Now that after the battle, he digested what he gained from the battle, and his basic combat power immediately reached [-] million!Compared with the previous one, it has almost improved by more than half!

The increase in terror also undoubtedly shows the terrifying talent of the Saiyans, as well as the aptitude of Li Zhenwu himself.

"In the current universe, I hope to find someone who can fight with me."

Li Zhenwu was on the spaceship, looking at the vast and dark space outside the ship, he couldn't help muttering to himself.

That's why he wants to go to places that Frieza has not yet conquered and conquered!

To see the vastness of the infinite universe, and see the other powerhouses in those universes!

In the universe, it seems that the years are not counted.

But Li Zhenwu was used to using the earth's time to calculate his own time in twenty-four hours a day.

That's it, one year, two years, three years, four years...

In the universe, the passage of time is nothing at all.

But Li Zhenwu has experienced a lot in these years.

However, it is a pity that he has never found a race stronger than Frieza, or a cosmic powerhouse.

Although the powerhouses in the universe are like forests, it is rare to see those with a combat power of over [-] million.

However, apart from the fact that he did not find a strong person, Li Zhenwu opened his eyes and saw many strange races, or various special races, as well as all kinds of strange abilities in the universe.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu's cosmic journey is not without gain.

On the contrary, Li Zhenwu's harvest is actually not small, his vision, his knowledge along the way, all turned into his background, accumulating, waiting for the day of the outbreak...

Moreover, over the years, Li Zhenwu has been wandering in the universe constantly, and he is often looking for a galaxy or the strongest of a certain race on a certain planet to challenge, so wherever he walks, he leaves behind some legends.

The Legend of the Invincible Saiyan!

Unconsciously, the legend of the Invincible Saiyan is still fermenting and slowly spreading in the universe.

Legend has it that there are invincible Saiyans, powerful, almost invincible in the universe, never defeated, wandering in the universe looking for opponents...

Li Zhenwu didn't realize that his name had spread in some parts of the universe. He traveled in the universe for many years, and after feeling that "it is better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles", he estimated the time and felt that he It's almost time to go back home, to the solar system of the Milky Way, the place called Earth, and wait for the plot to begin.

And, prepare to meet the other powerhouses who are about to appear, or are about to be born!

In addition to leaving legends in the areas of the universe that Frieza had not conquered, Li Zhenwu also made some information spread in those areas of the universe that were conquered by Frieza, the 'evil universe emperor'.

The information is very explosive, it is about Li Zhenwu and Frieza's battle, and then Frieza's death, and the spread of Li Zhenwu's name.

In this case, the news spreads little by little until...


It took about seven years for Li Zhenwu to return after he left Planet Vegeta and started space voyage.

And the way back is also far away, and there is no way to go back, so it was another seven years and ten years before Li Zhenwu's spaceship came to the Milky Way far away.

The face of Li Zhenwu, who has been completely grown up, as mature as a knife and carving, carries a trace of nostalgia and reminiscence: "I have come to this world for so many years, and finally I will come to Earth..."

Chapter [-] Goku and Krillin!

Li Zhenwu's spaceship entered the Milky Way and quickly approached the solar system.

However, when he got here, he stopped the spaceship.

Moreover, he was not going to let the spaceship go to the earth together, because an alien spaceship fell on the earth and it was too conspicuous.

Li Zhenwu, however, is preparing to keep a low profile for the time being, so as not to let the plot go too far, so that more outstanding warriors can be born on the earth.

Or, to give birth to some of his future opponents.

"Don't be too far from the galaxy, when you hear my call, appear immediately."

Outside the solar system, Li Zhenwu said this to the captain of the Nier tribe, who was somewhat older and looked like a mollusk.

The Neir are not considered a long-lived people, despite their intelligence.

So over the past ten years, Li Zhenwu's captain has already appeared to be a little old, and he is still gradually entering the middle-aged and old age of his race!

Over the years, serving Li Zhenwu, the entire spaceship, the staff who originally belonged to Ephesus 21 Lisa, have all followed Li Zhenwu convincingly.

Because over the years, they have seen too much of Li Zhenwu's power, and there is almost no opponent in the universe.

In addition, Li Zhenwu has a very gentle personality outside of the battle, which is very different from Frieza, who used to kill people and destroy other people's home planets at every turn.

Therefore, these people have long forgotten about Frieza and followed Li Zhenwu wholeheartedly.

Now, Li Zhenwu told them not to stay away from the Milky Way, but to stay nearby and wait for orders, and they naturally obeyed.

After arranging things on the spaceship, Li Zhenwu got out of the spaceship, or in other words, got out of the spaceship in a circular aircraft.

In the aircraft, there is a seat, and the front of the seat is a glass hatch, which is enough for him to see outside.

Among the spherical aircraft, Li Zhenwu was wearing a simple combat uniform, and his face was still the same as it was many years ago.

Saiyans actually have a lifespan, but their lifespan is much longer than that of Earth people, but compared to the universe, it is also very short.

So, they also age and die naturally.

However, Li Zhenwu, the Saiyan, was an accident.

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