However, what he said surprised Xiao Nan and made him a little unbelievable.

"How did he know so clearly?"

Now, the entire Akatsuki organization, no, the entire Ninja world.It can be said that people who know the various relationships between Nagato and Payne can definitely count them with one hand.

However, now, Li Zhenwu, who has never met before, has revealed his true identity, how can it not be surprising.

In front of Xiao Nan, the originally expressionless Payne Beast Dao was also slightly moved at this moment, and there were also doubts in the reincarnation eyes like vortex ripples.

"Li Zhenwu, the tree-leaf monster." The animal Dao Payne said Li Zhenwu's name lightly, and then looked straight at Li Zhenwu, and in the eyes of reincarnation, Li Zhenwu's voice shot back: "How can you do this? Know so much?"

In the reincarnation eyes of beast Dao Payne, under the vortex ripples, it looks extremely deep.

And Li Zhenwu's pair of black eyes stared at each other so plainly, and even smiled softly in his mouth: "There is nothing I don't know."

Having said that, Li Zhenwu looked at the beast Dao Payne: "Your reincarnation eye seems very interesting."

Li Zhenwu revealed his curiosity about Samsara Eye.

Beast Dao Payne's face was as indifferent and calm, but his voice came out of his mouth: "Since you don't say it, then it's nothing."

Saying that, the animal Dao Payen looked directly at Li Zhenwu, and his voice was indifferent: "As long as you are dead, no matter how you know everything, it doesn't matter."

After all, the beast Dao Payne is about to do it.

Behind him, although he felt that Li Zhenwu should not be the opponent of 'God', but when it was time to do something, Xiao Nan had a bad feeling, so he couldn't help but reminded: "Payne, This tree leaf monster Li Zhenwu... is very strong, very strong."

Xiao Nan reminded him like this, but the beast Dao Payne just responded coldly: "Understood, then I will try how strong he is!"

Then, the beast Dao Payne has moved!

In front of him, there was a sudden burst of white light.

After a while, a vicious dog with three ferocious heads rushed out from the inside.

A grey three-headed dog with two short wings on its back and three hideous heads.

"As expected of a beast, as soon as he came up, he summoned a beast." Li Zhenwu looked at it and smiled.

"Roar!" The three heads of Hell's Three-Headed Dog roared together, already rushing towards Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu recognized this move of the beast Dao Payne.

It is very tricky, and it is called the art of psychic-six realms of ninjutsu exclusive to the six realms.

The three-headed dog roared and charged fiercely.

Li Zhenwu didn't move at first, he had already made up his mind and wanted to have a good fight with Payne.

So, when the three-headed dog had come to him, and when the three-headed dog's head was open to bite, Li Zhenwu was flat on the ground, and he kicked out!

"Bang!" The body is six or seven meters long, and the head is also the size of a grinding disc. The three-headed dog still has saliva in its mouth. The head in the middle was directly kicked out by Li Zhenwu!

Even the huge body of the three-headed dog flew upside down into the air under this leg at a speed that was not necessarily inferior to when it came!

However, the head of the ferocious three-headed dog has been shattered in the middle, and the body also flew upside down into the air, but in the air, the three-headed dog with only two heads remained, but it was divided into two from the middle!


The vicious dog was split in two, leaving only a head and half of the body.

But then, the two vicious dogs with one half of the head left, gave birth to limbs and the other half of the body.

Even on the neck, two heads grew again!

The vicious dog roared again, his eyes were full of madness, and he rushed towards Li Zhenwu with no expression or excess emotion.

However, at this moment there are two three-headed dogs.

"The technique of psychic augmentation is really amazing." Li Zhenwu couldn't help but be surprised, but there was some divine light in his eyes: "I want to try it. Is this kind of split augmentation unlimited?"

Chapter [-] Psychic - Six Paths of Life! (first update)

When the three-headed dog summoned by the animal Dao Payne was kicked out by Li Zhenwu in the middle of the head, the three-headed dog was flying upside down, and the three-headed dog had turned into two three-headed dogs in a moment.

But Li Zhenwu was not surprised. He knew this 'spirit enhancement technique'. While feeling amazing, he also sneered at the three-headed dog full of crazy attack desires. He wanted to try this psychic enhancement technique. The limit of the technique!

The two three-headed dogs were drooling in their mouths. There was no hair on their gray skin. Zhang Ka's huge mouth looked extremely ferocious, and his eyes were full of scarlet madness. They rushed towards Li Zhenwu quickly and viciously.

Faced with two three-headed dogs, Li Zhenwu wanted to test the limits of the six-path creatures created by the Tongling government and the animal Dao Payne's special psychic.

So Li Zhenwu couldn't dodge, and when the two three-headed dogs came to him and were about to bite again, he had to throw out his feet again!



With two legs in a row, Li Zhenwu's speed was extremely fast, and with two bangs, the head in the middle of the two three-headed dogs was kicked out again.

"Is it possible to achieve this with just taijutsu? As expected of the ninja known as the Konoha monster, this taijutsu is comparable to all kinds of monsters."

Beast Dao Payne looked at Li Zhenwu's movements, his face was calm: "But maybe one or two of the six creatures under the increase of psychics are not enough to pose a threat, but after they continue to split and increase, they can't Certainly."

Xiao Nan watched beside the beast Dao Payne, and couldn't help thinking in his heart: "The Konoha monster, will it lose if it is consumed by spiritism like this?"

They have their own thoughts.

And the three-headed dog, who was kicked and revealed again, split again.

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