"I didn't expect that Wukong was going to get married." Yamucha was also here at the moment, and couldn't help but sigh.

On the other side, the pair of Tianjin Lunchbox Dumplings are also there, but their feelings are not as deep as that of Yamucha and Kelin.

"But Wukong, have you contacted your uncle recently?" Krillin asked.

Wukong has met Li Zhenwu a few times since he defeated Piccolo last time, but Kelin has hardly seen Li Zhenwu.

Standing up and mentioning his uncle 247, Wukong smiled: "I have contacted Uncle Zhenwu before, he should come over, and I also asked him to be a witness at my and Qiqi's wedding."

"Time flies so fast." Turtle Immortal also came here this time, watching Wukong talk freely that he was going to get married, he couldn't help but sigh.

This time, the Turtle Immortal is not ready to participate in the competition, not to mention that Wukong's strength has already surpassed him, and even Kelin Yamucha Tianjin Rice's strength is not inferior to him at all.Therefore, while Gu Xianren felt that there were talents coming out of the country, he also decided that he would not participate in the future martial arts clubs himself.

So he came here purely because Wukong wanted to marry Qiqi at this martial arts meeting.

Wukong smiled slightly: "I haven't seen Uncle Zhenwu for a long time. I don't know if my current strength is my uncle's opponent."

"This time I see Uncle Zhenwu, I want to compare with him."

Wukong's current strength has surpassed the previous Big Demon King Piccolo, so he wondered whether his strength at this time could catch up with Li Zhenwu.

"It's hard to say, your uncle's strength is unfathomable." Turtle Immortal said ponderingly.

The forty-fifth chapter Wukong gets married (2)

When Li Zhenwu defeated the Great Demon King Piccolo, only Immortal Turtle witnessed the whole process with his own eyes.

Others, including Wukong Tianjin Fan Kelin and Ya Mucha, only later learned from the mouth of Guixian that the terrifying Big Demon King Bick was defeated by Li Zhenwu.

Therefore, to be precise, outside the Turtle Immortal, other people do not know how powerful Li Zhenwu is.

Even Wukong himself did not feel the bottom line of Li Zhenwu's strength when he went to look for Li Zhenwu after the event and was taught by Li Zhenwu.

Only the Turtle Immortal, because Aoki had witnessed Li Zhenwu's terrifying strength, said the unfathomable words of Li Zhenwu's strength.

"Wukong, I believe you will be as powerful as your uncle one day." Krillin said to Goku.

By now, Ke Lin has lost the mentality of distinguishing between high and low with Goku.

Because of Wukong's strength, the rapid growth is terrifying, leaving others behind from a distance, forgetting the dust.

"Wukong, you and your uncle are both Saiyans who are known as the fighting nation. Since your uncle can be so powerful, then you must be so powerful," Yamucha said.

On the other hand, Tianjin Fan stood quietly and did not speak.

Tianjin Fan's current strength has been greatly improved compared to three years ago, and he is confident that even if he faces the Great Demon King Piccolo three years ago, he is not without the strength to fight.

So at this time, in Tianjin Fan's heart, there is still a mentality to compete with Wukong at this time of the world's No. [-] martial arts meeting.

The number of participants in this year's Martial Arts Tournament was smaller than that of the last Martial Arts Tournament.

In the final analysis, the fierce aftertaste of the last time Piccolo was still there.

Therefore, the number of martial artists participating in the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Association this time was directly half of the previous time.

However, the enthusiasm of the audience did not diminish at all.

In addition, the last time the whole earth was disturbed, the big devil Piccolo was killed by a group of champions and runners-up of the martial arts club, so the audience was even more enthusiastic about the martial arts club.

The martial arts meeting was about to start, and two unique players came.

One is 'God' and the other is 'Magic'.

The martial arts meeting was about to start. Wukong was in the stadium, and he was going to go shopping with Ke Lin and the others, when suddenly his face moved.

"What's wrong?" Ke Lin keenly discovered Wukong's abnormality.

"Uncle Zhenwu is here." Wukong said, opening the door and walking out, and then saw Zhenwu who had just arrived outside the door.

"I can detect this." Ke Lin was a little surprised, and at the same time he saw Li Zhenwu outside the door.

Wukong smiled and said nothing.

He practiced in Kalinta in order to become stronger before, and then practiced under the guidance of the gods. He has mastered many skills, including hiding and feeling the skills of capturing other people's breath.

So at this time, without Li Zhenwu deliberately covering himself up, Wukong sensed Li Zhenwu's arrival in advance through his Qi sense.

"Hi, Goku, long time no see."

Li Zhenwu greeted Wukong who opened the door with a smile, and at the same time looked at Wukong carefully.

The last time Li Zhenwu saw Wukong, Wukong was still a minor.

In this short period of time, he has already grown up, and his body has grown rapidly. He is already an adult, full of youthful vigor, and his own wisdom.

"I've grown up." Li Zhenwu sighed slightly, looking at Wukong in front of him.

"Uncle Zhenwu, you still haven't changed at all." Wukong smiled and said to Li Zhenwu.

"When you're older, it's your young people's world. And you're about to get married, but I'm still a single dog." Li Zhenwu shook his head gently, and then met with Kelin and Yamu beside Wukong. Tea also said hello.

"What do you mean by being single?" Krillin asked suspiciously.

Li Zhenwu looked at him and said, "It's you and I who are old enough to have no girlfriend or old man."

"What? Then I'm not a single dog." Ke Lin heard the words and jumped up and retorted: "I'm not old enough to marry a wife!"

"You said yes."

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