After staying on Planet Vegeta for another half a month, Li Zhenwu really left here.

Although King Vegeta and some Saiyans are trying their best to keep him, Li Zhenwu has made up his mind.

When Li Zhenwu decided to leave, Vegeta also came to the door and offered to follow him.

Of course Li Zhenwu refused, he didn't want to carry a fuel bottle.

So in the end, Li Zhenwu fooled Vegeta with a call.

"I have seen your vague future through time. You will become stronger, and it may be stronger than me now. But if you follow me, then the future will change, and you may not be able to in your life. Reach the realm of Super Saiyan!"

After such a fooling around, Li Zhenwu asked Vegeta again and asked him to make a new choice.

But Vegeta, who heard Li Zhenwu's flickering, but after hesitating for a while, decided to stay on Planet Vegeta and wait for the 'future' that Li Zhenwu spoke of.

In the end, Li Zhenwu hit the road alone.

Or rather, not alone.

Because he decided to wander the universe for a while, he needed a spaceship.

In the end, he directly took over the spaceship that Frieza had left behind, and drove into the universe.

In addition to the spaceship, some non-combatants on the original spaceship were also taken over by Li Zhenwu.

However, these non-combatants, the future service objects, have become Li Zhenwu.

"Master Zhenwu, where are we going?"

When the spaceship just flew out of Planet Vegeta, a strange looking alien came to respectfully ask Li Zhenwu.

"In the galaxy coordinates of the spacecraft, there are the coordinates of the major galaxies and planets in most of the universe that King Frieza once conquered. You can go anywhere."

This alien looks very strange, like a soft-bodied creature, but it is the 'captain' who is in charge of sailing on the spaceship, and the race is Nier.

Li Zhenwu thought for a while, thinking about where he wanted to go.

"Go and see where Frieza has not conquered."

In the end, Li Zhenwu decided.

He doesn't plan to go to Earth immediately, because there are still more than ten years before the official plot of Dragon Ball begins.

Moreover, Li Zhenwu didn't want to go to places that Frieza had already conquered. After all, the conquered planets almost meant that there would be no powerhouses stronger than Frieza, so this was also ruled out.

In the end, it was decided to be immoral, and it was still a place that Frieza had not conquered.

It was an unknown land.

But it is also because of the unknown land, so it is full of mystery and people yearning.

"As you wish, esteemed Lord Zhenwu!" The captain of the Nier family was full of respect for Li Zhenwu, and he did not have the slightest doubt.This was under Frieza's hands, and he was used to orders, so now facing Li Zhenwu, he was accustomed to obeying orders.

Soon, the spacecraft locked the direction and began the official space voyage.

(I feel a little unwell today, chest tightness and shortness of breath, I took a day off, and there will be only one more update later.)

Chapter [-] The name of the invincible Saiyan!

In the vast universe, a spaceship is sailing.

The universe is boundless, and it can be measured in light-years at every turn.

And Li Zhenwu used Frieza's spaceship to go to the faraway area that Frieza had not conquered, and the voyage was not short at all.

Fortunately, Frieza's spaceship is almost a masterpiece of collection and technology. Not only can it reach the speed of light in regular progress, but it can even have super-light speed and even jump wormholes to fold and advance in space.

Therefore, although the universe is infinitely vast, it is not out of reach for Li Zhenwu who owns such a spaceship.

Even so, it will take some time to travel to the unconquered land of Nafriza.

The spaceship is sailing, crossing the distance of galaxy after galaxy.

And Li Zhenwu's time on the spacecraft was not boring.

Because the technology is high enough, almost everything is equipped on the spacecraft.

There is even a gravity training room that comes with the spacecraft, and it's almost brand new!

The race that Frieza was born into is very tyrannical and inherently very powerful.

Therefore, Frieza does not exercise on a daily basis, but with natural growth, his strength has reached that terrifying realm.

Li Zhenwu's belief in becoming stronger was imprinted deep in his blood, so almost every day, he would not miss his training.

When the spacecraft sailed across the galaxy, Li Zhenwu spent it training.

At the same time, during this period of training, Li Zhenwu almost perfectly digested the gains brought by standing with Frieza!

Saiyans are a natural fighting nation, and their progress is almost in battle.

Li Zhenwu's original strength met some thresholds and it was difficult to improve.

In the battle with Frieza, he was injured many times, but after the battle, while he slowly recovered, his own strength also increased by leaps and bounds!

Originally, before Li Zhenwu fought Frieza, his basic combat power accumulated in the previous two worlds, and after the battle between One Punch Man and Saitama, the improvement of the system's help had reached the level of close to ten million.

In the battle with Frieza, he transformed into a Super Saiyan, and his combat power was directly approaching 500000000!

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