But Li Zhenwu knows very well that Frieza in his normal state alone has hundreds of thousands of combat power!King Vegeta's combat power is only tens of thousands, and there is not much difference between him and scum.

Li Zhenwu persuaded that since King Vegeta didn't listen, he simply stopped talking.

Anyway, he doesn't have a good impression of King Vegeta, and such an arrogant guy will die when he is really affected by the battle...

Li Zhenwu turned his eyes, saw Vegeta standing beside King Vegeta, and instructed him again: "Wait a minute, stay away, and at the same time pay attention to see, what is the real thing in this universe? Strong!"

Li Zhenwu's voice just fell, and Frieza's figure has already appeared in this outer space.

The people present are all the powerhouses in the universe, and each has the ability to survive in a vacuum for a period of time.

In addition to the Saiyan blood, Li Zhenwu also has the ability of 'the incarnation of the god tree', so there is no discomfort at all.

Frieza just appeared here, glanced at them, then looked directly at Li Zhenwu, and sneered: "I want to see, what skills do you have, you dare to say big things that make me surrender!"

Saying that, an energy ball has condensed in Frieza's hand, forming a light wave.

"Qigong wave!"

Qigong waves, which are half the size of an ordinary person's body, have already moved towards Li Zhenwu. Even in this vacuum universe environment, they are powerful.

"Attack energy strength... [-]!" Beside King Vegeta, there were several elite Saiyans, some of whom were wearing combat suits and combat power detection glasses, and when they saw this scene, they couldn't help being shocked. .

Because the combat power that Frieza could detect at 2.0 at this time was already very exaggerated.

"What?" King Vegeta was shocked. He didn't expect Frieza's combat power to be so terrifying.

However, in the face of this move, Li Zhenwu just stretched out his hand, and when Frieza's qigong wave was about to touch his hand, it completely disappeared!Not even the slightest wave!

The small vertical slit in the middle of Li Zhenwu's forehead moved slightly.

Huangquan than spring version!In the space technique of the eye of reincarnation, he directly diverted Frieza's attack to the space ninjutsu!

Frieza's eyes narrowed slightly: "Interesting!"

Just before his voice fell, Frieza's body suddenly moved! ! !

Chapter [-] Millions of combat power!

Although they are all in a vacuum and have no focus, anyone present is a powerful warrior in the universe, pay attention to let themselves move freely in a vacuum.

And Frieza, the protagonist of this battle, is even more so.

A powerful qi burst out from his body. With a flick of his thick tail, the whole person was already moving towards Li Zhenwu, and he even punched out directly from his hand!

In the end!In the world of Dragon Ball, it is still a fighting style of hard punching to the flesh!

"Hey, it's improved! Frieza's combat power has improved!"

When Frieza was in action, King Vegeta's subordinates, the Saiyans wearing battle strength detection glasses couldn't help but shout.

"Improved? How much combat power?" King Vegeta was shocked. His mood was already indifferent, because he just learned that Frieza's combat power is [-], which is twenty times higher than his own. .

But now, I heard that Frieza's combat power of [-] is not the bottom line?

The current King Vegeta feels that his previous thoughts are really too naive!I actually wanted to try to fight Frieza alone to win, and then successfully take over Frieza's position in the universe.

"Four, four, [-]!" Saiyan wearing the combat power detection glasses looked at the data in the glasses in disbelief, thinking whether the glasses were wrong.

"[-]!" King Vegeta felt the darkness in front of him. He never thought that Frieza would be so powerful!

"[-]!" Vegeta quietly clenched his fist, and couldn't help thinking to himself, "Will such a powerful Frieza be a match for Mr. Zhenwu?"


In front of their group of people, there was a shocking scene.

Frieza, who had a fighting strength of hundreds of thousands, came at Li Zhenwu's predecessor and punched his speed like a light in a vacuum.

But Li Zhenwu just stretched out and slapped Frieza out like a fly!

Frieza's body!Like a fallen gourd!Spinning around in space!It flew out very far, and the vegetables slowly stopped!

"You in this form will not be my opponent at all! Transform and unleash your true power!"

After swatting Frieza away like a fly, everyone was stunned!incredible!

It was at this time that Li Zhenwu's words spread in the vacuum under the envelope of energy!

"What kind of form is not his opponent? Does Frieza have other forms?" Saiyan people thought.

And Frieza's two subordinates are also incredible, because even Frieza's normal form, with hundreds of thousands of combat power, can still sweep the universe.

At this time, it was slapped like a fly?

They looked at the relaxed Li Zhenwu in horror, as if they were looking at a monster.

And King Vegeta was even more surprised: "Can Saiyans be so powerful?"


In the space, there was a sudden roar, rippling in the vacuum! , even without the help of air, it also spread out.

Everyone turned their eyes and found that it was Frieza who was angry.

"Crack!" At this time, the Saiyan wearing the combat power detection glasses suddenly burst.

"The detection glasses... are all broken!" The Saiyan was stunned.

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