Li Zhenwu followed Saitama all the way, chatting with Saitama constantly on the way, and finally followed Saitama home smoothly.

"It turns out that Saitama lives here." Li Zhenwu raised his head and saw that Saitama had returned to his home.

He did not go home with Saitama, and the reason why he followed Saitama was to confirm where Saitama lived.

Now Li Zhenwu knows for certain that he is in the world of 'One Punch Man'.

That is, the world in which Saitama is the protagonist.

In this world, there are various monsters, and the earth is also facing various crises. It is a somewhat deformed world.

Ordinary people here are almost precarious, often encountering various monsters and villains.

Of course, because there are too many monsters and villains in this world, there is another profession.

This category specializes in dealing with monsters and villains, protecting ordinary people and guarding the city, and has a unified name.


In this category, people who have the ability and support to deal with monsters, monsters and various villains, and protect the city and the people of the senior sisters - are collectively referred to as heroes.

Even in this big environment, there is the birth of the Hero Association!

In fact, after the heroes are registered in the Hero Association, they will get all kinds of information, and even have their own hero titles and strength ratings!

"What an interesting world!"

Thinking back on everything about this world, Li Zhenwu couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

This new world completely gave him a sense of freshness, and made his vigorous fighting spirit in his body slowly heat up.

"However, the top priority is to solve the identity first, and find a way to survive, and then slowly wait for the strength to recover."

After being excited, Li Zhenwu faced the reality.

Thinking, he looked back at the place where Saitama lived, with a mysterious smile on his face, and then came up with an idea.

There are many cities in this world, and the world is also distributed according to cities.

Most of the names of cities are simple and straightforward, just starting with a letter.

For example, City Z.

In a residential rental apartment.

Saitama woke up early in the morning, went to his bathroom, looked in the mirror, then raised his hand and clenched his fist, making a gesture of refueling.

He was full of passion, passion and energy at the moment.

Having passed the scene of facing the Crab Monster yesterday, today's Saitama has completely given up his plan to find a job, but has to regain his childhood dream and follow the will in his heart - to become a hero!

With such a decision and determination, Saitama woke up early in the morning, and after taking a shower, he became the first step to become a hero!

"Exercise! Start!" Saitama stepped out of his room, set himself a goal, and took a deep breath.

"First, start running!"

Saying that, Saitama started running.

"Then, do a hundred push-ups!"

Saitama started doing push-ups, or push-ups.


"Squat on the spot!"

Saitama started his own training in order to fulfill his wish to become a hero.

His workouts are simple and monotonous.

But Saitama insisted firmly, believing that if he did, he would become stronger.

Since the day of Crab Odds, Saitama has been exercising without interruption every day.

Moreover, even if it was windy and rainy, he completed his exercise without any hindrance, and even asked himself a specified time.

After half a month like this, Saitama went out for a ten-kilometer run as usual.

But when he just started running, he was surprised to find that there was another figure beside him, running with him.

"Hey, good morning."

Saitama was a little surprised when he looked at the person who was running parallel to him, but the other party raised his hand and greeted him with a warm smile.

"Hello... Li Zhenwu?"

Saitama remembered this person he had met the day he met Crab Monster, and they introduced themselves to each other.

Li Zhenwu said with a smile: "I just moved to this neighborhood recently. I was exercising according to my daily habits. I didn't expect to meet you."

"I see." Saitama nodded, which explained why Li Zhenwu appeared here at this time.

"Do you come out to exercise every day? Saitama." Li Zhenwu said naturally, and his words quietly brought him closer to Saitama.

"That's right." Saitama nodded firmly, from the moment he made up his mind to be a hero, he also decided not to give up the daily exercise.

"That's a coincidence, we can exercise together every day from now on." Li Zhenwu clapped his palms with a 'what a coincidence' look.

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