Because he ate the fruit of the divine tree in Naruto World and gained the power of the divine tree, he became the incarnation of the divine tree.

That is to say, within natural time, he is immortal.

Maybe in the past thousand or ten thousand years, his body can also be maintained at his peak.And your face doesn't age.

At this point, in this universe, he is also considered an outlier among Saiyans.

Li Zhenwu is in the vacuum of the universe. At this moment, he is already in the Milky Way. Looking at each other from a distance, he can see the blue planet at the center of the Milky Way.

The next moment, Li Zhenwu's hand moved slightly, and the button of the spherical aircraft had been activated, and then a thrust was ejected from the back of the aircraft, and then the aircraft had gone to the earth like a meteor!

"Earth, here I come."

It has to be said that for the earth, Li Zhenwu has emotions beyond the rest of the universe.

Perhaps it was because his original hometown was also Earth.

Whether it is the world of Naruto or the world of One Punch Man, Li Zhenwu lives on earth.

But this time in the world of Dragon Ball, he has been wandering in the vast universe for more than ten consecutive years, and it is only now that he has come close to the earth.

So much so that Li Zhenwu's heart couldn't help being a little excited.

The spherical aircraft, like a shooting star, reflects the faint rays of the sun.

In this way, slowly approaching the earth.

Quietly unnoticed.

The spherical aircraft broke through the atmosphere and began to plummet.

This time, it really looked like a meteor, passing an arc line from the atmosphere, and then falling into the ground.

Until... 'Bang! ' a loud bang.

On the ground, a pothole appeared, and the surrounding area also appeared to be cracked.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

The door of the spherical aircraft suddenly rose, and Li Zhenwu stood up from inside.

"Earth, I'm finally here."

Li Zhenwu was filled with emotion, and at this moment he truly stood on the ground of the earth.

At this time, the aircraft landed in a wasteland.

In other words, it seems that in the Dragon Ball world, there are too many barren places, cities have no secrets at all, and the population is very sparse.

And in the future, if there is no accident, the people on earth will die one after another, and then be resurrected by the Dragon Ball...

Speaking of which, the earthlings here are still a bit hard.

Just as he was sighing, Li Zhenwu's expression suddenly stopped, and he turned his head to look in one direction. 750

"It's a coincidence that I ran into him as soon as I arrived."

A faint smile appeared on Li Zhenwu's mouth.

In Li Zhenwu's eyes, a cloud flew from the sky in the distance.

But on the cloud, there is a... a child with a tail, and the child is pulling a small bald head.

"Look, Kling, I just said, what I saw wasn't a pop at all, but a weird big ball."

In the blink of an eye, in a moment, the two came to the front and landed on the ground.

Then, the child with the tail said to the little bald head who was with him.

"Okay Wukong, I admit that my eyesight is not as good as yours."

These two people are Sun Wukong and Ke Lin!

At this time, Sun Wukong and Ke Lin were pointing at the star aircraft in the big pit and discussing.

"What kind of strange thing is this?" Sun Wukong asked in confusion.

"I don't know either, but it seems that this uncle knows." Ke Lin touched his bald head, then saw Li Zhenwu, and said thoughtfully.

After saying this, Ke Lin suddenly shouted: "Wukong, look, this guy has the same tail as you!"

Chapter [-] Relationships

Li Zhenwu has never hidden his identity and his race in the universe.

That's why the name 'Invincible Saiyan Li Zhenwu' was spread among some parts of the universe.

And what is the most distinctive feature of Saiyans?

In addition to the cool upright hairstyle, it is undoubtedly the tail behind him.

So over the years, Li Zhenwu's tail has never been hidden.

Originally, he wanted to put his tail in his clothes in a low-key manner after he came to Earth.

But at this time, he just landed on the earth and met Wukong and Kelin, so the tail behind him was exposed and exposed in front of the two of them.

At this time, with Kelin's surprised scream, Wukong also saw Li Zhenwu for the first time, and noticed the tail behind Li Zhenwu.

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