However, there was no fluctuation on Fenghua Xiaoxue's face.

Moreover, after waiting for the three masters to finish speaking, he replied coldly: "Are you joking? I refuse."

Then, Fenghua Xiaoxue continued: "Nu Tao is so powerful, how can you let me defeat him?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue's attitude was beyond people's expectations, and she had already rejected the three masters flatly.

The scene was awkwardly silent.

"Tsk tsk." Li Zhenwu shook his head, then stood up and said with a light smile on his face: "It doesn't matter if you are unbeaten, Princess Xiaoxue, our Ninja Village will help you."

Li Zhenwu paused slightly, then continued: "Also, I can also represent the country of red beans, and I can volunteer and assist your country of snow in all aspects!"

Li Zhenwu's voice fell, and the others did not respond, but the three masters asked in surprise: "Is this true? Can you still represent the country of red beans?"

Although the country of red beans is not in the eyes of the five major countries, it has become famous among small countries in recent years.

So the three masters were pleasantly surprised.

"Of course it's true." Li Zhenwu smiled and nodded, but he looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue.

After all, Fenghua Xiaoxue is the real one who can call the shots and become the queen.

Fenghua Xiaoxue was hesitant at this moment. He had seen before that the trio of Body Ninja Village were just as strong as children.

Moreover, she also heard after the incident that the iceberg that was blocking the road was completely blown away by Li Zhenwu's 'ninjutsu'!

Because of these, Fenghua Xiaoxue learned about the strength of several ninjas in the ninja village, so he hesitated!Thinking about whether I should accept Li Zhenwu's suggestion... to return to the country of snow and regain my own country and throne!

(The third one is to ask for automatic subscription!!!)

Chapter [-] The Snow Queen! (fourth more)

Fenghua Xiaoxue was hesitating, and finally did not make a decision, because the shadow in her heart was too heavy and she could not make up her mind.

Of course, it is also because the country of snow is full of snow.But when she was a child, she heard her father's promise that spring would come. The last ten years have passed, and the country of snow is still full of snow.

There was a heavy shadow in her heart, almost forming a kind of magic barrier that was difficult to break.

But in Li Zhenwu's whole talk, this demonic barrier has loosened...

Li Zhenwu also noticed this, so he decided to add another fire!

At night, in the world outside, there is still light snow, which is the eternal theme of the Snow Country.

In the room, the heating is roaring and the lights are bright.

Li Zhenwu appeared at the door of Fenghua Xiaoxue's room, and then knocked softly.

"Who is it?" Inside the house, Fenghua Xiaoxue heard a knock on the door, and instead of opening the door immediately, she asked aloud.

"It's me, Zhenwu of the Ninja Village." Li Zhenwu replied from outside the door.

After hearing the answer from outside the door, how long did it take for Fenghua Xiaoxue to open the door, and she also appeared behind the door, but did not let Li Zhenwu enter her room immediately.

"What's the matter with you?" Fenghua Xiaoxue asked.

"There is something I need to tell you." Li Zhenwu smiled slightly, nodded, and then looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue's beautiful face in front of him, thinking that he was indeed an actor from several countries in one movie.

"It's about spring in the Snow Country."

Li Zhenwu said softly, this time, he was trying to break Fenghua Xiaoxue's inner demon!Let Fenghua Xiaoxue accept the arrangement and really inherit this country of snow!

And when Fenghua Xiaoxue became the king of the Snow Country with his help, then the Red Bean Country would be able to reach an alliance with the Snow Country logically!

When Fenghua Xiaoxue heard the words behind Li Zhenwu, she immediately opened the door of the house completely: "Come in."

"As you wish." Li Zhenwu walked in.

Fenghua Xiaoxue closed the door, and immediately asked impatiently, "The spring in the Snow Country... what's going on?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue was extremely concerned about this issue, because she had been looking forward to the spring of the Snow Country when she was a child, and her father had promised him that spring would come to the Snow Country.

"You still wear your hexagonal crystal, right?" Li Zhenwu asked first.

"Hexagonal crystal?" Fenghua Xiaoxue subconsciously touched the necklace she was wearing around her neck. On the necklace, there was a purple hexagonal crystal that her king father personally wore for her when she was a child.

"What does the spring of the Snow Country have to do with this hexagonal crystal?" Fenghua Xiaoxue couldn't help asking.

"Of course it has something to do with it." Li Zhenwu nodded: "Do you know why Nu Tao immediately sent ninjas to arrest you after you returned to China?"

"Why? Isn't it because I am the former princess of the Snow Country, which will threaten his throne?" Fenghua Xiaoxue murmured in confusion.

"Oh, of course it's not that simple."

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly, and then told Fenghua Xiaoxue the truth he knew about the hexagonal crystal.

"Your hexagonal crystal is a key! The purpose of Raging Wave is also for your key."

"He thought this key was the key to unlock the treasure of Fenghua's family left by your father before, but in fact, it is the key to unlock the spring of the Snow Country!"

After listening to Li Zhenwu's words, Fenghua Xiaoxue was very surprised.

"This hexagonal crystal is the key? The key to open the snow country's spring?" She picked up her own hexagonal crystal and remembered the promise that her father Fenghua Zaoxue gave her that spring would come to the snow country.

And this hexagonal crystal was personally worn around her neck at that time.

"Father didn't break his promises, he didn't lie to me." Fenghua Xiaoxue murmured, and suddenly there was a sadness that made her tears well up in her eyes.

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