"Lion Slash!"

From the lion man's claws, there were several strong energy.

But Li Zhenwu's body slanted slightly, and he avoided such an attack.

A few claw-shaped energy fell on a building behind Li Zhenwu, and suddenly, the building was cut open like a block of tofu!

"Even to escape this attack, as expected of defeating many of the reformers in the organization!"

The lion man's eyes narrowed slightly, but he was about to launch a more severe attack.

It's not unreasonable for him to say this. In the 'Home of Evolution', there have been many reformers who have walked out.

But these transformed people all have cameras, and everything they have experienced will be passed back to the evolutionary home.

And many transformed people were killed in Z City.

According to the pictures sent back by these transformed people before they died, there were two murderers in total.

Or the bald man Saitama, or Li Zhenwu, who is Saitama's neighbor!

So, this time, they came here with a task to bring Li Zhenwu and Saitama back to the House of Evolution and become the research samples and experimental subjects of the House of Evolution!

Seeing that the lion man was about to use his more powerful nirvana, far behind, the 'earth dragon' in the shape of an earthen pot hurriedly stopped him: "Don't kill them, the organization wants to live!"

Tu Long's voice fell, but the lion man grinned: "If you can't take my move, then it doesn't matter whether you are alive or dead."

Having said that, the Leo man is about to use his own unique trick.

"The lion cuts the tide!"

"Simple fisting."

In the arrogant voice of the lion man, Li Zhenwu's faint voice came out.

And tit-for-tat with the lion man, Li Zhenwu punched in the lion man's attack!

The lion man's attack seemed overwhelming, and Li Zhenwu's fist attack hit the lion man in the gap.

As Li Zhenwu said, this is a simple random punch.

This fist is chaotic without any rules, chaotic without fancy!

Can't tell if it's a straight punch, an uppercut, or a drill.

But no matter what punch it was, it still hit the lion man!

At the moment when the fist hit the lion man, the lion man stopped moving.

Then, 'Bang! ' sound.

Under Tulong's stunned gaze, the lion man's body... exploded!

The entire body of the lion man exploded at this moment, turning into pieces of flesh and blood, which were blasted apart, and then fell to the ground piece by piece like a rain.

Tu Long was stunned, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

You must know that the Beastmaster is the second-ranked master in the evolution family. It can be said that in the entire evolution family, except for the strongest pervert, no one is the opponent of the Beastmaster.

But now Tulong saw that the Beastmaster was beaten to death by a simple chaotic fist!

It exploded!

Tu Long was so frightened that his heart and guts were split, and then the first moment he reacted a little bit was... run!

With its head facing down, the soil dragon burrowed into the soil at once, and its claws were constantly pulling the soil and rocks in front of her eyes like flying, fleeing in its own way.

However, it was running away, and a bald head suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Got you."

Tu Long heard the bald head in front of him say so.

Then the next moment, Tu Long lost his consciousness.

the other side.

In this moment of effort, the battle between Genos and the armored gorilla also came to an end.

Genos had already pushed the armored gorilla into the corner, and stretched out his hand, the gun muzzle in his palm was facing the armored gorilla, and said indifferently:

"Say the purpose of your coming this time, or just die and disappear in this world completely, you choose!"

The armored gorilla sneered, pretending to use a mechanical voice: "It will be you who will disappear! Idiot! My strength is only the third in the House of Evolution! The Beastmaster who came together is the second in strength, better than me. A lot! You can't deal with it with your ability!"

"So it will be you who will die, idiot."

The armored gorilla sneered at Genos unreservedly at this moment.

At this time, Li Zhenwu and Saitama, who had just dropped his pants and had soil in his crotch, walked over together.

Hearing the words of the armored gorilla, Saitama even picked up an eyeball left by the lion man from the ground, and put it in front of the armored gorilla.

"The second-ranked Beastmaster you said is this guy? He seems to have been eliminated by Zhenwu with one punch."

The scene was suddenly silent.

Genos turned around and couldn't help being a little surprised.

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