This regret is for the loss of a powerful opponent.

Li Zhenwu slowly put away his hand.

He didn't use his full strength just after killing Gula, but he used almost [-]% of his strength.

You must know that Gula uses an existence with more than [-] million combat powers close to [-] million, and it is not easy to kill him.

After killing Gula, Li Zhenwu felt nothing.

He turned his head and looked at Wukong, who was still struggling to resist the aftermath of the explosion, and had no intention of helping.

The explosion of Namek did not necessarily cause fatal damage to it, but only made it embarrassed.

Moreover, after the embarrassment, Wukong's own strength will increase because of it.

"After waiting for more than [-] years, this battle is over." Li Zhenwu sighed a little. The battle just now made him happy, and the strength that has been developing slowly for many years has room for improvement.

In addition, what makes Li Zhenwu even more satisfied is that Wukong has finally grown up.

Then it means that the world of Dragon Ball will be more colorful in the future, and more powerful people will be born.

Cyborg, Sharu, Atlant, Buu, and more.

These people have given Li Zhenwu enough expectations, and he feels that he has not waited in vain for so many years in the Dragon Ball world.

Looking back at Wukong, Li Zhenwu was not worried at all, but directly performed the technique of flying thunder god, and several cases came to the spaceship of Ke Lin, Sun Wuhan and others.

"Uncle Zhenwu!"

"Grandpa Zhenwu!"

Originally, Ke Lin and others were still worried, because they didn't know about Li Zhenwu and the others, and everything was covered up by the Namek explosion. It was Hu Li Zhenwu's sudden appearance, which surprised them.

"Uncle Zhenwu, where's my father?" After being surprised, Gohan asked with wide eyes. He looked around and couldn't see Wukong, so he couldn't help asking.

"Wukong will be fine." Li Zhenwu said: "You guys go back to Earth first, Goku should return to Earth soon."

After saying this, Li Zhenwu turned his eyes and looked at Vegeta beside him.

In Namek, Vegeta, who was originally a mortal enemy with Goku and the others, joined with Goku and others because of the pressure of Gula and the Newman team. Now he is indeed seriously injured and is with Gohan and others.

Li Zhenwu looked at Vegeta: "Since Namek has been destroyed, and Planet Vegeta has also died, then you might as well go to Earth. On Earth, there is Goku as your opponent, so your strength will surely increase. very soon."

Looking at Vegeta's somewhat stubborn face, Li Zhenwu said slowly: "Also, the secret of the Super Saiyan you have been thinking about, you will also get it on Earth."

Hearing this sentence, Vegeta, who was full of grievances against Li Zhenwu, suddenly regained his energy. He cheered up, his eyes were bright, and he suddenly responded: "Okay! I can also become a Super Saiyan when I wait. After people, I will definitely defeat Kakarot!"

Li Zhenwu laughed dumbly, thinking that Vegeta's mind was still a little small, so he said directly: "It's not just Wukong, your goal should also include me!"

Vegeta has admired Li Zhenwu a little since she was a child, and her emotions about Li Zhenwu are very complicated, so at the beginning, hey, he thought that if he became a Super Saiyan, he would use Li Zhenwu as an opponent.

So when he heard Li Zhenwu's words, he was slightly taken aback.

And Li Zhenwu continued: "I've been looking forward to it, Vegeta, when you really grow up, as my opponent! I hope you won't let me down!"

Hearing this sentence, blood rushed into Vegeta's head, his head was hot, and he snorted coldly: "Humph! Just wait and see, I will definitely transform into a Super Saiyan! "

At this time, Vegeta had a mysterious self-confidence.

Because in his opinion, the legendary Super Saiyan was out of reach.

But when Goku also became a Super Saiyan, he had another idea.

"Kakarot can become a Super Saiyan, can't I?" With this thought in mind, Vegeta had a sense of confidence.

"Okay, then I'll wait!" Li Zhenwu smiled and nodded.

Then, Li Zhenwu said goodbye to Kelimbuma and others: "Now that everything has been resolved, I'll take the first step."

Speaking, Li Zhenwu didn't wait for a few people to answer, but his figure moved, and the whole person disappeared in the spaceship in an instant.

"Ah, how did he leave just now, did you see it?" Booma was stunned, looking at the place where Li Zhenwu disappeared, and couldn't help saying: "The door of the spaceship didn't even open just now!"

"This is a way of teleportation." Vegeta replied with a cold face: "Master Zhenwu has mastered this skill many years ago."

"Wow, that's amazing!"

There is a reason why Li Zhenwu left so quickly that he didn't even take the spaceship, but just hurriedly explained some things and left.

Moreover, he is not directly returning to Earth.

Because just now, the system that had been silent for a long time suddenly made a sound and released a task!

〇④ Journey to the West and become the Great Sage!

Chapter [-] Journey to the World!

Since he came to Dragon Ball World, the system has been silent for a long time. After many years have passed, Li Zhenwu has long been accustomed to the system being silent.

But just now, after killing Gula, the system that had been silent for a long time suddenly appeared, and then issued a task, asking Li Zhenwu if he was willing to undertake this task.

Thinking that it was still a few years before the powerful 'Sharu' showed up, Li Zhenwu's heart moved, and he couldn't help but agree.

Moreover, the system's explanation is that when performing this task, it is like 'opening a copy'. After the task is over, he can return to the Dragon Ball world again, and he will not delay him to fight Sharu.

As a result, Li Zhenwu resolutely responded.

And that system mission is to go to other worlds. Regarding the content of the mission, the system said so.

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