So much so that Li Zhenwu walked out of his room and waited for Frieza's arrival.

Frieza's speed was very fast. His whole body was directly suspended in the air, with two subordinates on either side and King Vegeta, who was not very good-looking, who was flying towards Li Zhenwu at a high speed.

And the one who exposed, exposed, and took Li Zhenwu's position was Vegeta, who was only five years old.

When he was about to arrive at Li Zhenwu's side, Frieza actually had some doubts.

"I haven't sensed the breath of the wild Saiyan so close. Could it be that he has already run away?"

The next moment that thought flashed past, Frieza saw Li Zhenwu, who was hovering in the sky in front of him.

This time, Frieza was a little surprised.

"So close, I didn't even notice his breath?" This is a bit incredible for Frieza, but it happened!

Mingming looked at Li Zhenwu, but he couldn't capture the breath of Ding Weidao Li Zhenwu. Li Zhenwu was like a cloud in the sky at the moment, so he could not be touched.


The next moment, Frieza was already in front of Li Zhenwu, his body was suspended parallel to Li Zhenwu, behind his short body, his tail was swaying gently, looking at Li Zhenwu with an evil look in his eyes.

"Are you that powerful wild Saiyan who appeared out of nowhere?" Frieza said indifferently. At this moment, Frieza is releasing a powerful aura, and it has an incomparably evil connotation.

This is the evil that he has penetrated deep into his bones after he has slaughtered countless living beings and slaughtered countless planets in the universe.

"The Emperor of the Universe, Frieza."

Li Zhenwu gently handed over Frieza's own title and name, as if he had finally met after being famous for a long time.

"It looks like you know me." Frieza's tail twitched lightly, and she looked at Li Zhenwu with an evil smile on her face: "If that's the case, then I can let you live as my subordinate. "

"As your subordinate?" Li Zhenwu listened, shook his head and laughed, "Your strength is still not enough for me, a Saiyan, to surrender."

Li Zhenwu said a shocking sentence:

"Why don't you do this. If you surrender, I can spare your life."

(It seems that Frieza was written as Frieza before! Correct it here, and it will be Frieza in the future.)

Chapter [-] Battle Battle!

"What?" Frieza's face was a little surprised, and even made him laugh, but in this smile, there was an icy chill: "You said let me, the strongest emperor in the universe, Frieza, Surrender to you, and you will kill me?"

Beside Frieza, his two subordinates couldn't help looking at Li Zhenwu, thinking that this wild Saiyan would really play tricks.

Others don't know, they are Frieza's personal fighters, but they know Frieza's true fighting power.

In their opinion, no matter how strong this wild Saiyan is, it will not be Frieza's opponent!

At this time, King Vegeta, after hearing what Li Zhenwu said, suddenly dodged, and brought his son Vegeta behind Li Zhenwu to face Frieza together.

"King Vegeta, so you have already betrayed me?"

Seeing this scene, Frieza sneered.

"What betrayal is not betrayal! Saiyans themselves are not subordinate to anyone." King Vegeta's face was normal, standing beside Li Zhenwu, facing Frieza.

"Okay, very good." Frieza snorted coldly: "If that's the case, then there is no need for Vegeta and your Saiyan race to exist, let's all turn into dust!"

Having said that, Frieza's life has suddenly released a powerful momentum.

Li Zhenwu smiled lightly: "Change the battlefield, go to outer space, and I will teach you to be a human being!"

As he said that, Li Zhenwu gave Frieza a provocative look, and then the whole person rose to the sky.

King Vegeta hurriedly followed with his son.

Now that Li Zhenwu is in his early stage, he doesn't have to face Frieza himself.

Moreover, setting the battlefield in outer space is also in his heart, and he does not want his planet to be injured in the battle.

"The arrogant Saiyan."

In the blink of an eye, the Saiyans in front of Frieza's eyes had all disappeared, his face was cold and evil, and he snorted.

"King Frieza, what should we do now? Are we going to destroy Star Vegeta? I should go and drive the spaceship out of Star Vegeta first." Beside Frieza, his subordinate asked.

As Frieza's personal subordinate, he knew that Frieza's favorite thing was to directly destroy the planet, so he asked this question.

Frieza shook his head and smiled evilly: "Don't be in a hurry, I will defeat them first, and then let them watch Planet Vegeta destroyed by me!"

Saying that, Vegeta rose to the sky.

The two subordinates looked at each other and quickly followed Frieza.

In just a short period of time, Li Zhenwu had already left the atmosphere and came to outer space.

King Vegeta followed.

At this time, Li Zhenwu was told to Vegeta and the warriors who followed King Vegeta: "You should stay away, otherwise the battle will spread to you, and there will be great danger."

Hearing this, King Vegeta frowned: "We, the people, should be considered as strong combat power, which can give you a better chance of winning against Frieza."

"You are too confident." Li Zhenwu shook his head.

In the original book, King Vegeta was also so confident, so he threw himself on the street and was killed by Frieza.

The current King Vegeta is still confident. He has tens of thousands of combat power. In the entire universe, he is also an existence that destroys planets at every turn. In addition, he is the guy who leads the Saiyan king of a planet. He is very confident in himself.

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