"So it turns out, it turns out to be bald." Genos didn't have the slightest heart palpitations, but the words that he said casually hurt Saitama.

Being bald is the eternal pain in Saitama's heart.

"Before Saitama, he also had beautiful hair, but as he became stronger, those hairs slowly fell out."

Li Zhenwu was on the side and interrupted at the right time.

"Can I become stronger as long as I'm bald?" Genos muttered to himself, then suddenly became more enthusiastic, and said to Saitama very seriously: "Teacher Saitama, please make this kind of bald person stronger. Leave the method to me!"

Saitama's forehead seemed to have some black lines.

Seeing this, Li Zhenwu hurriedly came out to smooth the game. He asked Genos: "By the way, you are already strong enough, why do you continue to become stronger?"

Genos' eyes sank when he heard the words, and he fell into memory: "Let me tell my story. When I was 15 years old, I was still an ordinary human being with a harmonious family, mom and dad..."

Genos spoke in this way, from his family's ruin to the mental journey of his decision to become a reformer.

In the end, he talked about Professor Cusno, who transformed him, and the House of Evolution, etc.

Saitama, who said this directly, couldn't bear it: "Summary in twenty words!"

After being yelled at by Saitama, Genos simply said, "Please teach me to become stronger, Saitama-sensei!"

After listening to Genos' request, Saitama's eyes narrowed:

"Since that's the case, I'll tell you the secret to getting stronger! I'm twenty-five years old, but it's the summer of 22 when I really start exercising and wanting to be a hero."

Saitama slowly revealed his secret to becoming stronger.

But at this time, Genos suddenly became serious, and then jumped to the door: "An enemy is coming!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ceiling was shattered, and an oversized mantis fell in, smiling strangely: "I am..."

"Bang!" Before he could finish speaking, the mantis man's head had been blown off by Saitama.

Genos' eyes moved slightly, but he did not relax his vigilance: "There are two more outside!"

With that said, Genos turned around and wanted to jump downstairs to deal with it: "Leave these two to me..."

However, before he finished speaking, he saw the heads of two monsters being pushed into the ground.

Next to the two monsters, Saitama and Li Zhenwu are standing!

"Huh? So fast?"

Genos was shocked, but he had some expectations about Saitama's strength. What really surprised him was Li Zhenwu.

This time, Genos couldn't help looking at Li Zhenwu carefully: "Is he also a strong man? No wonder he and Saitama-sensei are neighbors."

Saitama muttered and complained, "Don't these weirdos know to come in through the gate? They have to destroy the ceiling."

"Maybe it's to show that they are different from normal people." Li Zhenwu smiled: "Fortunately, they didn't go to the wrong place and appeared at my house."

"At this time, don't gloat." Saitama said dissatisfied.

At this time, two claws suddenly emerged from the feet of Li Zhenwu and Saitama, respectively grabbing their feet.

And then, in an instant!


Saitama's whole body has fallen into the ground, leaving only a bald head outside.

But Li Zhenwu just took it and jumped out.

At this moment, on both sides of the street, two huge figures came.

A figure, covered in steel, looks like a steel gorilla.

The other one looks like the Lion King, but reminds him to be tall and powerful.

"Hahaha." The lion man laughed loudly: "Tu Long did a good job, if this is the case, this human can't move. But why did you miss a person?"

Saying that, the lion man looked at Li Zhenwu.

"Saitama wants to try the feeling of being in the soil, but I don't want to."

Li Zhenwu shrugged.


And Genos, looking back at this moment, left a bald head outside, and Saitama, whose body was pulled into the ground, was a little anxious.

"Ah, don't worry, it's pretty cool in the soil, it feels good." Saitama still looked calm, and even turned to Li Zhenwu and asked, "Why don't you feel it?"

"I don't have this hobby." Li Zhenwu shook his head and said, "Besides, you don't feel that people are in the soil, and you have to raise your head to see people, will you be very tired?"

Chapter [-] Beastmaster and Gorilla in Armor

"Are you still in the mood to pay attention to other people? You are not too brave in front of me!" Genos was looking back at Saitama's situation, but the armored gorilla in front of him was very unhappy, and immediately waved his steel fist. Towards Genos.

Genos moved his hand and was about to fight the armored gorilla.

On the other side, Saitama was still in the soil, with Li Zhenwu standing aside.

The lion male beastmaster walked forward step by step, came to them, looked down at the two of them and said, "Now, it's time for you to see the strength of my beastmaster."

The lion male beastmaster raised his huge lion claws, and a few claws with cold light rustled, and they were already waving out directly at Li Zhenwu who was standing.

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