"This system senses that it is from Journey to the West, has a strong will, and demands help from others, so it sends the host over to help execute it."

"The mission reward, a Dragon Ball."

This task, the system did not give a detailed explanation, it was a little vague, but Li Zhenwu didn't care.

What interests him more is that the world of this character is very interesting.

Journey to the World! .

This can be said to be in a previous life, a world that all 200 Chinese people are familiar with.

For those who have read Journey to the West when they were young, how many have not imagined the demeanor of Monkey King, the great sage Monkey King?How many have no heart to yearn for that strange world?

Therefore, even if the system doesn't say who it is, Li Zhenwu will probably agree to this task world.

"Journey to the West, Monkey King Monkey King, the Three-eyed God of War Yang Jian, the Great Sage of the Three Altars Huihai Nezha..."

Li Zhenwu muttered these names softly, and when he remembered it, he felt a little yearning and wished to stand with them.

"I don't know my current strength, what is the level of Journey to the West?" Li Zhenwu was a little curious.

His own strength can be said to be his capital to traverse the world, so he was more concerned about it, so he directly asked the system.

"The strength of the host is roughly equal to the level of the Golden Immortal Great Sage in Journey to the West." The system gave an explanation in a timely manner: "Because the world is different, there are laws to suppress, and in the world of Journey to the West, there is the existence of 'Heavenly Dao', so the host is in the Dragon Ball world. It's almost impossible to hit the stars with one punch, but it's almost impossible to reach the Westward Journey World."

"I see." After some systematic explanation, Li Zhenwu understood and understood.

Dragon Ball World and Journey to the West are fundamentally different, so the expression of strength is also very different.

The systematic explanation is that the levels of the two worlds are different.

The level of Journey to the West, strictly speaking, is high-level, or because of the existence of the Heavenly Dao, it is somewhat different from the way of expressing strength in Dragon Ball World.

For example, in Dragon Ball World, a warrior might be able to blow up mountains and the like with ease.

But this kind of strength has been transferred to the world of Journey to the West, which may be like blowing up a small mountain.

Because of Journey to the West, there is a 'Tao of Heaven' between heaven and earth to suppress and manage, both heaven and earth have a kind of protection, and the level is much higher, and it is a bit difficult to cause more damage.

More importantly, the two worlds fight very differently.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu is looking forward to the mission in Journey to the West, and he is also looking forward to the unexpected encounter between him and Journey to the West!

After taking over the system task, the system did not let Li Zhenwu start the action immediately, but gave him a little free time.

This little time allowed Li Zhenwu to arrange things on Earth after he left temporarily, as well as the belongings of his subordinates.

According to the system, this time was an accidental mission, so after going to the Westward Journey World, you won't be able to come back.

But no matter how long he stayed in Journey to the West, the next time he came back, Dragon Ball World would be in the time period when Sharu had just become a complete body.

For Li Zhenwu, this is the best of both worlds!

Soon, Li Zhenwu contacted his subordinates in the universe through some contact methods, and then returned to the earth quickly in the spaceship.

On Earth, he arranged some things properly, and left a message to Goku, who has not returned, and left some words to Krillin Gohan Vegeta and the others, and left a message that he will come back in three years. , Li Zhenwu is considered to have dealt with the affairs of this world.

After dealing with what's behind the Dragon Ball World, he can follow the system without any scruples, go to the Westward Journey World, and complete the unknown task.

The system is mysterious, and more specific tasks will only be released after going to the world of Journey to the West, and Li Zhenwu doesn't care.

Instead, he is looking forward to his journey to the West this time around the world.

"Monkey King Monkey King." Li Zhenwu whispered the name softly, looking forward to meeting him on his journey this time.

A better result would be to fight the Monkey King Monkey King.

"I hope this world will allow me to fight to the fullest." Li Zhenwu chose a remote place with his own expectations.

"System, I'm ready, ready to open the passage of Journey to the West!"

Next, it's time to travel the world.

In fact, Li Zhenwu now has the strength to do it himself.

However, if he wants to travel through the world, it will be random, and only by relying on the coordinates and guidance of the system can he be able to traverse in a direction.

"The system is ready, please start to break the space." The mechanical voice of the system sounded.

Li Zhenwu nodded slightly, and then started his actions!

First of all, he was covered with golden light, but the crazy golden chakra was flashing, and he was surrounded by golden lightning, like a lightning man.

The next moment, Li Zhenwu's figure suddenly moved and ran forward quickly!

In this state, Li Zhenwu directly broke space and time by running beyond the speed of light!To achieve the effect of crossing!


In an instant, Li Zhenwu turned into a golden lightning, faster than light.

The next moment, he disappeared from the Dragon Ball world.

Chapter [-] Zhenwu crosses the calamity! (third chapter)

Li Zhenwu transformed all the chakras in his body into Lei Dun chakras, and then used a special method to further activate his body.

In Naruto World, Li Zhenwu has been able to use this method to achieve the speed of lightning, which is even more powerful than a 'Flash' in the DC world.

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