"In that case, I'll accept it." King Vegeta's hand was quietly put away, but at the same time he made up his mind to find someone to test the effect of a fairy bean first, is it as Li Zhenwu said? .

"I'll let someone arrange a place for you."

After putting away the fairy beans, King Vegeta said actively.

Li Zhenwu successfully settled in Star Vegeta temporarily, and received high-level treatment from King Vegeta!

Because King Vegeta verified the efficacy of fairy beans afterwards, he put aside his doubts about Li Zhenwu.

And it was in this situation that Li Zhenwu also found out some news.

By now, Vegeta, the son of King Vegeta, was four years old.

This also means that in a year, it will be time for Frieza to destroy Planet Vegeta.

At the same time, it is also the protagonist of this world, the day Sun Wukong was born.

"It's a good time." Knowing the timeline he was in now, a faint and mysterious smile appeared on Li Zhenwu's face.

Because in the original book, Frieza will destroy Vegeta when Vegeta is four years old.

This almost means that the day when Li Zhenwu will face Frieza is not far away.

(Recommend a book "Naruto: The Strongest Spiritualism"!)

Chapter [-] Vegeta!

Li Zhenwu lived in this 'Vegeta Star'.

Moreover, he also wanted to try Frieza's fighting ability.

The current Star Vegeta is already under the banner of Frieza.

According to the original book, next year, King Vegeta was unwilling to be subordinated to others, and brought some powerful Saiyans into Frieza's spaceship, trying to kill Frieza, so that the planet Vegeta was destroyed. .

And now, Frieza is not on Vegeta.

Even, it will take some time for Frieza's spaceship to come to Planet Vegeta.

So Li Zhenwu still has so much time to prepare!

The technology of Planet Vegeta is actually not low at all.

In fact, technology has become so powerful that it can make spaceships that can navigate the universe at will.

Of course, this technology is mainly derived from the predecessor race on Planet Vegeta, the Zuflu tribe.

Originally, Star Vegeta wasn't called this name, and it didn't belong to the Saiyans either.

Its predecessor was called Plant Star, the planet of the Zuflu tribe.The Zuflu people are small and frail, peace-loving, but civilized.

Later, the Saiyans came here, invaded this planet, and exterminated the Zuflu tribe, and finally received all the technology of the Zuflu people.

Li Zhenwu lived here, and he also saw the high-tech that it should have.

And what Li Zhenwu cares about most is the spaceship and the gravity chamber!

Li Zhenwu, who knew that Star Vegeta would be destroyed by Frieza in a year, did not have absolute confidence that he could save Star Vegeta under Frieza's hands, so he had to do his best to wander in the universe. plan, then the spaceship is essential.

When facing Frieza, improving his strength is also essential, so he needs a gravity room to help him cultivate.

King Vegeta is trying his best to satisfy Li Zhenwu's request.

Therefore, in the vicinity of Li Zhenwu, there is a gravity room specially provided to Li Zhenwu.

"Gravity room, the exchange rate in the system is sky-high, and you can use it casually here." Li Zhenwu said with emotion.

He has never used gravity to practice before, because in the system exchange list, all the exchangeable items with physical objects are very expensive.

However, in Naruto World, Li Zhenwu developed technology in the country of red beans, but he still could not integrate the knowledge and technology of the gravity system, so he did not have the opportunity to experience the practice of gravity.

And now, the opportunity is at hand.

Li Zhenwu looked at the gravity room in front of him and directly adjusted the gravity by [-] times. Before entering, feel it first.

"Bang!" As soon as he entered the gravity room, Li Zhenwu immediately felt his whole body sink, and this sinking came from all aspects of his body, including the smallest internal organs and blood vessels in his body, all under pressure.

"Very good!" Li Zhenwu was a little surprised, because his physical strength was difficult to improve in the world of One Punch Man and even in the world of Hokage, but under this gravity, he saw hope for improvement.

"However, fifty times the strength is a bit low, and it should be directly adjusted to hundreds of times." Li Zhenwu muttered to himself.

Li Zhenwu, like a child who got a new toy, has been enjoying himself in the gravity room since that day.

At the same time, the gravity of his gravity chamber is also increasing a little bit!

This kind of news has not been concealed from anyone. Of course, King Vegeta also knows the gravity multiplier used by Li Zhenwu in the gravity chamber!

It was at this time that King Vegeta couldn't help but feel a little fortunate: "Fortunately, I didn't do it at that time! Being able to use this level of gravity to cultivate, none of the Saiyans on Vegeta will be his. Opponent!"

Four-year-old Vegeta, the son of King Vegeta, also learned the news, and couldn't help but stare.

As the son of King Vegeta, as a prince, Vegeta has a talent that surpasses that of his father.

He is only four years old now, but his strength is the same as King Vegeta!

Under such circumstances, Vegeta learned about Li Zhenwu...

and so……

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