"Sure enough, those people just now had Dragon Balls on their bodies." Ke Lin's face was pale and he felt very stressed.

"Apart from Vegeta, is there anyone else looking for Dragon Balls?" Goku said to himself, realizing what was wrong with the situation.

Kelin nodded palely: "That's right, Dragon Ball was taken by those powerful people just now."

Saying this, Ke Lin's heart also sank to the bottom, because the breath he felt just now was too powerful and too evil.

Compared to it, Vegeta is like a baby in front of adults!

From this, it can be seen that the person they have just met is powerful.

"I didn't expect it." Wukong sighed, he didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected situation outside of Vegeta.

On the other hand, Bulma didn't have any intuitive feeling, but he was very surprised to hear Wukong and Krillin say that he was stronger than Vegeta.

"Then can we still collect Dragon Balls?" Booma couldn't help but be a little discouraged.

"Bulma, look where those people are going."

Wukong recovered quickly, but strengthened his belief: "We must collect Dragon Balls, and then resurrect Piccolo and Tianjin Fan!"

Booma took the Dragon Ball Detector and found that the light spots gathered by the Dragon Balls were rapidly moving in the direction of another Dragon Ball.

"They... seem to be recruiting other Dragon Balls." Booma couldn't help but said.

"How far is the Dragon Ball from us?" Krillin asked.

"From here to the south, about [-] kilometers." Booma said with the Dragon Ball detector: "And those people just didn't seem to walk in a straight line, and the positioning of Dragon Ball seems to be inaccurate."

"This is our chance, we have to find the Dragon Ball first." Goku said with a boost of spirit.

Soon, Goku and Krillin will go out to find Dragon Ball together, while Son Gohan is left behind to protect Bulma.

In the blink of an eye, Kelin and Wukong had already flown in the direction of Dragon Ball, trying to find Dragon Ball first.

But Bulma and Son Gohan stayed where they were.

"Let's build a house with space capsules first, and then wait for Wukong and Kelin to come back, okay, Gohan?" Booma asked Sun Gohan, who naturally had no opinion.

Saying that, Bulma also took out a space capsule.

However, just before she opened the space capsule, Gohan suddenly raised his head and said, "What is that?"

Bulma looked up too, and saw what Gohan had found.

It was a round thing, not like a meteorite.

After a while, Boomer felt that this thing was so familiar that he couldn't help but guess in surprise: "Could it be Vegeta???"

Isn't this one that fell from the sky a personal spaceship that looks like a Saiyan?

So, Boomer was taken aback and thought it was Vegeta inside.

"No, Gohan, hurry up and hide!" Booma's face changed greatly, and he quickly hid back into the original cave with Sun Gohan.

Bulma and Son Gohan did not dare to escape into the cave, and then watched the Saiyan spaceship land near them, smashing the ground into a huge pothole.

"Is it Vegeta?" Boomer was nervous, holding Son Gohan with one hand.

Sun Wufan was also nervous. They quietly looked out and saw a figure slowly fly out of the big hole that was smashed by the spaceship.

Both of them stared at it, and then they saw the man who came out of the spaceship in the pit.

"Grandpa Zhenwu?" "Uncle Zhenwu?"

At this moment, the two of them couldn't help shouting in unison, but the names were different.

Li Zhenwu was suspended in the air, turned his head slightly, and then saw Sun Wufan and Bulma hiding in the cave, and greeted with a smile: "Hi?"

At this time, Sun Wuhan and Bulma completely let go of their vigilance, breathed a sigh of relief, and walked out of the cave.

Sun Wufan asked curiously, "Grandpa Zhenwu, why are you here?"

Li Zhenwu smiled slightly and said, "Because I got the news, there is an old rival of mine on this planet, so I came here specially."

"Otherwise, only Wukong and Kelin will be able to beat my old opponent." Li Zhenwu laughed softly.

"Old rival?" Booma was still questioning, but Sun Wufan asked excitedly: "Is that a person with a very powerful and evil aura?"

Li Zhenwu nodded: "If you can sense the breath, then it is indeed a powerful and evil aura, and his appearance is also very strange."

"It turns out that he is the opponent of Grandpa Zhenwu, no wonder he is so powerful." Sun Wufan muttered.

"Who the hell are you talking about, Gohan?" Booma was confused and couldn't figure out the situation.

"Grandpa Zhenwu, who is that?" Sun Wufan couldn't help asking.

"He?" Li Zhenwu thought about it and said, "His name is Gula, and he is a member of a very powerful nation in the universe. Their nation does not need to cultivate, as long as they grow with time, their strength will reach a terrifying level. ."

Li Zhenwu pondered and said: "He came to Namek this time. The purpose should be to collect dragon balls, and then resurrect his younger brother, Frieza, who was once called the evil emperor of the universe!"

"Friza, the evil emperor of the universe? That name sounds amazing!" Boomer exclaimed, "Then how did he die?"

"I was killed by me." Li Zhenwu nodded and said, "And Gula is Frieza's older brother, who has more strength than Frieza. I'm here this time to solve him!"

Chapter [-] Collect Dragon Balls!

Wukong and Kelin used the air dance technique non-stop, took the Dragon Ball detector, and went to the Dragon Ball they found, hoping to get the Dragon Ball at that moment before a wave of powerful cosmic beings.

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