The implication is that Immortal Turtle still hopes that there will be one more combat power on the side of the earth!

"If I really make a move, I won't have to play." Li Zhenwu said to himself.

His true strength, if you take it out, let alone the Great Demon King Piccolo, even the entire planet of Namek is not enough for him.

Although Li Zhenwu came to Earth just to wait for those tyrannical and excessive characters to appear, but the current Big Devil King Piccolo has about a few hundred combat power, which is really a bit weak for Li Zhenwu.

Weak to the point where he didn't even want to shoot.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu read the message sent by Immortal Turtle.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

"Bang!" Another Li Zhenwu appeared beside him, but this was his shadow clone once again.

"You go and help Wukong a little bit, but don't finish everything, try to let Wukong get enough growth."

Li Zhenwu said to his shadow clone.

"No problem!" Shadow clone nodded, and then walked out of the room to help Wukong.

In the Naruto world, Naruto can spread his shadow clones all over Konoha in the later stage, and perform their own duties.

And now, Li Zhenwu himself is already the most powerful in the Naruto world, so his shadow clone is even more powerful!

Now his shadow clone can be far away from the main body.

As long as he is still on the same planet, Li Zhenwu can connect with his shadow avatar, and can share memory and certain power.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu is extremely relieved to let the shadow clone play a role beside Wukong and help him grow.

I am sitting on my own business.

After dispatching the shadow clone, Li Zhenwu himself was also sitting down according to his plan.

First, he acquired an identity and then created a company.

Then, he used his own resources to make the company bigger and spread its influence.

However, all these plans are only just getting started.

After dispatching the shadow clone, within a few days, Li Zhenwu was depressed and found that the city he was in was in chaos!

After collecting a little bit of intelligence information, I found that it turned out that the Great Demon King Piccolo had spread his reputation, killed many warriors, and brought his own demon subordinates to dominate the world!

They are conquering city after city before taking over the world!To make Piccolo the new king of the world.

"Oh, trouble." Li Zhenwu sighed.

This earth is even more unreliable than the earth of One Punch Man, and there are frequent global crises.

In the world of One Punch Man, because Saitama lived next door, Li Zhenwu was able to slowly become a manga, but now the world has been messed up by a big demon king Dabik.So even Li Zhenwu's original plan was difficult to continue.

"It seems that if I want this matter of the Big Demon King to pass quickly, I have to do it myself." Li Zhenwu said to himself.

So, quietly, Li Zhenwu quietly communicated with his shadow avatar, and then conveyed some thoughts to the past.

The Great Demon King Piccolo is powerful, and he himself gave birth to some of his subordinates. With malice towards the Martial Daoist who once fought and sealed him, he launched a slaughter plan! ! !

After inquiring about the residence of the immortals, they slaughtered the martial artists while heading towards the immortal island where the immortals were located.

On the earth now, the people who have previous grudges with the Big Devil Piccolo are almost the two brothers, the Immortal Turtle and the Immortal Hexian, but the Immortal Hexian has been quietly hiding, so the Great Devil Piccolo is all targeting the Immortal Turtle.

What's more, the Great Demon King Piccolo dragged his aged body that had been sealed for hundreds of years, and he also had a reason to refuse to target Turtle Immortal.

Grab the Dragon Balls!Bring yourself back to youth!

After the Great Demon King Piccolo reappeared, he discovered that there is such a fashionable thing as Dragon Ball, which can satisfy any wish.

Therefore, the Great Demon King Piccolo decided to gather the Dragon Balls to bring himself back to his youth and restore his previous healthy and powerful state.

The aggressive Big Demon King Piccolo directly met the immortal turtle who came to intercept him halfway, and started some battles.

Not long after the battle, Turtle Immortal took out a rice cooker.

"Are you going to use that battle?" Big Devil Piccolo's expression changed.

"Yes, even if I risk my life, I will seal you!" Immortal Turtle said with a resolute expression, he turned his head to look at... Li Zhenwu's shadow avatar.

"Goku will ask you from now on..."

(The computer is broken, I use my mobile phone to code...)

Chapter [-] Li Zhenwu takes action!

Before the Turtle Immortal was about to use 'Magic Sealing Wave' to deal with the Great Demon King Piccolo, he turned to look at Li Zhenwu's shadow clone.

Of course, at this moment, Immortal Turtle still didn't know that Li Zhenwu in front of him was just a shadow clone.He sighed at the shadow clone, and said with some entrusting will: "Wukong... I'll leave it to you."

Then, the turtle fairy has begun to use the magic seal wave!

At this time, the immortal turtle had made plans and preparations to die.Because the magic seal wave is a powerful move, the same side effects are also huge!

Back then, Wu Taidou, the master of Immortal Turtle, used this trick to seal the Great Demon King Piccolo, and then he burped himself because of his vitality.

Now, Turtle Immortal is ready to burp.

Even before that, he also taught the trick of 'magic sealing the wave' to Tianjin Fan, who had rehabilitated, so as to prevent him from failing and succeeding him.

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