Vegeta only felt a pain behind her, and she had a very serious strange feeling.

So he looked back and saw the tail that he had cut off with Nabai, and the sweaty Yakilobe.

"Wu, Wukong, I can only help you to get here." Yakilobe looked at Vegeta's eyes as if he could kill someone, his heart trembled, and then said in a trembling voice.

And Vegeta, who lost her tail, at this moment, 21's body seemed to be an inflated balloon, and was suddenly punctured again!In rapid deflation!

Vegeta's huge orangutan body kept shrinking, and his original hideous appearance also changed back to his original appearance.

Moreover, his complexion was ashen, his combat power fell again, and his eyes staring at Yakilobe were full of killing intent!

"Cough cough! I was careless just now, please don't mind." Yakirobe sweated like rain, trembling with fear.

Facing Vegeta, he didn't have the slightest confidence, even cutting off Vegeta's tail just now was just a hard-won opportunity, and it was only caught by Goku being madly abused.

"Damn." Vegeta looked gloomy and wanted to kill Yakilobe.

But at this time, two more figures appeared from the horizon.

"Wukong!" "Dad!"

The two figures couldn't help exclaiming when they saw Wukong on the ground.

"Krillin, Gohan! Why are you back, cough." Wukong lay on the ground and couldn't help being surprised when he saw Krillin and Son Gohan.

"Gohan must come back to help you." Ke Lin looked solemn: "Looking at the current situation, you also need help!"

On the other hand, Son Gohan cried out while watching Goku lying on the ground injured, then looked at Vegeta beside him, his eyes were full of anger, and a powerful aura erupted from his body.

"This... this kid." Vegeta was surprised, feeling the aura emanating from Son Gohan, very powerful.

The next moment, Sun Gohan had already rushed out and slammed into Vegeta's body: "Let you bully my dad!"

This time, it slammed into Vegeta's body and knocked him out!

However, Sun Wuhan's fighting power was so sudden, and after this one blow, his momentum quickly weakened.

"Empty has a strong potential, but the xinxing and quality are not good at all, and it is impossible to stably exert one's potential."

In the dark, Li Zhenwu couldn't help shaking his head when he saw Sun Wufan's performance.

It stands to reason that as a hybrid of Saiyans and earthlings, he should be very good.

It is a pity that it seems that because Son Gohan is of mixed blood, the fighting instinct belonging to the Saiyans in the body has almost disappeared.

Therefore, he has the potential to be far more powerful than the Asians, but he can't play it.

Under this blow, Vegeta was injured again, and he was even more embarrassed.

However, he also saw that Son Gohan's emptiness had its own appearance.

So, Vegeta got up and walked towards Son Gohan.

"It seems that I need to kill you little devil first!"

Seeing Vegeta approaching step by step, Sun Gohan was astonished, not at all as powerful as before.

When Vegeta came to Son Gohan's side and raised his hand to start, he accidentally saw Son Gohan's tail exposed, exposed, and outside.

"Huh? This kid's tail has grown out?" Vegeta was surprised, because before, Sun Wuhan's tail had always been the same as that of Sun Wukong, but now it has grown again.

Realizing this, Vegeta's expression changed greatly, "Oops, don't let this kid see the moon!"

Thinking about it, Vegeta raised her hand fiercely and slapped it hard!

However, probably because of Murphy's Law, what Vegeta was more reluctant to happen happened at this moment.

The frightened Son Gohan just looked up following Vegeta's raised hand, and then accidentally saw the moon in the sky.

Then, just when Vegeta's hand was about to fall, something changed on Son Gohan's body!

"Roar!" A huge violent gorilla rose from the ground!He roared wildly, and then patted it out.

"Bang!" Vegeta was swatted away like a fly.

"Gohan!" Wukong exclaimed, watching Sun Wufan transform at this moment.

It seems that he heard the cry of Kelin 780, and the violent gorilla that Sun Gohan transformed into looked over.

"Oops, Gohan won't be like you. He doesn't recognize his six parents when he transforms." Kelin's expression changed, and he became very unsightly.

As Krillin's voice fell, the gorilla that Gohan had transformed into came over.

Krillin was in a cold sweat, thinking that what he said would not be fulfilled.

"Gohan, I'm Uncle Krillin!" At this moment, Krillin called hurriedly, hoping that the transformed Gohan would be a little conscious.

"In terms of transformation, it is in the same vein as Goku, and they are also almost delighted by the 'evil' of the Saiyans in their bodies, so much that they lose their senses." Li Zhenwu watched in the dark and concluded.

At the same time, Li Zhenwu also thought lightly: "It's time, I can play..."

Thinking about it, Li Zhenwu came out from behind a stone.

At the same time, from Li Zhenwu's body, an aura and aura that could hardly be ignored by the few present were slowly exuding.

And at the same time, even the immortal Guixian in the Guixianwu sensed this powerful breath again.

Even the whole earth is shaking slightly!

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