"This trick can even be released through the foot!" The animal Dao Payne murmured, looking at Li Zhenwu's appearance at the moment, and a little puzzled.

At the moment, Tiandao Payne's clone is busy maintaining the effect of Super God Luo Tianzheng, so he has no time to speak, so Nagato expresses his surprise through the animal Dao Payne.

"However, what is the effect of releasing this move with your feet?"

The next moment, he knew what Li Zhenwu made this move with his feet!

When Li Zhenwu drank the name of this move in a low voice, between his feet together, a turtle-style qigong wave had already condensed!

Then, his feet suddenly joined together, releasing the turtle qigong wave!

The Turtle School Qigong wave passed through the very dirty feet and released it towards the sky, and a trail of smoke like a meteor was drawn from under the feet.

When Li Zhenwu released the Turtle School Qigong waves with his feet, he also brought him some feedback propulsion from his feet!

After a while, Li Zhenwu's figure, who had been stagnant and was about to be ejected by the repulsion force, suddenly moved forward again!

"Third punch!"

Li Zhenwu shouted and waved his fist again.

If there is no repulsive force, then Li Zhenwu's fist can be swung casually and can burst the air, that is, the sound barrier performance formed after exceeding the speed of sound.

But now, because of Tiandao Payne's 'Super-Shen Luo Tianzheng', Li Zhenwu felt a repulsion all over his body.

Now he feels as if there is an ultra-high-density wall of air in front of him, which makes it difficult for him to move forward.

And now, with the propulsive force of the 'Turtle Qigong Wave' emanating from his feet, coupled with the physical activity brought about by the golden thunderbolt that erupted from his soul, Li Zhenwu finally took it a step further!

His fist, like a meteor, smashed the air in front of him fiercely, breaking through the tyrannical repulsion that could bounce everything away.


His punch hit Tiandao Payne in the face!


Tiandao Payne, who was originally suspended in the air because of the 'Super-Shen Luo Tianzheng', was smashed to the ground by this punch, and his face was twisted under Li Zhenwu's punch.

At the same time, the powerful repulsion that originally existed on Tiandao Payne from Super Shen Luo Tianzheng also dissipated without a trace!

Li Zhenwu's punch also broke Tiandao Payne's 'Super-Shen Luo Tianzheng'.

However, unlike the previous punch that blew up Shura Dao Payne, this punch, Tian Dao Payne suffered much less damage.

Rao is so, Tiandao Payne's entire body has also been embedded in the soil, and his face has been distorted under Li Zhenwu's punch.

Li Zhenwu slowly took out a set of clothes from his own space and put it on.

He just rushed down from the sky at a high speed, and the strong repulsion of 'Super God Luo Tianzheng' caused his clothes to break again.

"Since you've finished all three punches, I'll let you go this time."

Li Zhenwu's body moved, and the whole person has become straight, instead of the head-down attacking state just now, the mouth said lightly.

This is not because he has a good temper. After Liudao Payne provoked him like this, he generously let it go.

But because alive, or intact Payne, still has a big role to play.

For example, in order to extract the tailed beast from the human body, the role of the eye of reincarnation is required.

After a while, swish a few times.

The rest of Payne and Xiao Nan have already come here.

Hell Dao Payne jumped down for the first time, entered the deep pit that Tian Dao Payne entered, and checked him.

Tiandao Payne up to now, in a coma state, Li Zhenwu's punch has caused enough damage to Tiandao Payne.

However, compared to Shura Dao Payne's shattered end, it was much better.

Li Zhenwu hung there gently, watching them move.

After a while, under the treatment of Hell Dao Payne, Tian Dao Payne recovered and jumped up from the ground.

Then, Tiandao Payne faced Li Zhenwu and said solemnly: "Now, tell me your purpose!"

I don't know if Payne, no, or Nagato has shown softness in the face of Li Zhenwu, and does not dare to put himself in the position of a 'god' in front of Li Zhenwu.

After all, are there gods beaten like dogs?

"In the beginning, I just followed Xiao Nan and wanted to ask her what purpose Konoha had. It was an accident when I met you, but since I met you, I need to ask you a few things!"

Chapter [-] Nine Little Strong Sentient Beings

At some point in Yuren Village, it continued to rain again.

The light rain fell slowly, but not on Li Zhenwu.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu, in the sky with the fat boy dance, left Yuren Village at a speed that was neither fast nor slow.

He had nothing to do in Yuren Village, and he had no interest in killing Payne, so after explaining some things to Payne, he left Yuren Village.

Li Zhenwu's departure made both Xiao Nan and Nagato, who had been controlling several Payne, breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Li Zhenwu put too much pressure on them.

After Li Zhenwu left, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

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