three seconds.

"Teacher..." Genos' voice suddenly roared: "Stop joking! This is just a simple exercise! And the intensity is not great! It's just a normal level."

Genos was very excited, and he thought that Saitama was joking: "Teacher, stop joking, you can't get such a powerful strength through this kind of training."

"What I want to know is the secret of your true power, teacher!"

Genos said excitedly: "So, please don't use such words to perfunctory."

Saitama was stunned: "But, I have already said what I should say. The secret of my strength is these exercises. Zhenwu can testify."

Suddenly, several people's eyes were on Li Zhenwu.

Facing the gazes of several people, Li Zhenwu nodded lightly after smiling, and then said, "What Saitama said... is true at all."

"His strength is obtained through these trainings."

Even if Li Zhenwu opened his mouth to explain, Genos and even Kenos and Asura unicorns didn't seem to believe it.

So, Li Zhenwu spoke again: "Perhaps, you all just feel that Saitama's training is very pediatric."

"But Saitama himself has no doubt that he can become a hero and gain strength by training like this, so he has gained great power."

Li Zhenwu's eyes sank: "This is about a belief!"

Before waiting for a few people to react, Li Zhenwu continued: "You all subconsciously deny Saitama's training method with your own ideas, but you can't notice what Saitama has paid for it!

For three years, he did not suffer from heat and cold, and it was for Gong Chun;

He is a hero with blood and sincerity. "

Li Zhenwu said slowly: "In my hometown, there was a saying, called


Gong Chun

God dwells in it! "

Everyone else was stunned, and even Saitama couldn't help being stunned. He looked at Li Zhenwu, and it was the first time he heard his evaluation from Li Zhenwu's mouth.

"Saitama in daily life: Kindness! Frugality! Let!

Saitama in the face of monsters: Brave!wide!First! "

Li Zhenwu said slowly: "It should be these things. These things Saitama has always insisted on and upheld, let him break through the limits of being a human being and continue to become stronger!"

Genos was silent, as if identifying and considering the correctness of Li Zhenwu's words.

But Saitama scratched his bald head and smiled embarrassedly: "Hey, did I say that it is so powerful?"


At this moment, a roar came from the mouth of Asura Unicorn.

Afterwards, the Asura Unicorn disappeared in a flash, and the next moment came to Li Zhenwu, and raised a big hand of his own!


When the big hand was just raised, the body of the Asura Unicorn was even more of a big man who was violently flowing out of his body!

His pupils even shrank suddenly, and a pair of wings flapped rapidly behind him!fled far away.

Then, Asura Unicorn's body trembled and trembled with fear: "What's the matter, it gave me a more severe death threat!"

"Who are you? Why are you so powerful!"

The Asura Unicorn roared loudly.

"If this bald man became stronger in such a ridiculous way, what about you? How can you have such a strong power? My intuition tells me that you are no weaker than this bald man."

The words of the Asura unicorn made Genoston turn his eyes and stared at Li Zhenwu, unable to help being a little shocked: "This person is as powerful as the teacher?"

In the same way, Jinos also looked at Li Zhenwu.

"Zhenwu?" Saitama said at this moment: "Zhenwu has maintained the same training with me for the past three years without interruption."

"Could it be... he also used the teacher's training to get the power? How is this possible?" Genos couldn't believe it.

Li Zhenwu chuckled and shook his head: "My strength is different from Saitama."

Chapter [-] Aliens (Third)

It has to be said that Saitama's response was a bit slow.

He and Li Zhenwu had been neighbors for three years, but he really thought that Li Zhenwu was the same strength he gained through daily exercise.

What's more, he didn't know that Li Zhenwu was so powerful that it was difficult to find an opponent in the world before he met him.

So at this time, Saitama himself was surprised when he heard Li Zhenwu's words.

At the same time, Saitama couldn't help but pricked up his ears and listened to Li Zhenwu.

Li Zhenwu gently put down his hand and moved slightly around his waist.

Then, a fluffy tail ran out from behind Li Zhenwu.

"My strength is different from Saitama's." Li Zhenwu said softly: "If Saitama's strength is due to his own training, then my strength..."

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