"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

At this moment, the entire ground collapsed, Tiandao Payne was suspended in the air, and there was a layer of faint black spheres on his body surface!

And on this sphere, there is an infinite repulsion force in the releaser of Wang Ai!

On the ground, a semi-circular pothole was crushed by the repulsion force.

And Li Zhenwu's fist was also blocked by this move!

If Vientiane Tianyin is a powerful attraction like a black hole, then the current Shenluo Tianzheng is the exact opposite but equally powerful repulsion!

Just like two sides of an iron magnet, one attracts and the other repels!

From the black ball, this constant repulsion appeared.The rest of Jie Payen were also rejected at this moment.

Even Xiao Nan was suddenly pushed aside.

The repulsion was very strong, resisting Li Zhenwu, causing his speed to drop suddenly.

When his fist broke through and came to Tiandao Payne, he could no longer enter the black ball of Shen Luo Tianzheng's journey, and his body was severely stopped in the air by the repulsive force.

Feeling the powerful repulsion of Shen Luo Tianzheng, Li Zhenwu couldn't help but sigh, and then withdrew his hand.

But he didn't give up.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng, a very powerful move! Now the second punch is enough, I hope you can follow the third punch!"

Li Zhenwu's eyes moved, and the whole person suddenly flew into the sky at a very fast speed.

All of the Paynes looked up and found that Li Zhenwu was flying up to the sky. In the blink of an eye, even the Samsara eye could only see a small black spot.

At this distance, according to visual inspection, Li Zhenwu almost flew to an altitude of several kilometers.

"It turned out...to fly so high!"

All six Payne looked up and saw Li Zhenwu in the sky, not knowing what he was going to do.

But the next moment, he guessed what Li Zhenwu was going to do!

Because Li Zhenwu felt that he had flown to a sufficient position, and then he had turned his direction, his head was down, and then he locked the Tiandao Payne below.

Then... Li Zhenwu's body accelerated like a rocket.

However, the rocket was flying upwards, while Li Zhenwu was flying straight down at the moment.

"Is this... Relying on powerful inertia and acceleration to break the Shen Luo Tianzheng?"

All the consciousnesses of Liu Dao Payne are actually one person, that is, Vortex Nagato.

At this moment, the face of the whirlpool long facade hidden somewhere in Yuren Village changed. Through the vision of Samsara, he had already noticed what Li Zhenwu was going to do, so he was a little worried!

"This time, the Konoha monster will break the Shen Luo Tianzheng?" He thought, and then realized that it was very possible!

And once Li Zhenwu really broke the Shen Luo Tianzheng, then the fate of Tiandao Payne as a carrier is self-evident!

"No, I can't let Tiandao Payne fall into the same fate as Shura Dao Payne!"

Nagato's expression changed, and he made a decision.

The direct manifestation of this decision is that Tiandao Payne dissipated the Shen Luo Tianzheng from his body.

"Why did you tear off Shen Luo Tianzheng? Isn't this courting death?" Xiao Nan's expression changed.

However, Tiandao Payne continued with another action of his own...

Chapter [-] There are such strong people in the world!

Under Xiaonan's puzzled eyes, Tiandao Payne was fast at this moment, thinking about leaving in the distance.

"Payne!" Xiaonan called out, not knowing what Tiandao Payne was going to do, her white paper wings shook behind her, and she wanted to follow Tiandao Payne.

For Tiandao Payne, she is different from other Paynes. Although the essence of the Paynes is Nagato, the body of Tiandao Payne is their long-time partner 'Yahiko'!

Therefore, for Xiaonan, Tiandao Payne is also special.

"Don't go there." The beast Dao Payen appeared, stopped Xiao Nan, and said in a low voice: "I will use this trick later, the destruction will be no difference, so stay away from the village!"

When Xiao Nan heard this sentence, he stopped his steps immediately, but after thinking about the meaning of the words, he was surprised: "Do you want to use that technique?"

The animal Dao Payne's eyes were still fixed on Li Zhenwu, and he replied without turning his head: "Yes, that's the trick!"

At this moment, Tiandao Payne's speed is extremely fast, even several times faster than the speed of sound.

Just between two breaths, Tiandao Payne has reached a very far place!

What about the rest of the quota? At this time, he looked up and stared at the action of Li Zhenwu, who was sprinting down in the sky.

If Li Zhenwu's goal is Tiandao Payne, then Tiandao Payne jumps out at this moment, just in time to use the forbidden technique.

And if Li Zhenwu didn't change his direction and set his target on the other Payne... then it would be the best for Nagato!

After all, Tiandao Payne was made from the body of his dead friend Yahiko, and he never wanted Tiandao Payne's body to be destroyed and become the next Shura Dao Payne!

However, things did not go as Nagato hoped!

Li Zhenwu, who was in the sky, found that Tiandao Payne, who had locked his breath, quickly moved away from Yuren Village. Without any hesitation, he immediately moved slightly, and the whole person had adjusted the direction and continued to fall rapidly!

And his goal is still Heaven's Way Payne!

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