And under the charred dead skin, is smooth as jade, tender as suet, and the same skin as Fengshen Baoguang!

Li Zhenwu clenched his fist, felt it a little, and found that his body after the calamity had been improved by the blow.

If Li Zhenwu was able to face Wukong and Gula before, he could still have a distance battle, but now that he is facing each other again, he may be in a state of easy crushing.

"I didn't expect that being struck by lightning would have such a benefit." Li Zhenwu felt that he was struck by lightning, but not in vain.

More importantly, Li Zhenwu felt that the energy in his body, whether it was Chakra energy or 'Qi' energy, had gotten some solidification, had some miraculous changes, and became more lively and diverse.

Li Zhenwu raised his hand and waved gently: "The wind is coming."

"Huh!" The gust of wind whistled and suddenly appeared.

"It's raining." Li Zhenwu waved his hand carelessly.

"Crash!" Above the sky, heavy rain fell.

"Lei Lai." He waved again.

"Boom!" Lightning flashes appeared around Li Zhenwu's body.

"Just a little mobilization of Chakra, without the need for seals, without extra actions, you can do this." Li Zhenwu observed these reactions caused by himself, and couldn't help but be surprised by his own changes: "It's almost gone now. It has reached the point of 'speaking with the law'!"

Indeed, he was just a thought, a sentence, the Chakra in the body immediately moved slightly, and then it caused the effects of strong wind, heavy rain, thunder, and so on.

"I didn't expect to come to the Westward Journey to the World, and there are such benefits. This trip is really worth it."

Li Zhenwu felt his own changes and was very satisfied.

After being satisfied, Li Zhenwu also noticed his environment.

This is a valley in a mountain range.

However, because of Li Zhenwu's calamity here, the valley was almost scorched black by the cracks, and it was full of potholes, completely different from the lush greenery when he first came here.

Moreover, because the coercion of the tribulation is too great, the animals in this mountain range are scared to run away.

"The sin has spread to such a large extent." Li Zhenwu thought, while thinking about it, he raised his hand slightly: "Earth move!"

With his words, suddenly, the ground in the valley was rolling, and the originally charred ground disappeared, replaced by the yellow land that came up from the ground.

After doing this, Li Zhenwu raised his hand again: "The vitality of wood!"

With this order, in this valley where life was originally extinct, uncles and green grass grew crazily on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the valley, which was originally extinct, was once again lush, and the face of the tree was green and green, with strong vitality.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhenwu nodded with satisfaction, very satisfied with his masterpiece.

Just now, he was using the changed Chakra to perform all this.

Chakra, which was originally used rarely in the Dragon Ball world, came to this world, and after a catastrophe, a miraculous change took place, allowing Li Zhenwu to do this with a single thought.

Just like just now, what he used was the power of Mu Dun, which suddenly filled a valley with vitality, which can be said to be miraculous.

After changing the appearance of the valley, Li Zhenwu listened to it, and had time to think about what he would continue to face now.

"First of all, we have to figure out what time and position I am in."

"Of course, the most important thing is the specific mission information of the system!"

In Dragon Ball World, System Knowledge released a task, but the content of the task was very general, so that Li Zhenwu didn't know the specific content...

Moreover, the system is only willing to release detailed information after coming to the Westward Journey World.

After coming to Journey to the West, Li Zhenwu asked aloud, and then got a systematic answer.

"System, what is the mission this time?"

The mechanical and rigid voice of the system resounded in vain: "Mission released: Help the monkeys in Huaguoshan get out of their misery!"

"Hey, what kind of mission is this?" Li Zhenwu was a little puzzled.

Then, the system explained to Li Zhenwu aloud.

It turned out that at this point in time, Sun Wukong has been pressed under the Five Elements Mountain.

Before, when Sun Wukong was called the Great Sage of Equalling the Sky, and he once made trouble in the underworld, when he was a handsome and handsome Monkey King, there were more than [-] monkeys and monkeys in Huaguo Mountain.

In addition, these monkeys and monkeys were still in the underworld when Sun Wukong was making troubles, and they took off their names from the life and death book, because these monkeys in Huaguo Mountain were separated from birth, old age, sickness and death.

Everything changed after Sun Wukong was crushed under the Five Elements Mountain.

The monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, who were originally unrestrained and free, were set on fire by Yang Jian, the god of 1.7 Erlang, and they dressed up the magnificent mountains and rivers of Huaguo Mountain. The original 'Huaguo' on Huaguo Mountain was completely destroyed. .

Moreover, in this fire, the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain were burned alive in groups!

After that, the surviving monkeys lost the fruits and vegetables of Huaguo Mountain, and were targeted by hunters again, and they suffered heavy casualties and were skinned and deboned!Sauce boiled with vinegar and steamed!

And the live monkeys were caught and tortured in every possible way, kept in captivity, trained and taught!Misery!

It was these monkeys' huge resentment that caught the system's attention!

So, Li Zhenwu came here!

(The computer is broken today, the update is late, and the guarantee is four.)

Chapter [-] Land Laoer (Second)

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