The figure of Shenlong slowly emerged in the sky.

Although it seems that the dragon is extremely powerful and has the ability to realize the wishes of human beings, it is actually a crispy skin in itself.

It's like if there is no Li Zhenwu, then Shenlong may be killed by the Great Demon King Piccolo first.

Shenlong's body is incomparably huge, suspended in the clouds, the huge dragon head protrudes down, and the majestic eyes look at the people below.

"You call me out, you can say a wish, and I will fulfill it for you."

The voice of Shenlong was mighty and mighty, spreading between heaven and earth.

Immortal Turtle with a cane, stepped forward alone, looked up at Shenlong, and then said what he wanted to make.

"I hope Shenlong can revive Ke Lin, the martial artist who was slaughtered by the Great Demon King Picco this time, and the innocent humans who were affected!"

Turtle Immortal expressed his wish.

Before meeting the Turtle Immortal, the Great Demon King Pic had killed a lot of people, and many martial artists were slaughtered by him.

Now, Turtle Immortal made a wish to bring these people back to life.

"Just resurrect some people? A simple wish."

Chapter [-] The Resurrection of Krillin

The dragon summoned by the seven dragon balls has a huge body, looming above the sky, and some of its body is covered by clouds.

The huge faucet protruded in front, and the opening made a sound like rolling thunder.

"Is that all you want? That's too simple."

Shenlong's voice was loud and clear, and he spoke with ease.

"Any wish is simple." Li Zhenwu whispered quietly.

In the original book, the same is true for Shenlong, and it is simple to face any wish...

Except for the simple ones, they are all wishes that Shenlong cannot fulfill.

Li Zhenwu looked up at Shenlong, thinking lightly in his heart.

In fact, the dragon summoned by Dragon Ball is more like a mechanized program.

"Two, three, three" You only need to summon him, then if he has enough ability, he will naturally fulfill your wish, if the wish is too exaggerated, then... Shenlong will also give up.

But now the turtle immortal makes a wish, just to resurrect some people, which is still within the ability of the dragon.

So, after Shenlong granted this wish and nodded, it closed its eyes.

The next moment, next to everyone, Ke Lin's figure slowly emerged.

Then Shenlong has opened his eyes: "As you wish, your wish has been fulfilled."

Shenlong said to the turtle immortal in a bell-like voice.

Then, before Immortal Turtle had any answer, Shenlong's huge body suddenly emitted a light, and the next moment, the light burst!The dragon's body also disappeared at the same time!

However, there are seven dragon balls that have been turned into stones, flying in seven different directions.

At this moment, at this moment, even if the heart is only a shadow avatar, Li Zhenwu clearly captured the traces of the seven dragon balls.

When Dragon Ball is used once, it will burn out and turn into a useless 'stone'.It won't change back to Dragon Ball until a year later, and that's when Dragon Ball can be reused.

Li Zhenwu's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Everyone's eyes flashed, and then they saw the place where the seven dragon balls had exploded, and a figure flashed.

After a while, Li Zhenwu landed... At this time, he was holding a total of two dragon balls like stone eggs in each hand.

"Cut down?" The others were surprised, looking at Li Zhenwu's hands, obviously Li Zhenwu didn't just cut down a dragon ball this time.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​these four planets, you can give them to Wukong later."

Li Zhenwu held two dragon balls in his hands, and then he gave one of them to Immortal Turtle, and this one was the 'Four Planets', which was once regarded by Goku as a grandfather's sustenance.

Of the two Dragon Balls that Li Zhenwu had just cut off, one of them was four planets, or Li Zhenwu deliberately cut it off after seeing it clearly.

As for the other one, it is a random dragon ball that is closest to the four planets.

The reason why I cut down two dragon balls is that on the one hand, I remembered Wukong, and on the other hand, Li Zhenwu's curiosity was haunting him, and he was going to keep one as a souvenir.

Even if he doesn't have any wishes that need to be fulfilled by Dragon Balls for the time being, it does not mean that he has completely lost interest in Dragon Balls.

"Ah, am I resurrected?"

At this time, Ke Lin, who had just been resurrected by the dragon, slowly discovered the situation around him.

"Kelin, you were summoned by Teacher Wu Tian with the seven dragon balls and then resurrected." Yamucha came to Clinton's side and explained to him.

Krillin touched his bald head and gradually accepted this fact.

"And what about Wukong?" Kelin turned his head and looked around, and found that they were all acquaintances, but Wukong was missing.

"Wukong went to Kalinta to practice in order to defeat the Great Demon King Piccolo." Yamu Cha said: "So when Goku comes back again, he must be stronger."

"So it is." Ke Lin nodded, and then seemed to suddenly react, and suddenly said in shock: "Where is the Great Demon King Piccolo now?"

"Don't worry..." Yamcha patted Kelin on the shoulder, reassuring him: "The current Big Demon King Piccolo has been defeated and killed! You don't have to worry."

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