghua City, was destroyed by a fire during this rebellion, and the Snow Country was also captured by Fenghua Furious Tao.

At that time, the strength was weak, far from being part of the opponents of Fenghua Nutao, and escaped from the Snow Country...

Said, the three husbands had too deep memories, a middle-aged man who looked like an old man, couldn't help crying.

"At that time, I thought Little Snow Princess had passed away, until in the land of fire, I saw Little Snow Princess who had already changed her name to Fuji Kazee, and became his manager."

"That is, Princess Snow is still alive, and it gives me the motivation to continue living, and even the Snow Country has real hope."

Saying that, the three husbands couldn't help crying: "Fortunately, fortunately, Princess Little Snow is still alive."

"So that's the case." The others couldn't help but sigh. They didn't expect that the Snow Country still had such a past.

"It turns out that I actually found a real princess to play a princess in my movie," muttered the film director.

"It would be good to die then." Fenghua Xiaoxue walked into the room, but said coldly, she was full of pessimism.

"Please don't say that. For us, the fact that Her Royal Highness the Princess is still alive is a great encouragement," said the third generation.

There was no expression on Fenghua Xiaoxue's face: "Although people are alive, their heart is dead. Since then, my heart has been dead."

"Your Highness Princess Xiaoxue, don't say that, your life is the hope of the entire Snow Country!" The third generation stood up, ran in front of Fenghua Xiaoxue, knelt down, and then lowered his head: " Her Royal Highness Princess Snow, please make sure you hit the wind and flowers and become the new monarch of the Snow Country!"

Saying that, the three masters were determined: "My three masters, even if I shed the last drop of blood, I will definitely return to protect you and become the monarch of the Snow Country again!"

Although the three husbands said it very emotionally, and the words were very authentic.

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