"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Saitama is fighting mosquitoes.

"Mosquitoes are really increasing." Li Zhenwu said with emotion.

Saitama stuck his head out and looked at the balcony next door, and found that he was being infested by mosquitoes, but Li Zhenwu next door was still painting on the balcony without being attacked by mosquitoes, so he couldn't help but wonder, "Why are the mosquitoes only looking for me and not you? ."

"It's not that there are no mosquitoes to infest me." Li Zhenwu smiled.

At this moment, a mosquito landed on Li Zhenwu.

But when the mosquito just touched and touched Li Zhenwu's body, it turned black in an instant.

Li Zhenwu shrugged at Saitama who saw all this: "They were all electrocuted."

"It's such a convenient ability."

The diffuse notification horn, which is located in all directions in the city and can completely cover the entire city, sounded again, constantly circulating warnings.

"Emergency evacuation alert! Emergency evacuation alert! The disaster level is "ghost"! Citizens, please do not go out!"

"I repeat, the citizens of City Z must not go out!"

The alarm rang back and forth many times, reminding all citizens not to go out.

Saitama also struggled hard with a mosquito for a long time, and finally almost collapsed.

Even Saitama took out the insecticide and sprayed it violently after chasing the mosquito.

In this way, Saitama ran out of his room and kept chasing the mosquitoes away.

"Saitama is out."

Li Zhenwu watched this scene, motionless.

He knew why the mosquito suddenly gave up on Saitama and flew to the side.

At that time, because of this mosquito, I was called by the 'Mosquito Girl'!

Li Zhenwu watched Saitama follow the mosquito and ran out of sight, thinking that Saitama should be able to solve the disaster this time.

In fact it is.

About ten minutes later, Saitama came back. 907

Li Zhenwu, who heard the movement, went out to take a look, and found that Saitama was naked, butt, buttocks, and was completely naked.

Saitama saw Li Zhenwu's gaze and explained calmly: "The clothes were burned by the fire."

Li Zhenwu smiled and knew what Saitama had encountered.

The next day, early in the morning.

Li Zhenwu heard someone shouting loudly outside the house: "Teacher! Teacher!"

Li Zhenwu was curious, so he walked to the door, opened his door, and looked at the man outside the house curiously.

The young man's appearance is handsome, and the key is that his body is completely different from ordinary people. The two arms and even the exposed and exposed under the skin are all mechanical.

"Hey, are you looking for Saitama?"

Li Zhenwu greeted him.

"Do you know the teacher?" Genos was stunned for a moment, and then quickly introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Genos, and I'm just a disciple of Mr. Saitama as his master!"


Saitama's door also opened at this time. Saitama showed a face and looked at Genos in confusion: "You really came..."

Chapter [-] The House of Evolution! (third more)

Saitama opened the door anyway and let Genos in.

And Li Zhenwu, who was curious, was also invited into the house.

In the room, next to the only coffee table, Li Zhenwu and Genos were arranged to sit down, while Saitama went to brew two cups of tea.

"Your injury is healed? How fast."

Saitama looked at Genos and asked curiously.

Genos nodded: "I'm a remodeler, so as long as there are spare parts, it'll be fine as long as you replace them."

"Transforming people." Li Zhenwu curiously reached out and touched Genos' arm.

Seeing this, Saitama also introduced Genos: "This is my neighbor, Li Zhenwu, an amateur cartoonist."

"Hello!" Genos greeted.

"Hello." Li Zhenwu nodded, feeling that Genos' life form was very good, and he wondered if he would learn this transformation technology, so that he could play it in other worlds in the future.

When Saitama sat down, Genos also asked curiously, "Teacher, what parts did you use? How could you be so powerful."

"What parts, I'm human." Saitama corrected.

"Hey, teacher, isn't the flesh-colored flesh crown on your head a powerful part?" Genos really thought that Saitama's power was due to the use of more advanced human-transforming technology.

"I'm bald! I just don't have any hair." Saitama's forehead twitched slightly.

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