In fact, they were very fast and came to a Namekian village, where the probe showed that they had a dragon ball.

The two flew very fast, but when they approached the village, they found smoke rising from the village in front.

"It's not good! I was taken first!" Ke Lin's expression was not good-looking, and he looked at Wukong next to him with some worry: "That group of people seems to have already gone there, Wukong, what should we do?"

Wukong closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

After a while, Wukong opened his eyes: "The most powerful and evil aura is not in front, but has the aura of other people."

Wukong thought for a while, and his body suddenly moved: "Let's go and see, maybe we can save the Nameks."

They moved on, and soon found the little Namekian who was being hunted down by a spaceman.

This Namekian, called Dandy, is the one hundred and eighth son of the Great Elder of Namek.

 … 683

After Li Zhenwu, Son Gohan and Bulma explained the strength of Frieza's brother Gula, the two immediately became worried about Goku and Kelin.

"Will Dad and Uncle Kelin be okay?" Sun Wufan was anxious, and even wanted to run out to find Sun Wukong, you and Kelin, and remind them of the power of the enemy.

"Don't worry." Li Zhenwu shook his head and said, "It's nothing to let them touch. Anyway, there are many fairy beans in Wukong. Even if they can't beat them, they won't worry about their lives!"

Li Zhenwu's words made Sun Wufan put down some hearts.

But Bulma was completely relaxed, and even smiled and said to Gohan: "Gohan, don't be afraid, now Uncle Zhenwu, the strongest Super Saiyan Warrior 1 in the universe, is here, what Frieza, Vegeta, etc. Gula will not be his opponent, we don't have to worry about anything."

Boomer was carefree, but Li Zhenwu shook his head: "That 'the strongest in the universe' is just because Vegeta doesn't have enough vision. He thought I was the most powerful in the universe, but that's not the case."

Li Zhenwu shook his head and said, "The Frieza back then, I only defeated him after he almost died."

"Although it has been more than [-] years, my strength has grown to a certain extent, but against the more powerful Frieza's brother, the outcome is still unknown."

"What? It turns out that Vegeta said that the strongest in the universe has water." Boomer muttered, a little disappointed.

After a while, Bulma suddenly thought of something and asked, "What if you really can't beat that Gula, Uncle Zhenwu?"

"If I really can't beat him, then everything is over." Li Zhenwu said in a painful tone: "Including me, including you, including the Nameks, and even the planet under our feet at this moment, will Extinct under Gula’s hands, maybe even Gula will follow us to find the earth, and then destroy the earth.”

"It's so serious." Booma couldn't help but grow his mouth and was shocked: "How can it be good."

Li Zhenwu smiled and stopped teasing her deliberately. He smiled slightly and said, "I didn't say that I would definitely lose to Gula, it's just that there is such a possibility."

"Otherwise, I knew in advance that I would definitely not be able to beat him. If there is no chance of winning, why would I come to Namek to join in the fun?"

Vegeta flew quickly from the sky, but her face was not good-looking: "There are other people who are also eyeing Dragon Ball! And it gives me the feeling, why is it so similar to Frieza!"

Vegeta's face was not good-looking, because just now he also happened to meet Gura and his party, and felt Gura's powerful and unmatched aura.

"Damn, they have already collected four Dragon Balls, but now they have collected two of them." Vegeta had a headache and didn't know what to do, because the breath of Gula was too strong.

After struggling for a while, Vegeta punched the mountain wall next to him, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it! I must collect the Dragon Balls, and then make a wish to the dragon, and I will truly transform into a Super Saiyan. Man's Secret!"

Vegeta was making up his mind, his eyes twinkling: "I must also become the legendary Super Saiyan, and then let Lord Zhenwu see, I am not worse than Kakarot at all, I am the only exception. Apart from Lord Zhenwu, the most outstanding Saiyan!"

Vegeta thought, and put the Dragon Ball up.

Unlike Earth's Dragon Balls, Namek's Dragon Balls are very large, almost half the size of an adult, so it is very inconvenient to carry.

So Vegeta put all the dragon balls he collected together.

Wukong and Kelin rescued the one hundred and eighth son Dandy of the Great Elder, and got the Dragon Ball in Dandy's hand, and then under the leadership of Dandy, they went to meet the Great Elder of Namek.

On the way, the two communicated with Dandy and told the story of Bick, which made their relationship even closer.

On the other side, Gula was always sitting on his personal small aircraft, watching his subordinates keep busy.

There was a wicked sneer on his Frieza-like face.

"Dragon Ball that can fulfill magical wishes? In this way, my younger brother Frieza can be resurrected. This idiot turned out to be defeated by the legendary Super Saiyan of the universe."

Chapter [-] The war broke out!

Vegeta is collecting Dragon Balls with good wishes.

On the other side, Wukong and Kelin also went to the Great Elder to seek his help. They didn't know that Li Zhenwu was here.

But Gura is letting his subordinates 'Ginuit Squad' full of Namek to collect dragon balls.

They all have one characteristic, that is, they seek Dragon Balls, and they want to use the power of Dragon Balls to realize their own wishes.

Only Li Zhenwu is different. He is quietly waiting for the development of the situation, preparing to fight the long-lost battle with Gula at a critical moment!

Time passed little by little, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past three days, Wukong and Kelin have been hiding, and even Bulma and Gohan quietly went out to collect dragon balls. Through a series of things, they finally let them collect all seven dragon balls.

Wukong and Kelin also knew about Li Zhenwu's arrival, but in order to put enough pressure on Wukong, Li Zhenwu also said that he would only shoot at the last moment.

That's it, Goku and Krillin came to the Great Elder with seven dragon balls, and then the Great Elder used the Namek language to summon a dragon that was completely different from the Earth Dragon.

The dragon of the Namekians is more like a large lizard, and it looks much larger than the dragon of the earth, and also has its own name-Polenga.

Unlike the dragons on Earth, the Namek dragon Polenga can fulfill three wishes for humans, but there is a limit to resurrecting humans, that is, only one person can be resurrected at a time.

Wukong and Kelin didn't bother much. The first one to be resurrected was Piccolo.

Because once Piccolo is resurrected, he is born alive.

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