On this day, Li Zhenwu sweated in the gravity room as usual, and carried out his daily exercise, but when the exercise was on the way, the intelligence of the gravity room issued a reminder that someone was outside.

Only then did Li Zhenwu slowly walk out of the gravity room, wanting to see who was looking for him.

In fact, because of the care of King Vegeta, Li Zhenwu will not be disturbed when he is exercising.

Walking out of the gravity room, Li Zhenwu's eyes swept across, but he found that his eyes were flat.

"Strange, no one?" Li Zhenwu was puzzled. He restrained all the breath in his body at the moment, he was just exercising, so he didn't use his breath to sense it.

"Hey! I'm here!"

A dissatisfied voice came from in front of him, but it was a little low.

Li Zhenwu was stunned for a moment, looked down, and found a kid who was less than one meter tall, wearing a battle suit, and looking very similar to King Vegeta, standing there.


Li Zhenwu recognized the kid in front of him at once, who was really Prince Vegeta 1.6.

"What's wrong with you coming to see me?"

Li Zhenwu looked at Vegeta in front of him and asked curiously.

Vegeta was four years old at this time, and his body was naturally short, but his strength could not be ignored, and he was even known as the most talented Saiyan in modern times.

And what is the nature of Saiyans?Evil aside, that's fighting.

So, Vegeta released his own momentum:

"I heard that you are now the most powerful Saiyan on Vegeta, and I want to fight with you!"

Vegeta's resolute way, childish voice, but has an indescribable determination.

Li Zhenwu was stunned, but he didn't expect Vegeta to make such a request.

Chapter [-] Vegeta's Request!

Facing Vegeta's request, Li Zhenwu didn't take it seriously.

Although the strength of Vegeta at this time was faintly stronger than that of his father, King Vegeta, reaching more than [-], it was still not enough for Li Zhenwu.

So Li Zhenwu stretched out his hand, put it on Vegeta's head, and fiddled with it hard, and found that the Saiyan's hairstyle was really not covered, and it couldn't be messed up at all.

Li Zhenwu said in his mouth: "You are still too young. When you grow up, come fight with me again."

Li Zhenwu's movements were easy and casual, but Vegeta was frightened.

When Li Zhenwu just moved, he noticed it, and he naturally had a reaction to avoid it.

However, for some reason, Li Zhenwu's hands were not fast, but he couldn't dodge it!In the end, Li Zhenwu put his hand on his head and fiddled with his hair! twenty one

Vegeta was shocked and angry, because as a Saiyan prince, he had never been treated like this since he was born.

"Boom!" Vegeta directly released his momentum, then stretched out one hand, and an energy ball immediately went towards Li Zhenwu.

Do it without saying a word!

Li Zhenwu sighed with emotion for the naughty Saiyan child, but he did not put the power of Vegeta's move in his own eyes.

Even Li Zhenwu stretched out one hand, with a faint golden chakra and gaseous energy on his hand, 'Bang! ' caught it all at once.

In an instant, Vegeta's energy ball disappeared!

"This...how is this possible?" Vegeta stared at Li Zhenwu's hand in disbelief, not daring to detail his own move, which was eliminated so easily.

That is the energy ball that can easily destroy the flat mountain!

After Vegeta was shocked, he gritted his teeth. This time, he didn't use the energy ball to attack, but he was full of momentum, and the whole person rushed towards Li Zhenwu!

His small body, with a strong wind, whistled to Li Zhenwu's side, and his fists were already punched.

If this punch hits the mountain, the mountain will collapse!If it hits the ground, the ground will crack!

However, it was this powerful punch that was blocked!

"I said, wait until you grow up and challenge like me." Li Zhenwu gently grabbed Vegeta's fist, making it difficult for him to move.

Vegeta tried hard, trying to pull his fist back from Li Zhenwu's hand, but failed.

Even, his face flushed red, and he couldn't pull his fist back at all.


Li Zhenwu gently let go of Vegeta, and suddenly, Vegeta, who was trying to withdraw, flew backwards, and then staggered to stand firm.

After Vegeta stood firm, he looked up and saw that Li Zhenwu had turned and returned to his gravity room.

"Damn, how can he be so powerful!" Vegeta gritted her teeth and couldn't help clenching her fists!

He is known as the genius of the Saiyan family, and he doesn't need his own father now. King Vegeta is much inferior.

But just like this, in front of Li Zhenwu, he had no strength to fight back, which directly made his inner dissatisfaction and grief breed.

Li Zhenwu returned to the gravity room, and then doubled the gravity to continue his exercise.

And Vegeta didn't seem to continue harassing and harassing him, as if realizing the gap between the two.

To be honest, Li Zhenwu really has no interest in the current Vegeta, because the current Vegeta is too weak.

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