Because Frieza itself is a rare and rare race in the universe, it can be said that it is uniquely blessed, even compared with Saiyans, it is not conceited at all.

You know, Frieza is known as the emperor of the universe, but since he was born, he has never actively practiced.

And his fighting strength of [-] million is all innate!It has grown a little bit over time!

Therefore, they are also a very powerful race.

In this case, Frieza's elder brother Gura is also very powerful, and his combat power is also calculated in billions.

And compared to Frieza, Gula is older!Talent is better!The strength is also stronger!

It is such a Gula who is stronger than Frieza. Among the information Li Zhenwu got, he also came to Namek, and it seemed that he wanted to collect dragon balls to resurrect his younger brother Frieza.

Originally, if there was no Li Zhenwu's intervention in this world and Goku faced Frieza, then after transforming into a Super Saiyan, Goku would still have a chance to defeat Frieza.

But now, Frieza is already on the street, and his older brother Gula is here, so even if Goku can burst into a small universe and become a Super Saiyan, he will definitely not be the opponent of Gula, who has a combat power of hundreds of millions.

Therefore, after Wukong and others left the earth in the spaceship, Li Zhenwu also got into his spaceship and quietly followed behind.

In the spaceship that the gods came to Earth from Namek hundreds of years ago, Goku and others have been sailing in the universe for more than ten days before arriving at Namek.

This time cannot be regarded as short. After all, if it is based on the technology of the earth, it will take more than ten years to come to Namek, but now they have arrived in ten days.

However, in the end, the spaceship was a thing of hundreds of years ago. Although it was able to take them through the long space of the universe and came to Namek, that was the end of it.

Therefore, when the spaceship arrived at Namek and landed, there was a problem with the landing of the spaceship, so that it hit the ground directly, and the spaceship was broken.

Even the few people who were originally in the spaceship were almost injured.

After they quickly got out of the spaceship, Ke Lin looked back at the dilapidated spaceship, his face suddenly turned sideways, and his tone was a little bad: "The spaceship is broken, how do we return to Earth?"

Saying that, Ke Lin looked at Boomer next to him.

In this operation, Bulma played the role of a technician, and she guided the spacecraft to Namek along the way.

And now there is a problem with the spacecraft, if anyone can solve it, then only Bulma is left.

However, at this time, Bulma's face was not good-looking, and he couldn't help saying: "This is bad, we only have such a spaceship..."

Saying that, Boomer also had a headache.

Wukong looks like a happy man. He smiles and has no worries. He is just very interested in the battle that he will face next.

"However, Namek should also have a spaceship. When we go back, we may be able to borrow one from the people here." Without worrying for too long, Bulma suddenly thought of it.

"That's right, that's the truth." Ke Lin patted his leg, but also became optimistic.

"Then let's hurry up and find Dragon Ball."

Bulma took out the Dragon Ball Detector, and was a little apprehensive at first, worried about whether the Dragon Ball Detector that can be used on Earth can still be used here.

However, her worries didn't last long, and on the Dragon Ball Detector, a few light spots appeared impressively.

"I found it! The Dragon Ball Detector can still be used here." Bulma cheered suddenly.

Hearing the good news of Bulma, Wukong Kelin's eyes quickly turned to the Dragon Ball Detector in Bulma's hand.

Then, they discovered one thing, that is, in the detector, the positions of several dragon balls overlapped, and they were still moving at high speed!

"No, someone is here!"

Suddenly, Wukong Kelin and even Sun Wufan's expressions changed greatly, full of solemnity and shock.

"What, how can you all find out that someone is coming?" Boomer was puzzled, unable to understand Wukong and others.

On the other hand, Wukong and Kelin were like formidable enemies. They dragged Bulma and Gohan to a nearby Shandong province to hide, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

Ke Lin even told Gohan: "Gohan, restrain your anger!"

Not long after they hid in the cave, several people 377 flew past from the sky.Or a few strange commanding races, but they are not Nameks.

Bulma didn't feel anything, but when he turned his head, he found that Wukong, Krillin and even Gohan had similar reactions.

It was with... panic on his face.

"Hello? What's the matter with you?" Booma asked in confusion, looking at the people in front of him, sweating profusely.

"The second person who just flew over is too powerful." Wukong said with cold sweat on his forehead.

"That's right, it is far more powerful than Vegeta!" Krillin nodded with a lingering expression on his face.

Wukong said solemnly: "The most important thing is that that qi reveals incomparable evil! It turned out to be even more evil than Vegeta!"

Sun Wufan's face was even paler, and his body trembled and trembled: "It seems that he is stronger than Grandpa Zhenwu..."

Both Wukong and Kelin were silent because they felt the same way.

The aura that that person exuded just now was indeed stronger than the aura that Li Zhenwu released on Earth.

"Didn't Vegeta say that Uncle Zhenwu is the strongest warrior in the universe? Was that person really more powerful than Uncle Zhenwu?"

Wukong was silent, and said to Bulma: "Bulma, look at the Dragon Ball Detector..."

Chapter [-] Coming to Namek!

Bouma raised his hand and looked at the Dragon Ball Detector in his hand. At this moment, the Dragon Ball Detector really made a beeping sound.

"There are several Dragon Balls moving together!" Looking at the display of the Dragon Ball Detector, Bulma said.

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