Mixed in the rain ninja village that has been hit in the middle, because it rains all the year round, it has become a special middle ground, and the rain ninja village such a strong ninja village was born.

At the same time, many powerful ninjas were born in the Rain Ninja Village.

'Angel' Xiaonan is one of them.

Li Zhenwu just hesitated and thought for a while, and then... he found that Xiao Nan was gone.

It was rare for him to lose Xiao Nan.

"No, according to the lock of qi, in the Naruto world, no one should be able to hide in front of me."

Li Zhenwu thought about it, and at the same time, on his body surface, a layer of chakra had been covered with 3.4, preventing the rain from falling on his body.

Li Zhenwu's doubts did not last long, and the answer was already there.

"Interesting, it was discovered?" Li Zhenwu couldn't help revealing a somewhat surprised smile, then turned around suddenly, with a layer of golden Lei Dun chakra attached to his hands, and grabbed the back of his heart. It's... paper!

To be precise, it is a kunai made of paper!

And just in the direction where the paper made of Kunai was thrown, Li Zhenwu saw a piece of white paper in the shape of a human, and changed the appearance of Xiaonan again.

An interesting smile appeared on Li Zhenwu's face:

"After changing into a paper clone, it actually made me not aware of the breath, and I was able to discover me in advance."

Chapter [-] Fighting Xiaonan! (first update)

"Interesting, it actually makes me feel breathless."

Li Zhenwu looked at Xiao Nan's figure reappearing in the rain and felt very interesting.

Just now, he suddenly couldn't feel Xiao Nan's breath, so he 'lost it'.

But he didn't expect that Xiao Nan quietly came behind him and attacked him suddenly.

Then Li Zhenwu discovered that the other party had become a paper clone, so he could not feel the breath.

"Interesting ability." Li Zhenwu commented slightly, looking at Xiao Nan who was standing in front.

At this moment, Xiao Nan has huge angel-like wings like white paper behind him, waving gently, and then with her as the center, there are pieces of paper flying all over the sky.

These flying pieces of paper came towards Li Zhenwu.

In the seemingly beautiful and weak and thin piece of paper, there is a murderous intention hidden in it!

"Is this the dance of paper? It's interesting." Li Zhenwu stood there, facing more and more pieces of paper, as if 21 pieces of paper were coming towards him, but he didn't panic at all.

On the contrary, Li Zhenwu was here, just seemingly relaxed and comfortable, and took a few steps back and forth at will.

But it was this understatement that had already avoided Xiaonan's murderous scrap of paper.

And those pieces of paper fell on the ground and tree behind Li Zhenwu, but it immediately made the ground seem to be cut, and the big tree seemed to be smashed by a violent tornado!

Li Zhenwu had completely avoided these pieces of paper, but Xiao Nan's face was full of surprise.

She probably did not expect that the ninja who followed her into the Land of Rain and followed her into the Rain Nin Village would be so powerful.

The huge wings on Xiao Nan's back were waving, and her whole body was suspended in the air. Looking at Li Zhenwu in front of her, who was lifting weights lightly and showing a comfortable expression, she was a little doubtful and puzzled.

"This person... doesn't seem to know him." Xiao Nan frowned, because of Li Zhenwu's appearance at the moment, she couldn't match the name of any character in her memory.

However, the forehead guard on Li Zhenwu's head gave Xiaonan some clues.

"Is that the ninja of the ninja village who shined in the chunin exam?"

Although he didn't recognize Li Zhenwu's identity, Xiao Nan guessed that he was a ninja from the body ninja village through Li Zhenwu's forehead guard.

For a while, Xiao Nan did not continue to move, but was about to ask Li Zhenwu's purpose.

"Who are you? Why do you follow me?" Xiao Nan asked very directly. At this moment, behind her, the wings of white paper waved gently behind her, making her like a holy angel, worthy of her title.

"In the beginning, I was just curious about why you appeared at the Hokage's succession ceremony, so I've been following you since you left." Li Zhenwu said casually, without any intention of keeping it secret.

"What? You've been following me since I left Konoha?"

Xiao Nan was immediately surprised.

She thought that Li Zhenwu was following him from nowhere, but she did not expect that Li Zhenwu was following her from Konoha.

Moreover, along the way, she was followed without finding each other!

Thinking about it carefully, this is just a little scary.

Therefore, Xiao Nan's expression turned cold: "What's your purpose!?"

With that said, dense pieces of paper appeared again around Xiao Nan's body, and among these seemingly harmless pieces of paper, there were also a handful of white paper shuriken, white paper kunai, and white paper spear!

It seems that Li Zhenwu's answer is not good, and all of these will attack Li Zhenwu at once!

The light rain has been falling, but it has not fallen on Li Zhenwu, and has been defended by the faint chakra on his body.

Xiao Nan looked at it and was surprised at Li Zhenwu's strength of Chakra.

You must know that to achieve this kind of chakra almost forms the effect of a coat, even the ordinary chakra of the ninja can't do it!

"Actually, I want you to answer my question first. As a former disciple of Jiraiya and now the founder of Akatsuki, why did you go to Konoha when Hokage succeeded to the throne?"

Li Zhenwu said indifferently.

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