The Sun Wukong at this time is already different from the innocent and ignorant who was brought out by Bouma from the mountains and forests.

Now he already knows that he is different from others because he has a tail.

But now, he saw someone who had the same tail as himself.

Suddenly, Wukong came to Li Zhenwu, raised his head and raised his face, his eyes were full of curiosity and eagerly asked: "Uncle, who are you? Why do you have the same tail as me?"

Li Zhenwu's appearance was that of a full-fledged adult, he looked like he was in his twenties.

But for Wukong and Kelin, who are now childish, they can indeed be regarded as 'uncles'.

Li Zhenwu looked at Wukong and Kelin carefully, then smiled and said, "Before you ask me, why don't you introduce yourself?"

After Li Zhenwu finished speaking, Wukong was immediately stunned, and then he introduced himself: "My name is Sun Wukong, and this is my good friend Kelin."

"Then what are you doing now?" Li Zhenwu asked.

"We are practicing, we are working hard to participate in the [-]nd World's No. [-] Martial Arts Club!" Wukong said.

"That's it." Li Zhenwu nodded, and at the same time, he knew about the current timeline in his heart. Then Li Zhenwu asked another question: "How long will it take to hold the No. [-] Martial Arts Festival in the world?"

"It's going to be held in a few days! Uncle, do you also know the world's No. [-] Martial Arts Conference?" Klein interjected.

At the same time, Ke Lin, who matured earlier than Wukong, was also looking at Li Zhenwu.

Then, Ke Lin quietly pulled Wukong's clothes, put his mouth close to Wukong's ear, and whispered quietly: "Wukong, have you noticed, you and this uncle with a long tail look a bit similar!"

Kelin, who was a keen bystander, discovered this problem.

"Is there?" Wukong asked suspiciously.

As an authority, Wukong can see Li Zhenwu's appearance clearly, but he can't compare it with his own appearance, which is not as clear as Klein's.

In fact, Li Zhenwu and Wukong are indeed somewhat similar.

After all, when Li Zhenwu was reincarnated in the Naruto world, the Saiyan bloodline contained in Xio actually came from 'Monkey King'.

Therefore, in the subsequent growth, he gradually became two or three similar to the real Monkey King.

Now, after Klein discovered this problem, he looked back and forth again, and was even more surprised.

Because he feels more and more like the two!In addition to the facial features, the hair that is the same, and the black hair that stands up slightly on the head, are so similar.

Even, Ke Lin couldn't help asking: "Wukong, do you remember your parents or something?"

"Cough cough!"

The so-called 'whispers' of Kelin and Wukong were actually heard clearly by Li Zhenwu.

Seeing that Kelin had already thought of Sun Wukong's parents, Li Zhenwu couldn't hold it any longer, coughed twice, interrupting Kelin.

"My name is Li Zhenwu." Li Zhenwu said his name.

"Monkey King, Li Zhenwu." Ke Lin was muttering, feeling that the two names were very related.

"True martial arts?" Sun Wukong asked back, and then he pointed at the word for 'wu' on the side of his clothes: "Uncle, are you also enlightened?"

"Do not."

Li Zhenwu shook his head slightly, but his eyes fell on Wukong's neck.

It can be seen that on Wukong's neck, there is a small necklace, below, there is a longevity lock, on the back of the lock, there is a name.

Li Zhenwu stared straight at the longevity lock, and even pointed out, "The Wu in my name is that Wu."

"Hey, it's the same as Teacher Wu Tian." Ke Lin said.

Wukong took out the longevity lock on his neck, looked at the word on it, and then looked at Li Zhenwu, a familiar feeling came to his mind.

Generally speaking, Saiyans have an excellent memory, and they can remember everything even when they were infancy!

That's why the adult Saiyans of Planet Vegeta will throw some infant Saiyans to other planets when they are babies, and then wait for them to conquer that planet when they grow up.

If everything is normal, Sun Wukong can also remember the extraordinary.


After Sun Wukong came to the earth, his head was hit once, so he didn't remember all the memories before that.

Moreover, Sun Wukong's nature has also changed from a typical manic Saiyan to a gentle and kind-hearted personality now.

Naturally, Sun Wukong also forgot his origin, planet Vegeta, his identity as a Saiyan, and his parents.

He even forgot that Li Zhenwu, who once put the longevity lock on him when he was a baby!

Now, although Wukong has forgotten everything in the past, but looking at the longevity lock engraved with 'Wu' in his hand, and the Li Zhenwu in front of him, there is a familiarity flooding into his heart.

At the same time, Sun Wukong also remembered some words his grandfather Sun Wufan once told him...

Chapter [-] The question of combat power!

Wukong took the longevity lock in his hand, looked at the word "wu" on it, and remembered what his grandfather Sun Gohan once said to himself.

This longevity lock was brought on by Sun Wufan when he picked him up. It may have something to do with his origins, and it is the only clue.

"What's my background?"

Sun Wukong is innocent and innocent, with almost no extra attention, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sit on the somersault cloud.

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