And now that Li Zhenwu, whose strength has reached the current level, has been able to teleport across the distance of the planet using time-space ninjutsu.

Seeing Li Zhenwu who suddenly disappeared with a flash of golden light, King Vegeta and the others were all stunned.

Because they didn't find any trace of Li Zhenwu, and they couldn't feel Li Zhenwu's breath at all.

It means that Li Zhenwu completely disappeared in front of them, and even disappeared directly within their sensing range.

"Teleportation?" King Vegeta murmured, but he knew that there were some strange races or powerhouses in the universe that possessed this ability.

After being stunned for a moment, King Vegeta also hurriedly took some of his subordinates and Vegeta and flew back to Planet Vegeta.

When King Vegeta and his party flew back to Planet Vegeta from space, they found that the entire Planet Vegeta was almost in chaos, many buildings were broken, the ground even moved a little, and the crowd was also in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" King Vegeta asked a Saiyan casually.

"Just now Planet Vegeta had a big turmoil due to unknown outer space influence! The continental plates were affected, and a big earthquake occurred! But the tribesmen did not lose much." The Saiyan explained.

Hearing what the other party said, King Vegeta immediately reacted.

Planet Vegeta, this is influenced by the battle between Li Zhenwu and Frieza in space!

At the same time, King Vegeta couldn't help but be surprised, because the place where Li Zhenwu and Frieza fought just now was almost hundreds of millions of miles away from Planet Vegeta.

Rao is so, their battle in a vacuum also affected Planet Vegeta!You can see the power of their battle!The aftermath alone made this change happen to the planet Vegeta, which is billions of miles away!

Knowing this, King Vegeta immediately made arrangements so that the clansmen should not panic.

Moreover, he personally led the team to the spaceship that left Frieza here, and the remaining Frieza forces inside were cleared out!

The good thing is that Frieza came to Planet Vegeta this time, without a large team at all, and even the only two personal guards who could be called the powerhouse of the universe.

So at this time, King Vegeta easily captured Frieza's spaceship.

Then, he went to see Li Zhenwu!

Because in the process before that, he had already determined that Li Zhenwu had returned to Star Vegeta long before him.

Seeing Li Zhenwu below, King Vegeta's mood is completely different from before!

Because before what happened to Frieza, he thought that his strength was just a little weaker than Frieza.

He even thought that Li Zhenwu, a wild Saiyan, was only partially stronger than himself.

But now, his concept has completely changed!

After seeing the battle between Li Zhenwu and Frieza, he already knew deeply that in Frieza's eyes, he, or the entire Saiyan race, was not much different from an ant!

And Li Zhenwu, who is more terrifying than Frieza... King Vegeta just hopes that the other party will not blame him for his previous neglect!

Chapter [-] Leaving Star Vegeta!

With this somewhat sincere heart, King Vegeta brought Vegeta to the door of Li Zhenwu, took a deep breath, and prepared himself.

Now he is very ashamed of his previous arrogance.

I just want to wait until Li Zhenwu won't have any grudges against him.

King Vegeta announced his intentions through the intelligent system of Li Zhenwu's house.

Soon, Li Zhenwu's house was opened.

King Vegeta walked in a little nervously, and then found that Li Zhenwu was sitting there, seemingly resting with his eyes closed.

"Mr. Zhenwu."

King Vegeta's name for Li Zhenwu was all respectful.

At this time, Li Zhenwu suddenly opened his eyes, "I've been on Planet Vegeta for a full year. It's time for me to leave here and travel to other parts of the universe."

"What?" King Vegeta was shocked: "Mr. Zhenwu is leaving Star Vegeta?"

King Vegeta didn't think much, and he felt that Li Zhenwu's departure was a loss to himself and even the planet Vegeta 927.

After all, Li Zhenwu is the only person in the world who has become a Super Saiyan!

The Saiyan family has inherited the highest glory for countless years, the symbol of the strongest warrior, the Super Saiyan.

Now that he wants to leave here, how can King Vegeta not panic.

What's more, the current King Vegeta recognizes his own strength, and also realizes that Frieza's traversing the universe is not a false name.

Although Frieza has been killed by Li Zhenwu now, no one can guarantee that Frieza's men have any powerful warriors.

At that time, none of the Saiyans on their entire planet Vegeta might have the power to fight them!

"Why did Mr. Zhenwu leave? But what are we neglecting?" King Vegeta said, trying to keep him.

"No." Li Zhenwu shook his head: "Originally, wandering in the universe was my right path, but now I've stayed on Planet Vegeta for a year, so it's time to leave! Go on to pursue the powerful road!"

Li Zhenwu was talking nonsense, but it was actually meaningless for him to stay on Planet Vegeta.

He not only killed Frieza, but also saved the fate of the entire Saiyan race in the original book.

In fact, he has done enough, and in the duel with Frieza, he got what he wanted, so he is not going to continue to stay on Planet Vegeta.

Seeing that Li Zhenwu wanted to leave, Vegeta seemed to be very determined, so he sighed and stopped saying anything to keep him.

But after a while, King Vegeta gritted his teeth and said solemnly to Li Zhenwu: "Since Mr. Zhenwu has decided to leave, we can't say anything else, but Planet Vegeta will always belong to Saiyans. Belong!"

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