Tsunade, on the other hand, sat in his chair and was quiet for a while, and then he said, "The previous Konoha... is indeed rotten! He even brought a team of Konoha to Ninja 21 who made such a great contribution. , was forced out."

"Actually, it's not necessarily forced." Sarutobi Hiizan shook his head and said: "This child Zhenwu... From his eyes, it can be seen that he is belligerent, enthusiastic, and at the same time he can't stand restraint."

"So Tolly Animal Husbandry, no one can tell if it was his original intention."

I have to say that, as Li Zhenwu's ninjutsu enlightenment teacher in this world, Sarutobi Hizan still knows a little about him.

Indeed, if there was no matter of Danzo and the later group of advisors and elders, whether Li Zhenwu would be able to stay in Konoha in a safe and secure manner is still another matter.

Li Zhenwu walked among the leaves, feeling the festive atmosphere of the leaves, and walked towards the Hokage Building.

At this slow speed, after walking for more than ten minutes, Li Zhenwu walked to the front of the Hokage Building.

In front of him, there are already ninjas waiting for him, and Li Zhenwu is not surprised.

"The three-generation Hokage-sama and the fifth-generation Hokage-sama are already waiting for you in the office." This ninja respectfully led Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu walked up and slowly approached Hokage's office.

He has come here many times, but in the past, there was almost always only one Sarutobi Hizen.

And today, outside the building, Li Zhenwu already felt another soft but powerful aura.

Lightly knocked on the door, and after Sarutobi Hiizan's voice 'come in' came from inside, Li Zhenwu pushed open the door and entered.

Then I saw another person in this Hokage office besides Hiruzen Sarutobi.

A woman, a very beautiful woman, a very big and beautiful woman for a month.

"Hey, we finally meet, Senior Sister Tsunade."

Li Zhenwu showed an incomparably bright smile at this moment, and greeted Tsunade.

"Should I call you Shinin Village Zhenwu, or Zhenwu Junior Brother." Tsunade smiled and said this.

Li Zhenwu looked at her and replied, "You already know my true identity, so just call me Junior Brother directly, it will be kinder."

"Okay" Tsunade nodded simply.

Li Zhenwu smiled, then looked at Tsunade, and after a while he couldn't help but praised: "Senior Sister Tsunade is indeed Tsunade Ji, and her appearance is second to none in the entire ninja world."

In his heart, Li Zhenwu silently added, "Xiong is also second to none in the entire ninja world."

Of course, this cannot be said, so Li Zhenwu just thought about it silently.

The name Tsunade Hime, the last Hime does not refer to her name.

The suffix of the name Ji is more representative of the meaning of princess and beauty.

Therefore, people call Tsunade Hime, which is a compliment to his granddaughter of Hokage, the well-deserved Princess Konoha, and her amazing beauty.

Li Zhenwu's sincere praise made Tsunade smile.

That is to say, after a few simple sentences, after getting to know each other and getting to know each other, Li Zhenwu said with a little emotion.

"I didn't expect that so long had passed, and in a blink of an eye, Sarutobi-sensei would have to step down from the Hokage seat."

Sarutobi Hiizhan was in a good mood, holding a pipe in his hand and smiling: "I'm old enough for this old bone, it's time to retire and enjoy a leisurely life."

Sarutobi Hizan's face showed a happy mood: "And I am also very satisfied with the position of Hokage being handed over to Tsunade. Under the leadership of her young man, it should bring some new changes to Konoha. "

"Mr. Sarutobi, in front of Junior Brother Zhenwu, what do you say young people are not young people." Tsunade couldn't help but say when the words of Hizenzhan Sarutobi fell, her focus was a bit strange, and she was paying attention to this.

Indeed, according to her age, Tsunade Hime is in her fifties... But from the outside, she is just a beautiful woman in her twenties.

However, this is the case. Compared with Li Zhenwu's real age, 070 is indeed not young enough.

Li Zhenwu chuckled, not interjecting at this juncture.

After a while, they raised the topic.

, After staying in the Hokage office for a while, Tsunade proposed to go out for a walk with Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu and Tsunade were walking on a secluded path, looking at Tsunade beside him, waiting for her to take the initiative to speak.

Li Zhenwu knew that Tsunade called himself out for no reason, not just walking around.

"Junior Brother Zhenwu." Sure enough, it didn't take long for Tsunade to speak.

"Well, what?" Li Zhenwu asked, waiting for Tsunade to continue speaking.

Tsunade pondered for a while and said, "You should know that I have nothing to do with the previous Hokage advisory group. So, now I am going to become the fifth Hokage of the village... Do you want to return to Konoha? "

Li Zhenwu didn't expect Tsunade to ask himself the question, and it turned out to be this one.

After smiling, Li Zhenwu shook his head and refused, and said...

(Make up for yesterday's fourth update, please subscribe automatically)

Chapter [-] Tsunade's Strange Force Fist!

Listening to Tsunade's words, Li Zhenwu couldn't help but smile slightly.

He didn't expect that Tsunade wanted to return to Konoha.

However, Li Zhenwu, who already has a body ninja village and already has his ultimate goal in this world, will never let himself be bound in the Konoha Ninja Village again.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu looked at Tsunade's serious face, and refused to say, "Forget it, Senior Sister Tsunade, Konoha doesn't need me very much anymore, I can't come back, and I don't have any. What does it matter."

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