"Uh, okay."

Saitama was not worth Li Zhenwu either, so he agreed and they will exercise together in the future.

They continued to run, and Li Zhenwu quietly wore a 'hidden and mysterious' smile on his face.

Ten kilometers, 10Km, or [-] meters.

This is the amount of running Saitama runs every month, but it is this amount of running that makes Saitama stronger and stronger.

Li Zhenwu ran with Saitama and personally felt the gradual change of Saitama's physical strength.

However, at the same time, when Saitama's body became stronger, some other changes also occurred...

This is the first month after they have been exercising together, and Li Zhenwu is running behind Saitama, while watching Saitama who is slowly getting stronger and seems to have no limits.

Then, Li Zhenwu saw that from Saitama's original thick black hair, a hair fell out...

"Has this started to fall out?"

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Chapter [-] Three years and tasks! (The first one!)

Although Li Zhenwu said that there was a conflict between the Saiyan blood in his body and the fruit of the god tree he swallowed, which made most of his ninjutsu and even the qi in his body not easy to use, but without these, he can still be very good. live.

In the beginning, Li Zhenwu just used some methods and then got some money, so he lived next to Saitama.

But after that, Li Zhenwu also had his own way of making money.

Saitama's training intensity is not strong at all for Li Zhenwu.

But Saitama's strength is not entirely because of this, so I won't talk about it here.

Li Zhenwu returned to his home after exercising with Saitama every day, and he found a way to make money.

This way of making money has also allowed Li Zhenwu to gain some fame in this world.

Or rather, his pseudonym gained some fame.

He drew a manga in the name of Saiyans.

The manga is called "Naruto"!

It was with this comic that Li Zhenwu collected the money he looked at, so that he could have no worries about food and clothing, and he could even spend a lot of money.

In addition to money, "Naruto" has a certain influence in this world, and his pseudonym "Saiyan" has also become a well-known cartoonist.

As time passed, in addition to exercising with Saitama every day, "Naruto" is also slowly becoming popular in this world.

From the beginning, it was only circulated in a small area in Z City, and then it slowly spread and spread to the surrounding area.

After more than two years, "Naruto" has already sold tens of millions of comics in this world.

It has even become the most popular comic at the moment, bringing some spiritual comfort to many people who have suffered from weird monsters and various disasters in this world.

Apart from these, Li Zhenwu lived a 'plain' life safely and steadily.

Of course, this is mainly because he needs time to let the energy and blood of the fruit of the divine tree in his body fuse.

On the other hand, I was also watching Saitama's strength to gain inspiration!

In the past three years, Saitama has been steadfastly exercising his body for three hundred and sixty-five days each year, without any day off.

And he, as he once thought, became a hero who can solve the enemy with one punch!

He... is getting stronger and stronger!

Moreover, in the past three years, Saitama has defeated almost countless monsters!

This world is very interesting.

For various reasons, there will be a strong or weak 'weird'.

For example, it may be a love of ants, which may lead to an ant geek.

It may be hatred for someone, and it will turn into a weirdo.

Coupled with all kinds of accidents, all kinds of strange people will come out.

Therefore, in this world, in addition to humans, weirdos are also very common!and universal!

How common and common is it?

Almost five hundred meters, or within one kilometer, there will be a strange person.

These weirdos are good or bad!Almost all the bad ones were killed and wiped out by the 'heroes' in the city.

However, weirdos are still being produced.

On the other hand, Saitama runs [-] kilometers a day, and among them, it is inevitable to encounter some weird people.

If the luck is not ordinary, there are even a dozen of them along the way!

That's it, when Saitama is exercising every day, he will also accumulate experience by fighting monsters, and in the process, he will become stronger and stronger.

Although Saitama has been exercising every day for three years, Li Zhenwu and the wall are not inferior.

In the past three years, Li Zhenwu has also been running with Saitama every day.

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