"Transformation of people? Biological evolution of people?"

Before Li Zhenwu could say it, Jinos had already exclaimed first. He looked at the tail behind Li Zhenwu and recognized it: "This tail seems to be the tail of an ape."

"No? It's not a biological evolutionary person." Li Zhenwu didn't care, but said to himself: "In this world, every person, or every biological individual, has a limit to evolution, or it is called '' The limiter'. Saitama is an exception, he broke that limiter with the kind of belief that he was able to improve himself almost infinitely."

"What about you? What's the matter with you?" Genos asked in confusion.

"Because I...I'm not from this world." Li Zhenwu sighed: "And my identity is not a bio-modified human being, but Saiya, who is known as the strongest nation in the universe in another world. people."

"So, my strength can be improved until I become an adult. Even after I am an adult, I can continue to grow through exercise and cultivation!"

"Ah, Mamu is an alien?" Saitama's eyes widened blankly.

Genos and Genos were also very surprised.

"Accurately speaking, it cannot be regarded as an alien, but a person from another world in the true sense." Li Zhenwu said to Saitama with a smile.

"Saiyan." Genos whispered to himself, and then suddenly said in shock: "What is your relationship with the Saiyan, the author of "Naruto"?"

"Hey, have you also watched "Naruto"?" Li Zhenwu was surprised.

"Yeah, it's beautiful." Kinos nodded.

Suddenly, the style of painting is a little different...

"No wonder you use Saiyan as a pseudonym, Zhenwu." Saitama said with hindsight.

"What! It's all a mess."

At this moment, the Asura Unicorn came from the side with a suppressed voice.

His body at the moment is slowly expanding.

"Oops, you're going to lose control again." Kinos couldn't help but take a step back. As the person who transformed the Asura unicorn, he knew the state of the Asura unicorn best, and he couldn't help but worry at this moment.

"The intuition of the death crisis just now made me very unhappy! I feel that I am not strong at all, I need to become stronger!" Saying that, the body of the Asura Unicorn is expanding, and the whole body is full of momentum. , and more and more wins!

In the laboratory, I suddenly remembered the sound of the alarm, and the door was suddenly closed.

The Asura Unicorn has gradually changed, and he shouted: "Asura mode!"

"I became this mode, and gained power dozens of times stronger than before! But because I fell into this mode, I would lose my mind for a week, and it would last until next Saturday! So after killing you, I will Will go to the human city and kill!"

As the voice of Asura Unicorn fell, Saitama's face changed greatly!

The Asura unicorn in the form of Asura has moved, and the speed of the whole person is happier. It has come to Saitama in an instant and threw a punch.

The unicorn, who fell into the Asura mode, slowly disappeared, and became extremely aggressive.

At the same time, his vigilant intuitive sixth sense also disappeared.

So at this time he didn't have any scruples to punch.

His fist also hit Saitama directly.

Saitama was instantly knocked into the air.

"Teacher Saitama!" Genos was surprised, wondering if the current Asura Unicorn is so strong?

As a scientist of the House of Evolution, Kenos was also in despair and muttered: "It's over, it's over, he has become an Asura model."

Asura Unicorn took Saitama as the target of attack, because he felt a greater sense of crisis in Li Zhenwu before, so he must deal with Saitama first.

After one punch, he continued to punch Saitama several times, beating Saitama all over the sky!

In the process, Saitama has been in a daze.

It wasn't until after a lot of blows that Saitama seemed to come back to his senses.

"Saturday, a week later is Saturday." Saitama murmured, but when Asura's unicorn attack came again, he suddenly threw a punch.

In addition, Saitama was yelling: "It turns out that today is Saturday! I missed the supermarket sale!!!!"

The body of the Asura Unicorn was directly... blown up.

But Saitama was not happy, but was very decadent and low.

But Genos reacted at this moment, roared with a wry smile, and then said, "Teacher, the supermarket has a big sale at 22 o'clock. Now the one-way route only takes four hours in the past, but it's still too late."

"Really?" Saitama was instantly revived after hearing such words: "Is it really too late?"

"Yes." Genos nodded.

"Then go quickly!" Saitama was refreshed and looked at Li Zhenwu: "Zhenwu, will you go?"

"Go, let's go back together." Li Zhenwu nodded.Because he was standing by the wall, Li Zhenwu turned around and punched.


On the wall made of high-energy materials, a huge hole appeared...

Chapter [-] Hero Association (fourth more)

It was not a few hours after the three left the House of Evolution.

Professor Kinos also packed up his belongings and left here disheartened.

Then when it was about to get dark, a group of people came here.

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