While thinking about it, Yakilobe was about to turn around and run away.

Although he is a powerful swordsman master on earth, it is difficult to arouse the fighting spirit in the face of Vegeta's powerful fighting power.

Just as Yakilobe turned around quietly, he suddenly found that there was a dark shadow in front of him, and a shadow appeared.

Looking up, he was almost scared to death because there was another person in front of him.

"Mummy! Who are you!?" Yakilobe fell to the ground in fright, and couldn't help asking, trembling a little.

He was too scared. There was a shadow in Vegeta's power, and now a person suddenly appeared behind him, almost scared to death.

"Goku will not be Vegeta's opponent."

Yakilobe was shocked, and then heard the words of the person who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Just now, Yakilobe was talking to himself, and these words were heard by Li Zhenwu.

So at this time, Li Zhenwu responded to what Yakilobe had just said.

"Goku's Kaiwang Fist is a huge burden on the body, and now Vegeta has transformed into a Saiyan, and his own strength has also doubled! In this way, Goku is even more not his. It's an opponent." Li Zhenwu stood there and said to himself.

"What are you talking about, how could Goku not be the opponent of that Saiyan." Yakilobe hoped from the bottom of his heart that Goku could win, otherwise the fate of the earth and even himself would be self-evident.

"Who are you?" Yakilobe couldn't help but ask again.

Li Zhenwu did not answer him directly, but still said to himself: "Vegeta, who has now turned into a gorilla, can easily defeat Goku, and even Goku is hard to fight back, but there are also unexpected situations of cracking. Can make Goku win."

"What's the situation?" Although Li Zhenwu didn't answer him directly, Yakilobe couldn't help asking because he was very concerned about Wukong's victory or defeat.

"The Saiyan turns into a gorilla through the tail behind him. Once his tail is cut off, he will immediately lose the source of power and change back to his original appearance."

"Cut off the tail, just cut off the tail." Yakilobe couldn't help but touched the sword around his waist, caught in a tangled scene.

The current Goku doesn't even have the power to fight back, so the only thing left that can chop off Vegeta's tail is...

"No, isn't there another person?" Yakilobe suddenly thought of Li Zhenwu who had just been talking to himself in front of him, thinking that if he could quietly appear behind him, then his strength must be good.

However, when Yakilobe raised his head again and wanted to ask Li Zhenwu to contribute to the earth, he found that there was no one in front of him!

A gust of wind blew, and Yakilobe felt cold on his body. He shuddered even more, and his fat face turned pale: "Am I going to hell?"

Goku is almost tortured by Vegeta after being transformed into a super gorilla!In just a few short strokes, he suffered a lot.

"No! It seems that we can only use the vitality bomb!" Wukong thought to himself: "But it will take some time to use the vitality bomb, so we need to delay it."

Wukong pondered, his eyes lit up, he raised his hands, and meditated in his heart: "Tianjin Fan, it seems that I'm going to try your unique skills!"

Looking at Vegeta, who was incarnated as a gorilla, Wukong slowly drank the name of a move: "Tai! Yang! Fist!"


Suddenly, it was like a sun appeared in Wukong's hand, and in an instant, a light that could blind people was released!

Suddenly, Vegeta was caught off guard, he screamed, and then covered his eyes in pain...

"Just now!" Wukong made a decisive decision. Taking advantage of the period of time when Sun Fist blinded Vegeta, he ran to the side, raised his hand, and began to condense vitality!

"Vital energy bombs." Li Zhenwu looked at Wukong's movements and was slightly emotional.

In the world of Dragon Ball, vitality bullets and Kai Wangquan can be described as two major killers, and vitality bullets are standard for the justice camp.

One of the characteristics of the vitality bomb is that no matter how powerful the reason is, it will not cause harm to good people, but if it has an evil aura on it... then it will be more fortunate.

On the earth, every grass and every tree, sporadic vitality all over the world, are slowly being gathered by Wukong.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I hope you can hurry up." Wukong was praying for the condensation speed of the vitality bomb.

And Vegeta is slowly recovering his eyesight.

"Kakarot, I must kill you ah ah ah!" Vegeta 5.1 was still roaring frantically, full of violence.

On Wukong's hand, the faint white color is slowly condensing and forming!

"It's about to be done!" Wukong happily looked at the vitality bomb in his hand, believing that he would be able to win by surprise later.

However, at this time, Vegeta recovered his eyesight, and immediately came towards Goku, and slapped him directly at Goku who was condensing the vitality bullet and couldn't move!


Wukong was shot and flew out!Most of the vitality bullet in his hand dissipated directly in this one blow!

And, Goku's situation is in jeopardy!

(There will be one more watch after [-]:[-], and I will resume the third watch or more from tomorrow. My body is almost half better these days...)

Chapter [-]: Violent Transformation into True Martial Arts

The earth's vitality that Wukong had condensed was directly dissipated in half by Vegeta's shot, and the rest was very difficult to condense.

Because now, in Vegeta's hateful blow, he has been seriously injured and is unable to fight back!

"Could it be that it's going to end like this? I'm so unwilling!" Wukong couldn't help sighing.

Vegeta was still in anger, so he had raised his huge soles, and he was about to stomp on Goku in the next moment.

At this time, behind Vegeta, a silver-white sword light suddenly flashed!


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