But these faint words also made Xiaonan's heart feel like a thunderbolt from the blue.

"He actually knows my identity?" Xiao Nan was very surprised. Now, in the whole ninja world, not many people know about 'Xiao' at all, but Li Zhenwu is in love at this moment. Organization founder thing!

And it seems that the other party is also very familiar with her.

"Who are you?" Xiao Nan asked coldly.

But after this sentence was asked again, Li Zhenwu still did not answer.

Therefore, around her body, the densely packed pieces of paper, as well as the paper shuriken, and the paper kunai have all gone towards Li Zhenwu!

"Paper Rain!"

The piece of paper rotated 970 degrees, like a white paper tornado, stirring the air and making a whistling sound.

"Paper Shuriken!"

"Paper Spears!"

In an instant, the attack had already arrived in front of Li Zhenwu.

Moreover, Xiao Nan's attack did not keep his hand, so these attacks were all powerful!

Li Zhenwu stood there, not moving.

But when these dense 'papers' came to him and were about to fall on him, the chakra on Li Zhenwu's body suddenly thickened.

Moreover, these chakras expanded directly, forming a circle that completely surrounded Li Zhenwu.

Not only that, this chakra outer ring is also spinning suddenly, which is an improved version that he figured out by himself based on the Huitian of the Hyuga clan!


Whether it was a piece of paper, a paper kunai or a paper shuriken, or even the most powerful paper spear, when they met Li Zhenwu's 'Golden Return to the Sky', they were all thrown away!

Not only that!

At this moment, the golden color of Li Zhenwu's body suddenly revolved and expanded.

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Chapter [-]: The Dance of Paper! (Second more)

There is also a big difference between Li Zhenwu's Huitian and the Huitian of the Sun Xiang family.

For the Huitian of the Hyuga group, it is necessary for the user to rotate themselves before they can really use the Huitian move, so that Chakra also rotates on the body surface to form an absolute defense.

And Li Zhenwu, now his return to the sky, does not need to rotate himself.

Instead, he had already turned the golden chakra on his body through a superb operation, telling him to spin it, and cast it out to 'return to the sky'.

Moreover, now his Huitian is no worse than the Huitianlai of Hyuga's group.

Huitian on the surface of the body was telling the rotation, and the various paper shurikens and pieces of paper that Xiaonan cast over bounced and flew out.

Even Li Zhenwu's golden return to the sky suddenly expanded!

Suddenly, confetti is flying!Falling down weakly! Like snow.

Where Li Zhenwu originally stood, a pothole with a diameter of ten meters was formed. It was very round and did not have any dead ends.

Xiao Nan was also almost affected by the sudden expansion of Huitian, but at the critical moment, the white paper wings behind her fluttered, and she avoided it in a thrilling way.

Looking at Li Zhenwu's move with lingering fears, Xiao Nan couldn't help exclaiming: "Go back to heaven??!!"

The Hyuga clan is well-known in the entire ninja world. In addition to their famous Xueji Bianjie, some of the tricks of the Hyuga clan are also very famous.

Therefore, when he saw Li Zhenwu's move, Xiao Nan was shocked to find that it was exactly the same as the Huitian of the Hyuga clan!

"Are you from the Hyuga clan?"

Xiao Nan used the trick of Huitian, and then guessed Li Zhenwu's true identity.

"Hyuga's family? Did you see that I have white eyes?" Li Zhenwu chuckled softly.

The characteristics of the Hyuga clan, in addition to their ability to open their eyes and even their hideous faces, when their eyes are not opened, their pupils are also different from ordinary people.

Xiao Nan looked at Li Zhenwu carefully, but did not find that he had the characteristics of belonging to the Hyuga clan.

"Who are you!?" Xiao Nan stopped trading and wanted to find out Li Zhenwu's identity.

Because just now she had already performed enough ninjutsu to kill a general Jōnin, but it had no effect on Li Zhenwu, and she didn't even show Li Zhenwu's strength bottom line from time to time.

The corners of Li Zhenwu's mouth evoked a faint smile, and he was no longer selling off.

Instead, he said directly: "Tin Ninth Village, Zhenwu."

"Zhenwu?" Xiao Nan was surprised, the name only reminded her of one person.

The Leaf Monster Li Zhenwu!

But thinking about it again, it's not right, because the rumored tree leaf monster Li Zhenwu is only in his teens.

But the person in front of her now looks like an adult in her twenties, not to mention the wearer's forehead guard.

Rao is so, Xiao Nan is still puzzled.

When did another powerful ninja called Zhenwu appear in the ninja world?Moreover, it will also be the exclusive skill of the Hyuga clan, known as the Huitian of absolute defense.

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