"I don't believe it! The inertia of the earth's gravity at a height of several thousand meters, coupled with the urging of my own sky dance technique, will not break the repulsion of Shen Luo Tianzheng!" Li Zhenwu was so ruthless that he was just eliminated by the repulsive force of Shen Luo Tianzheng. The punch made him haunt him.

Said it was a long time, but it actually went by quickly.

Li Zhenwu fell from the sky, and at an altitude of several kilometers, the direction changed in the middle of the road, and it only took a few seconds to lock the Heavenly Dao Payne.

He is getting closer and closer to the ground!

Four thousand, three thousand, two thousand, one thousand.

From a high altitude in the distance, Li Zhenwu fell like a bolt of lightning.

But at the moment when he fell to one thousand meters, Tiandao Payne also moved!

He looked at the fist that was already stretched out and was about to fall. In fact, the raging Li Zhenwu stretched his arms again.

And this time, he is not using the Shen Luo Tianzheng, but... an enhanced version of the Shen Luo Tianzheng!

overtake!Shen Luo Tianzheng!

Compared with the Shen Luo Tianzheng, the 'Super Shen Luo Tianzheng' has been enhanced by dozens or even hundreds of times!

And just like the Earth Blast Star, the Super God Luo Tianzheng is also a forbidden technique for the eye of reincarnation!

The so-called forbidden technique means that although this move is powerful, it also imposes a considerable burden on the caster!

In addition to consuming a lot of Chakra in the body, more importantly, it will consume the user's lifespan!At the cost of overdrafting vitality, it is possible to successfully perform this trick!

And just now, Tiandao Payne had already used a forbidden technique... but Li Zhenwu had no choice.

Now, in order to hold the fist, Tiandao Payne, he is going to use the Super God Luo Tianzheng!

Li Zhenwu's speed fell from the sky, and he also pulled out a golden light, like a golden lightning strike!

But at this moment, Tiandao Payne drank a sentence.

"Super-Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

As Tiandao Payne's voice fell, an invisible repulsive force erupted from his body!

Under his feet, the ground flew over, directly exposing, exposing, and exposing the deep earthy yellow and colored pits underneath, and this phenomenon was still expanding and spreading...

Everything, including the soil on the surface, is being repelled.

In just an instant, the realm of existence reaches nearly one kilometer of the ground and is repelled. The momentum, trees, and everything in it are all repelled!

Rao is so, but it is only the aftermath!

Because this move of Tiandao Payne is supershen Luo Tianzheng, the main target is Li Zhenwu, who has already stretched out his fists, falling from the sky like lightning!

Li Zhenwu's speed was as fast as lightning, his head was facing down, his fists were already stretched out, ready to punch down, even if Tiandao Payne used Shen Luo Tianzheng, it would not change his determination.

However, at the moment when his fist, which had accumulated all kinds of power, had not yet landed on Tiandao Payne, he felt an incomparably powerful repulsion!

Moreover, he also heard the low drink from Tiandao Payne's mouth!

Reincarnation Eye Forbidden Technique - Super Shen Luo Tianzheng!

Li Zhenwu's face was inconvenient, but he was ruthless in his heart, and on top of his fist, he added some strength again! ,

However, this repulsive force is almost 5.3 times stronger than the previous Shen Luo Tianzheng!

Li Zhenwu's body, at this moment, could not continue to fall after entering.

Even, there is the urge to be violently bounced!

"This move of Tiandao Payne is to create a repulsive force field at the center of Tiandao Payne, which produces a similar repulsion ability. The greater the inertia of the object, the stronger the repulsion force of Shen Luo Tianzheng! Although the Konoha monster has accumulated a lot of power now , but the repulsive force that should be received is no trivial matter!"

Beside Xiao Nan, the animal Dao Payne opened his mouth, and a pair of reincarnation eyes stared at Li Zhenwu's figure that seemed to stop in the air.

"Then why, the Konoha monster just stopped in the air?" Xiao Nan wondered.

"Because he... is too strong!"

(There is one more update around two o'clock...)

Chapter [-] Li Zhenwu's orders

Li Zhenwu turned his head down, golden chakras rising all over his body, and he was still activating his body, gaining more power at one time.

Moreover, his qi is also in use, and his own strength is added one point after another.

However, it doesn't seem to work.

The repulsion from Tiandao Payne was as irresistible as the explosion of an atomic bomb. Most of the repulsion of Super God Luo Tianzheng was aimed at Li Zhenwu, making him unable to move forward.

Even, that repulsive force is still increasing, so that Li Zhenwu almost couldn't control his body for a while, and was almost thrown away by this repulsive force!

Li Zhenwu clenched his teeth, and at the same time he was amazed at the power of the 'Super-Shen Luo Tianzheng', the forbidden art of reincarnation, he also raised his mind of not admitting defeat.

"I didn't hit you with a single punch just now, and this time I deliberately accelerated the bandits at a high altitude. Could it be that I can't hit you 21!" Li Zhenwu had such an idea in his heart.

Then, he gritted his teeth and snorted in a low voice: "The Turtle School Qigong Wave!"

Payne was surprised, because Li Zhenwu just destroyed the hundreds of three-headed dogs in the region summoned by the animal Dao Payne, and blasted the ground out of the deep pit, which is also the name.

Payne was careful, but found that Li Zhenwu's hand did not gather light balls like the Turtle School Qigong wave just now.

Instead, through other Payne's reincarnation eyes, he saw Li Zhenwu's feet, with light spots gathering!

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