In a blink of an eye, where the eyes can see, the ice and snow have almost melted, and the entire world has become warmer, and the original cold is no longer!

"It's really spring." Fenghua Xiaoxue murmured.

At this moment, in the middle of the colorful ice wall, an image was suddenly projected.

Fenghua Xiaoxue was stunned, the image projected by the colorful ice wall also had a sound.

And the scene in this image is a conversation between her father Fenghua Zaoxue and her.

Looking at the image, Fenghua Xiaoxue couldn't help but become mad.

Li Zhenwu took Bai and the other three and stayed in the Snow Country for many more days.

During these many days, Fenghua Xiaoxue has been preparing for the enthronement.

And the country of snow will also welcome its own queen.

"Princess Xiaoxue, if you are like this, won't you be able to be an actor again in the future?" Bai asked Fenghua Xiaoxue curiously.

Fenghua Xiaoxue is the one who became the queen after all. Since she has become the queen of a country, she is unlikely to be an actor.

But Fenghua Xiaoxue smiled beautifully: "Who said the queen and the actor can't do it at the same time."

Li Zhenwu looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was cheerful and had a bright smile, and couldn't help but smile.

The Snow Country has already started in-depth cooperation with the Red Bean Country and formed an alliance.

Li Zhenwu represents the country of red beans and has already negotiated with Fenghua Xiaoxue.

The Country of Red Beans provides various opportunities such as trade and economy for the Country of Snow, while the Country of Snow is to develop and share various advanced technologies such as 'chakra armor' and airships that it has mastered with the Country of Red Beans. .

When discussing these matters, it was almost as soon as Li Zhenwu brought it up, Fenghua Xiaoxue agreed immediately, Feichang was straightforward, and he didn't seem to worry about Li Zhenwu pitting her at all.

Not only that……

"Can you see it? Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes towards Lord Zhenwu." The three of them gathered together and couldn't help discussing.

"I'm not blind, I can see it." Jun Malu nodded.

"Well, it's easy to see that Fenghua Xiaoxue looks at Lord Zhenwu differently!" Lan Wan said.

What Bai and the other three could see, and Li Zhenwu naturally saw it too.

Moreover, Li Zhenwu is even more aware of the meaning in Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes when looking at him.

That is affectionate!Affectionate and tender like water!

"It's the hardest to endure the grace of a beauty." Li Zhenwu couldn't help but sigh.

After Fenghua Xiaoxue ascended the throne and became the Queen of the Snow Country, Li Zhenwu and others also had to leave.

However, on the eve of his departure, Li Zhenwu's house door was knocked on from the outside.

Li Zhenwu opened the door and saw the red-faced Fenghua Xiaoxue standing at the door beautifully.

Li Zhenwu and Bai and the others followed the director's boat and went back together.

The director was satisfied. He captured a lot of unexpected things this time. After a little editing, it was an excellent material.

What's more, the bigger surprise is that his original heroine has now become the Queen of the Snow Country.

This is a great help for the movie!

The ship drifted at sea for many days before returning to the inland from the country of snow and landing in the country of red beans...

Li Zhenwu seemed to have sent Bai and the other three back to the village, and then he went to look for Acacia Red Beans and talked to Qi about the cooperation and alliance between the Kingdom of Red Beans and the Kingdom of Snow!

After Li Zhenwu and Hongdou Acacia finished talking about these things, they returned to the Ninja Village.

It was just after returning to the Ninja Village that Li Zhenwu got a piece of news from the intelligence department in the village.

The news about Konoha, more specifically, the news about Konoha's last Uchiha member.

Yu Gu of Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha... defected and left the village!

(The country of snow does not focus on description, just end it and enter the real exciting stage of Naruto, ask for an automatic subscription!)

Chapter [-] Five generations of Hokage! (third more)

Li Zhenwu had just returned to the Ninja Village, and he got a piece of news from the intelligence system of the Ninja Village that he established.

Something happened to Konoha.

It is related to the Uchiha clan.

Yu Gu of the Uchiha clan, the only remaining Uchiha Sasuke, defected!Became a Konoha rebel.

When Li Zhenwu got this news, his brows immediately wrinkled, because according to his understanding and opinion, Orochimaru had already been killed by himself, and even Yinnin Village had been almost wiped out by him. Likewise, the time for the defection occurs.

However, according to the current information, he was wrong.

Li Zhenwu accepted this information, thought for a while, and thought of what he had missed and ignored before.

"It seems that Orochimaru was not completely killed. His so-called immortality technique is more miraculous than I thought."

Li Zhenwu thought of this, thinking of this point that he had neglected before.

He didn't expect Orochimaru to be resurrected before. After all, Orochimaru's body was blown up by his punch.

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