The reason why it exploded with one punch was not just to cause a fatal injury to Orochimaru, but to prevent Orochimaru's self-developed 'immortality technique'.

Unexpectedly, even if he blew up the body of Orochimaru, Orochimaru was still resurrected.

This proves that Orochimaru's immortality technique has its own uniqueness.

Because of this piece of information, Li Zhenwu thought about it for a while, and finally decided to leave him alone.

"This is just right. Sasuke should also be able to grow rapidly with the help of Orochimaru, and presumably the heavy damage Orochimaru received before is enough to make him dare not set foot in Konoha again." Li Zhenwu thought.

In fact, Li Zhenwu felt that he thought too much, because Konoha now has nothing that Orochimaru covets.

Before Orochimaru attacked Konoha, in fact, the biggest purpose was to obtain the body of Sasuke Uchiha.

And now that his goal has almost been achieved, he shouldn't go to Konoha to make trouble with the information.

In addition to Sasuke's defection, Li Zhenwu also got another piece of information.

The country of fire... The fifth generation of Hokage is about to appear, and the third generation of Hokage will officially abdicate to give way.

And this date has been set, and an invitation letter has been sent to the Tino Ninja Village, inviting them to come and watch the ceremony.

This information made Li Zhenwu a little stunned.

"Teacher Sarutobi, I'm about to abdicate..."

Li Zhenwu sighed a little, since he was born in this world, it was Sarutobi who served as Hokage, and after more than ten years, Sarutobi Hizan is about to abdicate.

"Five generations of Hokage, it should be my sister Tsunade who has never met." Li Zhenwu pondered: "It seems that I need to go back to Konoha, and I can't miss the moment of Mr. Sarutobi's abdication. , meet that Tsunade Senior Sister who has never met before!"

The land of fire, the Hokage of Konoha Ninja Village, is about to change, and there is nothing to hide.

In the whole world, all the forces with a little more information have received this news.

Even, like the body ninja village, there are ninja villages who are friends with Konoha and have received an invitation to go to the ceremony.

When that day was about to come, Li Zhenwu took Shiro, Ranmaru, and Junmalu to Konoha.

This time, their way of travel is to fly.

Shiro, Ranmaru, and Junmalu, who had completely unloaded their weight, flew in the direction of Konoha behind Li Zhenwu in the light fat boy sky.

Because Li Zhenwu can slow down, it is not a problem for them to follow Li Wu.

The only problem is that when they fly a certain distance, the Qi in their bodies will be exhausted, and they need to fall to the ground to recover the previous distance.

But the good thing is that they all have strong bodies and chakras in addition to their 'qi', so when they landed on the ground, they didn't stop and hurry.

Moreover, the continuous use of air dance techniques along the way has also made their qi improve to a certain extent...

Because he had to accommodate the speed of the three of them, it took more than a day for Li Zhenwu to enter the country of fire with the three of them, who were already very tired, and came to the Konoha Ninja Village.

"You can find a place to rest, or move freely."

When they got here, Li Zhenwu let Bai and the other three move freely.

His goal has actually been achieved. Along the way, let the three of them continue to use the air dance technique to fly, and then keep going all the way, it is a good exercise to their air dance technique and 'qi'.

As for what the three of them are doing here, it doesn't matter anymore.

But Li Zhenwu has his own business to do.

The day they came to Konoha happened to be the day when the Hokage changed.

It's just that the Hokage's alternation ceremony was in the morning, and now it is just dawn.

Although it is a genius, but because of the alternation of Hokage, the village is still decorated with lights, and it is already lively, full of festive atmosphere.

Li Zhenwu stepped into it, not walking fast, and was about to go to the Hokage office.

Seeing the grand atmosphere of this festival, Li Zhenwu felt emotional.

The last time there was such an atmosphere in the village was when he turned into a violent gorilla, defeated Yunyin Ninja Village, ended the war by himself, and brought Konoha into peace.

Li Zhenwu 2.9 was in the village and did not cover up his identity, so soon, the Hokage office got the news.

"The true martial arts are here!" In the Hokage office, the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan and the upcoming fifth-generation Megumi Hokage Tsunade were all there, and Sarutobi Hiizan listened to Anbu's report and said with a little emotion.

"Zhenwu?" Tsunade was a little puzzled, because Anbu's report referred to Li Zhenwu as the 'envoy' of the body ninja village.

After all, Li Zhenwu still looks like he is in the body ninja village, not his real appearance.

"The person who created the body ninja village is actually your junior brother, Li Zhenwu, the former Konoha monster." Sarutobi Hizan explained briefly.

But Tsunade was surprised...

Chapter [-] Tsunade Hime! ([-]th update yesterday)

Tsunade was very surprised: "Li Zhenwu, the monster of Konoha? That teacher, your new disciple, my junior brother?"

It was normal for Tsunade to be surprised, because she didn't know about it in advance, but now Sarutobi Hizan told him that the body ninja village was founded by her younger brother who had never met.

"How can you really build a ninja village by yourself?" After being surprised, Tsunade was puzzled.

"'ve been outside all these years, so you didn't know it." Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed, "It's caused by rotten Konoha..."

Having said that, Sarutobi Hibiki once told Tsunade about Li Zhenwu, Danzo, and Konoha, as well as some causes and consequences.

After talking for a while, Sarutobi Hizan finished talking about the cause and effect, and then couldn't help sighing again.

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