In the arena, the shadow clone gave Wukong a strong pressure and showed a very strong strength.

The audience was very excited, because this battle Kant made people excited, and it really met the level of the finals of their martial arts club.

Even the host's enthusiasm has been mobilized!

"Ahhhh! The scene is too intense! The battle between Li Rock and Wukong has entered a fever!"

The battle continued for more than ten minutes.

Even Wukong's physical strength can't keep up, after all, he has been under high-intensity blows.

However, Wukong's spirit is very good, and his fighting spirit is high.

Li Zhenwu felt the same, this time the battle was enough for Wukong to improve.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu quietly contacted the shadow clone.

Immediately, the fierce shadow clone 'Li Locke' who had fought Wukong in the arena suddenly stopped, and the whole person jumped out of the battle group.

"I won't fight, I won't fight, my physical strength can't keep up, I admit defeat!"

Then, the shadow clone said so.

"What? Player Li Luo actually conceded defeat!" The host said in disbelief. In their unknowing eyes, Shadow Clone was fighting Wukong with great force, but now he suddenly conceded defeat.

The audience was dumbfounded, and Wukong was also surprised: "Hey, why did you admit defeat?" Wukong asked suspiciously.

"I can't beat you any more, so I admit defeat." The shadow clone laughed and jumped off the stage.

Then, the shadow clone faced the TV camera, smiled and greeted the stunned audience and made a face, and then ran away.

"My God! Player Li Locke really conceded and jumped off the stage, so this time the champion is Sun Wukong!"

When the shadow clone left everyone's sight and no one noticed the forehead, the whole person suddenly turned into a patterned white light with a 'bang' and disappeared completely.

This is the effect of the Shadow Clone Technique disbanded, and the Shadow Clone is also disbanded. After all, the task of the Shadow Clone has been completed.

Then, at the martial arts meeting, there was a small accident.

Originally, at the martial arts conference, there would be a reward for the champion He Yajun.

But the runner-up Li Luo suddenly disappeared!

In desperation, after the approach was based on the arrival of the champion, the organizer of the martial arts club had to award the original runner-up award and ranking to Tianjin Fan, who was originally the third runner-up.

Wukong won the championship, the whole person was laughing, pure and innocent.

Tianjin Fan accidentally won the runner-up, but the whole person did not appear happy, just sighed.

Because there were some conflicts between him and his mentor, Immortal Crane~!

The [-]nd Martial Arts Conference ended just like that.

Because of Li Zhenwu's accidental intervention, Tianjin Fan, who would have been the champion, only got a runner-up.

And Tianjin Fan is thinking to himself that he must regain the championship position next time.

However, he did not expect that from this time on, he has opened a huge gap with Wukong, knowing that he will never be able to catch up with Wukong's combat power...

At the end of the martial arts meeting, Immortal Turtle took Kelin Wukong to visit Yamucha, who had been in the hospital by Dadan bones before.

Li Zhenwu also quietly followed.

At this time, fairy beans have not been popularized among Z warriors, so after they are in their hands, there is no way to recover immediately, so there is a saying that they are hospitalized.

In the Yamucha ward, although Yamucha is in hand, the whole person is optimistic and happy: "Congratulations to Wukong, you won the championship, I saw the live TV broadcast, you did a great job!"

The martial arts meeting officially ended, Wukong invited Li Zhenwu to his residence, but Li Zhenwu refused.

Li Zhenwu found a place to settle at random, and a few days later, he got a message from Wukong.

Krillin, dead!

"Has the Big Devil finally come out?" Li Zhenwu breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the world was developing rapidly.

Chapter thirty-eight of Piccolo

After the martial arts conference, Wukong invited Li Zhenwu to live where he lived, so that the distance between the two would be much closer.

Moreover, Wukong is now very close to Li Zhenwu's 'uncle', not to mention the longevity lock that Li Zhenwu once gave him.

It can be said that for the current Wukong, Li Zhenwu is also an important person to him.

After rejecting Wukong's kindness, Li Zhenwu found a city and settled down, ready to develop his own power in this world.

After all, on this earth, it can be said that there are many geniuses and groups of black technologies.

Don't you see the future androids, Sharu, Buu, etc., were all born on Earth.

However, shortly after parting with Wukong and the others, Li Zhenwu got a message from Immortal Turtle.

Krillin is dead.

At the same time, the four-planet Dragon Ball was also lost, and Goku tracked the Dragon Ball in order to avenge Krillin, so he went after the enemy alone.

Li Zhenwu looked at the news from the Turtle Immortal. The Turtle Immortal said that the enemy this time may be Piccolo - the devil who once caused the earth!

In Turtle Immortal's mouth, he was full of worries, and told Li Zhenwu about the illustrious reputation of the Great Demon King Piccolo.

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