In his eyes, Frieza is also changing impressively!

In the eyes of everyone, Frieza, who was originally skinny and short, swelled up, his muscles swelled, and his original evil and cold appearance became burly and cruel!

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful. It seems that I underestimated you. I must use some real strength!"

Frieza's voice spreads across the universe!

The aura emanating from him made the others tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

Evil, brutal, icy, and extremely powerful breath!From Frieza.

"Very good, I finally started to transform! You should have a fighting power of one million like this."

Li Zhenwu said lightly, the whole person suddenly disappeared in place, the figure flashed, and when he reappeared, it was already in front of Frieza.

"So fast?" At this moment, no one else had time to react. Only Frieza, who bore the brunt of it, noticed it, and when she was horrified, she didn't even have time to react!


Li Zhenwu's uppercut hit Frieza's chin!Frieza's whole body flew up!


In an instant, Li Zhenwu chased Frieza's side again, and it was another move!Before Frieza could react, he hit him!

At this moment, Frieza was hit back and forth by Li Zhenwu like a ball!

In the vast space of the universe, there is no concept of direction, not even the concept of up, down, left, right, south, north, and west.

But at this moment, Frieza felt this concept. He only felt that he was dizzy and dark, and he was beaten upside down from north to south. The soreness all over his body was accumulating constantly. Li Zhenwu gave him every punch and kick. caused some damage.

"Damn! How can the Saiyan be so powerful, is he the legendary Super Saiyan?" Frieza gritted his teeth, and at this moment, a more powerful aura suddenly erupted from his body!

"The third form!"

After Frieza's breath suddenly exploded, some changes took place in his body!

His muscles swelled further, and his figure began to develop laterally!The appearance is even more hideous, and it is very ugly!At this moment, he seemed to be one of the most terrifying looking races in the universe!

The change became such a Frieza, and the momentum on his body suddenly soared, and he was even able to catch Li Zhenwu's attack in a blink of an eye.


Frieza blocked Li Zhenwu's fist again with one hand!

Then, Frieza gave a sinister sneer: "You are strong enough to allow me to display the third form, but that's it!"

Chapter [-] Sixty million combat power! !

Frieza changed again, directly into the third form, and the combat power was doubled again!

If the second form of him only has a combat power of about one million, then Frieza, who has transformed into the third form at this moment, has directly soared to two million in combat power!

In this state, Frieza could already be caught in the face of Li Zhenwu's attack.

Even, he blocked Li Zhenwu's attack.

Frieza, who blocked Li Zhenwu's attack, had an evil and ferocious smile on his face: "I want to show you extreme terror! Use the powerful force that makes you despair to defeat you! What awaits you will be transcendence. The horrors of hell!"

With that said, Frieza's already strong and ferocious body gradually shrunk!

To be precise, it's not shrinking, but the body is more solid!

After a while, Frieza's body was as thin and short as it was before he transformed.The difference is the color of his body, and the powerful power released.

"It's like this now, but it's the usual power that I haven't suppressed!"

In this state, Frieza said indifferently: "This kind of me only has an initial combat power of [-] million! The power in my body can be released without hindrance."

Saying that, Frieza looked at Li Zhenwu and sneered evilly: "Now, your strength is insignificant in my eyes!"

The moment Frieza's voice fell, the whole person was already heading towards Li Zhenwu.

"With a mere [-] million combat power, I can't help it!"

The moment Frieza arrived in front of him, Li Zhenwu heard a voice like Hong Zhong, spreading in the vacuum of the universe!

Then, Li Zhenwu's body suddenly released a shocking aura!Everyone present can clearly feel it!

Terrifyingly powerful!With high fighting spirit, it emanated from Li Zhenwu.


When Frieza's fist was about to reach Li Zhenwu, Li Zhenwu calmly raised a hand and grabbed Frieza's fist!

Because of Frieza's surprised expression at this moment, Li Zhenwu smiled slightly: "But you are in this state, even if you have several million regular combat power, it is not enough!"

After saying that, Li Zhenwu's other hand was clenched fiercely, and for a moment golden chakra appeared on his fist, as well as the energy of his own faint chi, and then he punched Foley. Sarah's face!


With this punch, Frieza's face was distorted!

"You still need to be stronger, that's it!" After speaking, Li Zhenwu punched Frieza on the other side of the face again!

Because one hand is still holding Frieza, Frieza can't break free at this time!

However, after receiving two punches, his entire face was deformed and distorted, and after receiving damage, Frieza broke out again!

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