"You turned out to be the ten-tailed man Zhuli!"

After such a change in the Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Madara's face was ashen, unbelievable!

Originally, he thought that Uchiha Obito would follow the plan they made back then, after obtaining the eye of reincarnation, he would use the 'Samsara Ascension Technique' to completely resurrect him.

However, what didn't make him think is that after Uchiha Obito completely received the ability of the Samsara Eye, it was Yuyin who became Zhuri of the Ten Tails!He sealed the ten tails directly into his own room and became the Six Paths Obito!

At this time, Uchiha Obito, the mountain exudes infinite momentum, extremely powerful, and even a slight movement will cause a reaction between heaven and earth.

"Is this the ability of Six Paths? It's really powerful!"

The Uchiha Obito, which has become a six-path form, is suspended in the air, and there are even gaseous chakras visible to the naked eye condensing outside the body.

And in his hand, there is also a cane, which looks exactly like the Six Path Immortal!

"Did it succeed? Uchiha Obito has become the form of the Six Paths."

Li Zhenwu had already stopped the army of ninjas by himself, and he immediately turned around and flew back after sensing the movement behind him.

Li Zhenwu came to Uchiha Obito's side, looked at Uchiha Obito who was already in the form of Six Paths, and said after a while: "Since you have succeeded, then use Infinite Moon Reading and carry out the Moon Eye Project! "

Madara Uchiha's face was not good-looking. He didn't expect Uchiha Obito to violate his own assumptions, and he became a Ju-tailed person Zhuri and Liudao Obito.

In the face of Li Zhenwu's words, Uchiha Obito raised his head slightly, but revealed and chuckled: "With such a powerful force, I have already stood at the peak. Before I use the Moon Eye plan, I will Use you to test my strength first!"

"Did you swell just after gaining the power of the Six Paths?" Li Zhenwu muttered to himself, and the next moment, in the eyes of Uchiha Obito, his whole person disappeared. !

Uchiha Obito's pupils shrank!Having obtained the power of the Six Paths and transformed into the form of the Six Paths, he did not even catch the figure of Li Zhenwu!

"It seems that I need to teach you a lesson to prevent you from being too arrogant!"

Suddenly, Li Zhenwu's cold voice sounded in the ear of Uchiha Obito, but Obito's expression changed!

He didn't notice Li Zhenwu's approach at all!I originally thought that I, who possessed the power of the Six Paths, would be able to compete with the monster Li Zhenwu.

But he never thought that he already had such strength, but what he felt was Li Zhenwu's exaggerated strength!


At this moment, the space around Uchiha Obito was distorted. The Taoist jade outside his body and the chakra coat on his body did not play any role in this!The whole person has been hit!

"Pfft!" Uchiha Obito was directly knocked into the air, and he spit out a mouthful of blood!

Moreover, when his body flew into the air and hadn't landed, Li Zhenwu's figure flashed and appeared above his body again, and then he fell with one leg!


On the ground, a huge deep pit was smashed, with a depth of tens of meters, and the surrounding ground was cracked like a spider web.

"Are you awake now?" Li Zhenwu asked lightly as he hovered above the pothole.

Although he vomited blood after beating Uchiha Obito just now, but with the ability of Six Paths and the magic of Yang Dun, this injury can be easily recovered, so Li Zhenwu is not worried that he will break him!

"Cough cough!"

Uchiha Obito coughed twice and flew out of the pit, but his arrogant appearance was gone.

Instead, he flew out of the pit with his head down, but it was very unbelievable.

He never imagined that after possessing the power of the Six Paths and becoming the second person in the world, he would still be so vulnerable against Li Zhenwu!

"Now, let's start the Eye of the Moon plan, and use the infinite monthly reading!!"

Li Zhenwu's voice was flat, but what brought Uchiha Obito was a powerful pressure!

Chapter [-] The Jedi Reversal!

Uchiha Obito, or Liudao Obito at the moment, was seriously injured by Li Zhenwu in two simple strokes, and he didn't dare to be as arrogant as before.

Instead, he said softly: "I need to wait for me to recover in a while, and now I have been seriously injured."

Li Zhenwu nodded and said with a stern face, "You won't have much time."

On the other side, the pharmacist looked at Madara Uchiha, whose face was ashen, and couldn't help but smile.

Having been here for so long, he has almost figured out the outline of the plan.

So at this time, he smiled and said to Uchiha Madara: "Now it seems that you are of no use here, like an old man who is out of breath. I'd better contact the reincarnation of the dirty earth and let your soul ascend to heaven."

Saying that, the pharmacist's pocket has already formed a seal, and he feels that the current situation does not seem to need him.

However, after the reincarnation of his dirty earth was lifted, he found that Madara Uchiha's figure still existed.

"How is this possible?" Yao Shidou looked at Madara Uchiha who still existed after the reincarnation of the dirty earth was lifted.

Madara Uchiha glanced at the pharmacist and said, "If the reincarnated person knows the seal of the reincarnation of the filthy earth, he can release the psychic contract of the reincarnation of the filthy earth during the free time of releasing the reincarnation of the filthy earth, and 540 will no longer be subject to the caster. control. Don't you know?"

The pharmacist was surprised, he really didn't know this!

"Black absolute." Uchiha Madara suddenly whispered.

From the original ground, a figure emerged, but it was a differentiated Hei Jue. At this moment, he only had half of his body, and the other half was like a pure black body.

Hei Jue and Uchiha Madara almost had the same mind, and understood what Uchiha Madara meant. He nodded quietly, and beside Uchiha Madara, he whispered in a voice that the two of them could only hear: "Obito is now actually gone. Seriously injured, you can take the opportunity to attack, the only thing to be careful about is the tree leaf monster Li Zhenwu..."

Madara Uchiha took a deep breath. Now, he can see that Li Zhenwu's strength is exaggerated to the point of abnormality, and he is a character who can control his fate.

"He shouldn't care, although he doesn't know his real purpose, but for the time being, his goal should also be to hope that the Moon Eye Project can go smoothly!"

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