Because with Gula's physical exhaustion, the combat effectiveness decreased. For Li Zhenwu 21, the quality of the battle was also constantly declining.

So he was unhappy, so, after punching Gula and Wukong fiercely, Li Zhenwu didn't joke: "Gula, if your fighting power can only reach here and can't satisfy me, then wait. It's your time to die!"

In Li Zhenwu's tone, it was very plain, without the slightest threatening tone.

However, the content of the words made Gula shudder!

"It's really going to die!" Gu La came up with such a thought, and did not doubt the authenticity of his thought.

After this fright, Gula suddenly did not care about the consumption of physical strength. He was shocked by something, and his spirits were up. It seemed that he was going to fight Li Zhenwu again for [-] rounds.

However, in Gula's heart, he was quietly thinking about how to escape.

In addition, Gula thought to himself: "I want to inform my father, when the time comes, let the more powerful father come over and personally avenge my brother Frieza, and then the two Saiyans must be killed. People, no, all the Saiyans are killed, the Saiyans are really terrible!"

The battle continues.

The light is constantly radiating in the universe, and the aftermath of their battle is also rippling in the universe.

The original location of Namek turned into a huge fireball, because all the magma layers in the core of the earth surged up from the bottom, covering the earth.

Gula keenly noticed this, and couldn't help thinking: "Namek is about to explode, maybe I can take advantage of the gap between Namek's explosion and escape!"

Gula's plan is very good, because he knows that the explosion of Namek may not cause much damage to Li Zhenwu, and if he continues to stay here, it will not help him.

Therefore, Gula made a decisive decision to run away in chaos!

The aftertaste before the destruction of Namek didn't brew for long, just for a moment, the Namek burned by flames was like the most gorgeous and huge fireworks in history.


In the universe, it is almost silent.

Therefore, everyone in the space at this moment did not hear the sound. Klin Gohan and even Bulma in the spaceship all opened their mouths wide, and their eyes were full of shock as they watched the scene of the explosion of Namek.

And Piccolo was shocked, and there was a sense of grief and anger in his heart, after all, such a 'big firework' in front of him was his own home planet.

"Dad and Grandpa Zhenwu are still there." After the shock, watching the aftertaste of the aftermath of the explosion covering a large area in the universe, Gohan suddenly exclaimed.

Indeed, they were worried about being affected by the aftermath of the battle, so they ran very fast.

But the battlefield of Li Zhenwu and others was very close to Namek.

Even before the explosion of Namek had reached the satellites of Namek, it had already enveloped them all.

Blocked by the splendid Yuwei of the explosion, Gohan and the others couldn't see Zhenwu and Wukong, and couldn't help being a little worried.

When the three of them were fighting, suddenly Namek exploded, and Yu Wei naturally swept them away.

In the middle, the line of sight was affected, and the huge forehead flame and the impact of the explosion rippled, directly impacting the three of them.

"Good opportunity!" Gula's eyes flashed, realizing that this was the time he was waiting for!So, his fist stopped!The next moment, he turned his head and ran in the opposite direction.

"As long as you run out of this small galaxy, you should be safe." Gula was still thinking to himself.

However, he doesn't know one thing, he thinks that others are the same as himself, thinking that in this case, you want to be hindered.

So he was very relieved that he could escape.

However, whether it is Wukong or Li Zhenwu, more of them are in the battle, by capturing the opponent's 'qi' to accurately judge the opponent's position.

As a result, Gula's idea fell through!

At the first moment when Gula escaped from 740, both Wukong and Li Zhenwu had already noticed it for the first time.

On Li Zhenwu's face, a sneer appeared: "Want to run? It's not that easy!"

With that said, Li Zhenwu's figure moved, and the whole person was already chasing forward.

As for Wukong, he also noticed Gula's actions, but he did not pursue Gula, nor did he continue to fight Li Zhenwu, but was... exhausted.

Of the three, Goku's combat power is the lowest, so before the Namek explosion, he was also the most stressed.

Unlike fighting with people, the aftermath of Namek's explosion completely enveloped them, so it was difficult to resist.

Goku puffed up his whole body, resisting the big explosion of Namek.

And Li Zhenwu had directly used the technique of Flying Thunder God, and instantly moved behind Gula, and then he mercilessly condensed a turtle qigong wave.

"The battle has made me feel satisfied, so the battle should be over."

"And you, too, can die!"

Gula just heard the last voice, and then his eyes went black, he lost consciousness and lost his life.

Chapter [-] New system tasks! (first update)

Gula was going to take advantage of the explosion of Namek to escape, but Li Zhenwu did not expect that he would be chased by Li Zhenwu and killed him.

Even though Wukong was busy resisting the explosion of Namek, he noticed this and couldn't help but be stunned: "Uncle Zhenwu killed that person?"

There was a little pity in Wukong's heart.

Different from Li Zhenwu's decisive killing, Wukong maintains his unabated desire to fight, but at the same time, he is a little bit of a 'Virgin'.

For example, in the original book, he once let Vegeta go, and he also bypassed Frieza many times.

And now, Li Zhenwu killed Gula, which made him feel a little regretful.

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