Therefore, in this case, it is impossible for the Xiao organization not to get to know Li Zhenwu in detail.

So, taking advantage of the grand ceremony of Hokage's succession to Konoha, Xiaonan went to Konoha, wanting to explore and even test out the Konoha monster Li Zhenwu who could pose a threat to their organization!

But what Xiao Nan never imagined was that not only did he not find the information on Probing Dao, but he was followed by Li Zhenwu to the door!

Moreover, Li Zhenwu's strength is beyond Xiaonan's own imagination...

Under the circumstance that Xiao Nan was surrounded by a strong death threat, Li Zhenwu answered him the truth immediately after he asked a question again.

However, Li Zhenwu, who got the answer, was a little stunned.

He also never thought that Xiaonan's purpose in going to Konoha was because of himself?

You know, before Li Zhenwu thought that Xiao Nan or the Xiao organization had some ulterior motive for Konoha, so he kept chasing Xiao Nan and wanted to find out.

But he didn't expect the answer to be like this.

Li Zhenwu was stunned in his heart, even a little dumbfounded, feeling that he had made a big fuss, but on the surface he didn't show anything.

He just jumped slightly, and the whole person and Xiao Nan distanced themselves, and then said plainly: "That means you have now got the information you want, right."

"Yes." Xiao Nan felt that she suddenly relaxed, and the sense of threat was no longer felt. She seemed to have escaped from Ascension, and at the same time, Li Zhenwu left a little shadow in her heart.

"It's terrible! Is this the strength of the Konoha monster Li Zhenwu?" Xiao Nan's heart lingered.

In addition, Xiao Nan also has sobriety and... stunned doubts.

She turned around at once, looked at Li Zhenwu who had already drawn some distance from her, and even couldn't help but ask, "You...don't kill me?"

After asking this sentence, Xiao Nan regretted it himself and wanted to slap himself.

After all, if this sentence reminded the evil star in front of him, what would he do if he was really determined to do it!

Li Zhenwu laughed, he didn't expect Xiaonan to have such a cute performance.

Moreover, Li Zhenwu would not kill him, and she would not even deal with the members of Yu Xiao's organization one by one for the time being.

After all, Li Zhenwu is still waiting for Xiao to quickly collect the tailed beasts and lead out the real BOSS in this world, and then he can take advantage of the fisherman.

However, for this reason, he couldn't come to the market for Xiaonan.

So Li Zhenwu smiled lightly: "Such a beautiful person is just a landscape, how can I destroy it at will."

Li Zhenwu, who was still full of arrogance and murderous aura just now, suddenly changed his style of painting at this moment, and he actually said such things.

This huge contrast and change made Xiao Nan unable to react for a while.

So much so that her expression was full of astonishment.

"Haha." Li Zhenwu couldn't help but smile when he looked at her.

"After all, my teacher and I are still brothers and sisters. In this case, you should be regarded as my nephew. As a qualified uncle, of course I will not hurt my nephew at will."

Xiao Nan was stunned. He didn't expect the change of style of painting to be so fast.Even a little confused, he couldn't figure out why Li Zhenwu suddenly behaved like this.

"So can you tell me why you didn't realize that I was following you along the way, and didn't realize it until you got here?"

Just when Xiao Nan was stunned, Li Zhenwu suddenly asked aloud.

That is, at the same time, without waiting for Xiao Nan to answer, Li Zhenwu's eyes turned and looked in one direction.

"It seems that someone else came over."

(The third update, please ask for automatic subscription!)

Chapter [-] Animal Dao Payne! (fourth more)

"It seems that someone is coming." Li Zhenwu asked the question, and before Xiao Nan answered, he turned his head and looked in one direction.

In this direction, there are many towering Tallinn Yuren Village buildings.

Xiao Nan was startled and followed Li Zhenwu's gaze, only to realize after a while that the orphan figure was over there.

"God is here." Xiao Nan moved slightly, then looked at Li Zhenwu, with his own abacus in his heart.

"Although the Konoha monster is powerful, it should not be the opponent of God-!"

Xiao Nan thought, the people over there were already fast, and they arrived not long before the two of them.

The visitor also wore Akatsuki's red-bottomed moire cape, but his face was indifferent, without any expression, and there were strange screws on his face, one of which went through his nose, and looked strange.

What makes people more concerned are his eyes, which are full of ripple-like lines.

"Xiao Nan, is there anything wrong?" He stood there, his tone was flat and unwavering, but he was asking Xiao Nan.

The white paper wings behind Xiao Nan shook slightly, the whole person bypassed Li Zhenwu, and then came behind this person, and then the whole person heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, Xiao Nan whispered: "Payne, this person is Li Zhenwu, the Konoha monster. I didn't find him when I went to Konoha, but he was quietly followed here."

"Is that so? I see." The man called Payne was expressionless: "It turns out that he is the Li Zhenwu who warned the Xiao organization and has a great reputation in the ninja world."

While the two of them were talking, Li Zhenwu was indeed looking at the ninja Xiao Nan called 'Payne' with great interest.

Before the conversation between the two ended, Li Zhenwu suddenly said:

"Hey, should I call you Payne? Or beast Dao Payne? Or... Vortex Nagato..."

Li Zhenwu looked at the person Xiaonan called Payne and said so.

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