In addition, for Nagato, Li Zhenwu has no good feelings, and there is no bondage.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu said in a cold voice: "If you don't want to carry out the Eye of the Moon plan, it's okay, just donate your Eye of Reincarnation!"

The so-called Eye of the Moon plan must be executed by those who possess the Eye of Reincarnation.

The current situation is that Uchiha Madara is a reincarnated body of dirty soil, Uchiha Obito is a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and only Nagato has the reincarnation eye transplanted by Uchiha Madara.

As soon as Li Zhenwu finished speaking, the whirlpool Nagato was already on guard.

And behind Nagato, the white paper wings behind Xiao Nan suddenly turned into pieces of paper and spun.

After Li Zhenwu finished speaking, he saw that Nagato was still on guard, and he did not really continue to prepare for the Moon Eye plan. He immediately stopped talking nonsense, and turned his head to look at Uchiha Obito, and asked indifferently. road.

"Is it possible to use the eye of reincarnation as long as it is buckled and handed to you?"

Li Zhenwu's words changed Nagato's face, and Xiao Nan's face became cold.


Uchiha Obito nodded slowly.

"Okay, then I'll know, you are ready to receive the Samsara Eye!"

After Li Zhenwu finished speaking, the next moment had already appeared in the depths of the whirlpool Nagato.

The Vortex Nagato, however, was too late to even react.

Because Li Zhenwu's speed is too fast!


Uzumaki Nagato didn't have time to react at all, he already felt a pain in his eyes, and then unstoppable blood flowed out of his empty eye sockets.

, "Nagato!" Xiao Nan exclaimed from behind, and then looked up and found that Li Zhenwu was already standing beside Uchiha Obito, and handed the Samsara Eye with Nagato's blood to Uchiha Obito .

And the whirlpool Nagato is my own eye socket, roaring in pain, and the whole person has fallen to the ground.

It seems that with the loss of the eye of reincarnation, he also lost all of his strength.

And behind him, the six clones suddenly lost their vitality, and fell to the ground one by one as corpses.

"It's so cruel..." If he had just stood aside and witnessed the current situation at the moment, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He never imagined that Li Zhenwu, who was a hero in Konoha back then, would have such a situation now. big contrast.

A flash of excitement flashed in Uchiha Obito's eyes, and he had already reached out to take this reincarnation eye.

After a while, Uchiha Obito calmed down a bit, then suddenly raised his head and said, "I need some time!"

"No problem, I will fight for you." Li Zhenwu nodded in agreement.

As Uzumaki Nagato lost his eyes, it wasn't just his six avatars who lost their ability to move.

Even the ten tails, who were summoned by him, became evil!

At first, the ten tails were restrained by Uzumaki Nagato, but now they have asked for control.

Li Zhenwu turned his eyes and looked at Madara Uchiha: "Ten Tai, I'll leave it to you to control."

Before Uchiha Madara died, he once put his Samsara Eye on Uzumaki Nagato.

But now he is the body of the reincarnation of the dirt, but he maintains the strength of his life, so he also has the ability to reincarnate.

In this state, it is not a problem to control the ten tails.

Chapter [-] Six Paths Obito!

Under the control of Madara Uchiha, the ten tails slowly changed, awakening the form of the complete body.

But to say it is perfect is not entirely correct.

Because the ten tails at this time, there is no chakra of the nine tails!There are still some flaws.

This is the case, the awakening level of the ten tails is already high enough!

And Uchiha Obito is quickly absorbing and digesting the reincarnation eye he just got!

As for the original owner of the eye of reincarnation, Vortex Nagato, he was already taken by Xiao Nan and away from the battlefield.

Before he left, Li Zhenwu gave Xiaonan a fairy bean!Use it to help restore Nagato's light!

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

However, the ninja army had also made up their minds to stop the Moon Eye plan at their own risk, so they crossed the huge abyss-like ditch and ravine that was bombarded by a turtle qigong wave from Li Zhenwu.

And Uchiha Itachi and Qianshou Hasuma have also recovered.

They and the ninja army came here together to stop Uchiha Madara.

"Oh, what's the trouble?" Li Zhenwu sighed slightly.

His real purpose is not to do any harm to the human world, but to remove hidden dangers for this world in one fell swoop.

But before everything was successful, he couldn't directly say his purpose, so it became the current situation, and he seemed to be opposed to the entire ninja world for a while.

"There's only a battle, and the Moon Eye plan can't be any different." Li Zhenwu sighed, his figure had already moved, and he went to stop the ninja army!


Uchiha Obito's body has changed, the skin of the whole person has become white, there are double horns on the head, the collarbone part, there are six more hook jades, and behind him, there are several dark seeking jades Suspended behind.

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