Yamucha said with a smile, he is also very relaxed now.Finally recovered from the terrifying pressure brought by the Great Demon King Piccolo.

"Big Devil Piccolo is dead?" Ke Lin was surprised, "Could it be that Teacher Wu Tian defeated the Great Devil Piccolo?"

With that said, Ke Lin turned his gaze to the Turtle Immortal.

Immortal Turtle waved his hands again and again: "It's not me, I'm not the opponent of the Great Demon King Piccolo."

"What about the Great Demon King Piccolo?" Kelin asked inexplicably. When he thought about it, if the Turtle Immortal and Wukong couldn't do it, then the earth would still be able to defeat the Great Devil Piccolo?

"It's Wukong's uncle." Turtle Immortal said: "My old bones can't beat the Big Demon King Piccolo, and it was Wukong's uncle who defeated the Big Devil King Piccolo."

"It's him." Ke Lin couldn't help looking at Li Zhenwu.

Ke Lin remembered his powerlessness when he was killed by the Great Demon King Piccolo, and then looked at Li Zhenwu at the moment, and felt Li Zhenwu's strength even more.

"As expected of Wukong's uncle! He is so powerful." Ke Lin thought sincerely.

When Li Zhenwu saw this and found harmony and tranquility, he felt that there was nothing to do, so this time he really said goodbye.

"If that's the case, then I'll come back first. But if Goku comes back, let him find me."

Li Zhenwu said that he was going to wait until Wukong came back, and he personally helped Wukong improve his strength.

After saying that, after saying goodbye, Li Zhenwu tapped his toes, and the whole person rose to the sky.

The next moment, he had already gone in the direction of the main body.

It didn't take long, the shadow clone returned to the main body, and suddenly 'Bang! ' It turned into white light, and only one Li Zhenwu remained.

And the Dragon Ball also came into the hands of Li Zhenwu's body.

"This is Dragon Ball."

Chapter [-] Wukong gets married

Because the Great Demon King Piccolo has died, the chaos in the world caused by the Great Great Piccolo has finally subsided.

Li Zhenwu also had the time to do his own thing. A biotechnology company was founded by Li Zhenwu.

Time flies.

When Wukong returned from his hard training in Kalinta, he was stunned to find that it had caused a terrifying shadow on the whole earth.

And he was beaten by his own 'uncle', which gave Wukong a feeling that his fist was full of strength, but he was hit on cotton.

Although this is the case, Wukong also heard about the life of the Great Demon King Piccolo. In fact, it did not really end, but left a successor before he died completely. I don't know when it will suddenly appear to harm the earth.

So, Goku still hasn't lost motivation and wants to become stronger.

Moreover, Wukong's contract was strong, and 21 also gave Kelin Yamucha a certain pressure to correct evil and return to the righteous. Under this encouragement, they are also working hard to become stronger and practice assiduously.

Three years have passed since the [-]nd Martial Arts Conference.

In the past three years, the world has been peaceful, and the people of the earth seem to have gradually forgotten the terror brought by the Great Demon King Piccolo.

And the [-]rd World No. [-] Martial Arts Conference officially started.

At this time, Li Zhenwu seems to have done his best to achieve the world's top level, and even has a large number of outstanding scientists under his hands.

On the other hand, Wukong, Kelin and other Z fighters have made enough progress in the past three years, and then each of them went to the venue of the martial arts meeting with the intention of testing their own strength at this time of the world's first martial arts meeting. This time the martial arts meeting.

Li Zhenwu has been quietly developing the company for several years. Although it has been a long time, it is not boring. It is a novel experience for him.After all, before this, Li Zhenwu had been drifting in the vast universe for more than ten years.

Moreover, in the past few years, Li Zhenwu's own strength has not fallen at all, but he is still practicing a little bit every day, and his strength is slowly improving.

The current Li Zhenwu, even if he doesn't use Kaiwang Fist and doesn't need to transform into a Saiyan, his conventional strength has reached the level of tens of millions!

If he is facing Frieza now, then Li Zhenwu may not even need to use the Super Saiyan state, just open the eight-door Dunjia, or Kaiwangquan can easily take care of him.

It's the start of another martial arts conference, and Li Zhenwu is also preparing to go out and walk around, and see Wukong and others who have not seen it for a long time!

The city where the No. [-] Martial Arts Club is held is lively and lively, and many people come from all over the world.

It was under such circumstances that Li Zhenwu came here.

At this time, there is still one day before the start of the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Club.

So just set foot in this city, Li Zhenwu sensed the atmosphere in the city a little, and then found Wukong.

"Long time no see, Wukong." The corner of Li Zhenwu's mouth twitched slightly, and there was a little smile.

Until now, he and Goku have not seen each other for over a year.

During this time, Goku has gone from a minor Saiyan to an adult Saiyan.

Moreover, the original naive Wukong, when he was an adult, his body quickly developed into an adult appearance, and in a short period of time, his mind has matured.

In the city, there is a reception for martial arts players.

With a height of [-] meters, Wukong looks a little determined, and his hair is standing upright, and he is gathering with his friends.

"Wukong, have you thought about it? Are you really going to marry Qiqi at this martial arts meeting?"

Three years later, Ke Lin has also matured a lot, his face is not as childish as before, but more youthful and energetic, but his height has not changed much.

At this time, Krillin is asking Goku.

"Well, it's time to marry Qiqi." Wukong nodded. As he became an adult, his mind and body matured rapidly, so he had already made a 'doll kiss' with Qiqi, the daughter of the Bull Demon King. , ready to marry.

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