"Is this a Super Saiyan?" Vegeta asked suspiciously, "What was the state just now?"

King Vegeta was dumbfounded, not knowing how to answer his son.

"[-] million combat power?"

At this time, Li Zhenwu was holding Frieza's fist with a cold smile on his face: "In front of me who has transformed into a Super Saiyan, [-] million fighting power is not enough. "

With that said, Li Zhenwu threw a punch!

This punch, as if opening up the world, carried a golden light!Hit Frieza 813 hard!

Suddenly, Frieza's figure flew upside down in the universe, comparable to a meteorite!

The corner of Li Zhenwu's mouth evoked a sneer, the figure moved, but it was the first to come!When he came to Frieza's side, he suddenly kicked out!


Frieza, who has a fighting strength of [-], seems to have no power to fight back!Being abused by Li Zhenwu!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Li Zhenwu's figure flashed back and forth like a golden light, but Frieza's body was slowly broken during the attack!

The current Li Zhenwu has transformed into a Super Saiyan, and his combat power has been directly increased by fifty times!

He originally had nearly ten million combat power, but now his combat power has soared to five billion! ! ! !

So facing Frieza, it is simply unparalleled suppression!

It's time to end this battle for good.

After he vomited the blood from Frieza's beating again and again, Li Zhenwu did not continue to pursue.

Instead, stand on the spot and put your hands together!

A low voice came out of his mouth: "Turtle!"

(Because of the PY deal, I would recommend a book... The Judgment of Death of Martial Arts.)

Chapter [-] Frieza, Die!

In Li Zhenwu's hands, a huge turtle qigong wave appeared!Like a bright white moon!

And with the low drink in his mouth: "Turtle qigong wave!" After that, the huge turtle qigong wave has been pushed out by him!

The blue-white tail flame is like a galaxy!

The Turtle School Qigong surpassed the speed of light and hit Frieza directly!

Under the huge gap in combat power, even if Frieza has a combat power of [-] million, at this moment, Li Zhenwu's body has been blasted into dust by the turtle qigong waves in Li Zhenwu's current super Saiyan state!

Frieza, completely disappeared from this universe...

There is no trace of existence.

The huge tail flame slowly dimmed in the universe, and the universe once again returned to peace.

"King Frieza!"

One of Frieza's subordinates couldn't help but let out a sad roar.

However, his voice cannot travel in the universe.

And another Frieza subordinate, at this moment, pulled him, turned around and ran away without saying a word!

Just kidding, Frieza was so powerful that they were wiped out, and they stayed here, in addition to waiting to die, or to die!

"Friza... dead?" King Vegeta looked at it, but couldn't help muttering.

Across the universe, controlling most of the universe, destroying countless planets and races, Frieza, known as the most powerful emperor in the universe, just died!

He died in the hands of Li Zhenwu, a wild Saiyan who had never been known before and suddenly appeared.

Even now, King Vegeta couldn't help but feel a little dreamy.

Can't feel Frieza's breath at all, Li Zhenwu slowly withdrew his hand.

His whole body was like the golden arrogance of the sun, and it slowly extinguished.

And his golden hair turned black again.The pupils that had disappeared also reappeared.

He stepped back from Super Saiyan state!

Then he directly swallowed a fairy bean to restore his consumption.

At this time, King Vegeta also flew over with Vegeta and a few other Saiyans.

Just now, the battle between Li Zhenwu and Frieza seemed to be extremely fierce and splendid, but in fact, the battle time was not long.

So during this time, they survived in a vacuum, which was more than enough.

"Let's go back to Star Vegeta first." Li Zhenwu looked at them, closed his eyes, and then sensed the 'coordinates' he had left on Star Vegeta, with a flash of golden light all over his body, and the whole person had disappeared!

Time and space ninjutsu! !

The time and space ninjutsu in the Naruto world seems to be carried forward by Li Zhenwu at this moment.

The original space-time ninjutsu can only move within the planet, and there are many restrictions.

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