The original Huaguo Mountain can be said to be Shizhen Wangyang Weining Yaohai.Shizhen Wangyang tides Yinshan fish into the cave; Weining Yaohai waves over the snow, waves and mirages leave the abyss.The square corner of the wood fire is high up on the East China Sea.Danya strange rocks cut the wall and the strange peaks.The colorful phoenix sings on the cliff; the unicorn lies alone in front of the cut wall.At the peak of the peak, listen to Jinjiming Grottoes every time you watch the dragon come in and out.There are longevity deer and fairy fox in the forest, and there are spiritual birds and cranes on the tree.The rare flowers of Yaocao do not thank the green pines and green cypresses in Changchun.Xiantao often results in cultivating bamboo and leaving clouds.A ravine with vines and flowers is surrounded by the original embankment and the grass is new.It can almost be called the root of Optimus Prime in the Hundred Rivers Meeting.

But now Huaguo Mountain can be said to be a mess.

More than [-] monkeys and monkeys, even if they entered the reincarnation, did not suffer from old age and death, but lameness just became their nightmare.

Most of the monkeys killed by hunters became the meals of others and suffered from skinning and deboning.

Those caught alive by hunters were even more tragic.

They were beaten, tortured, and then trained and taught.

Because the Huaguoshan monkeys' spiritual intelligence and their characteristics of stepping into reincarnation are valued by hunters and circuses, they circled them, made them jump in circles, do somersaults, erect dragonflies, and sifter gongs on the street. 21 drums.

This kind of suffering has caused the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain to suffer all the time.

In addition, they do not enter reincarnation, and even after death, the soul can be said to be tortured.

As a result, over time, these monkeys have accumulated strong resentment and will, eager to be able to save them from fire and water by someone or a demon.

Or they are looking forward to the return of Sun Wukong to stage the return of the great sage in order to end their suffering.

After listening to the system's explanation, Li Zhenwu couldn't help but be silent for a long time, not knowing what to say.

In the past, when he watched Journey to the West, he also watched the great sage Monkey King on a CD-ROM drive with infinite scenery. Instead, he ignored these features in the original work.

Moreover, Li Zhenwu knew in his heart that Sun Wukong would not come out from the foot of the Five Elements Mountain until he was imprisoned for five hundred years.

And the Sun Wukong who came out from the foot of the Five Elements Mountain again is not the Monkey King Monkey King Equalling Heaven, the Monkey King of Huaguoshan Mountain, but the Sun Xingzhe who went all the way west to collect scriptures.

"Well, it seems that I must complete this task."

It didn't take too long, Li Zhenwu had already made a decision.

You know, it's about a few decades since Sun Wukong was crushed under the Five Elements Mountain...

If the monkeys in Huaguoshan just waited for Sun Wukong to come out of the Five Elements Mountain to save them, it would take another four hundred years!

Fortunately, at this time, the system felt the wishes of these monkeys and brought Li Zhenwu to this world.

Moreover, Li Zhenwu also vaguely knew that the system should need these willingness.

"System, do you have a map of this world?" Li Zhenwu asked.

"This system does not provide maps." The system's mechanically dull voice replied.

"Then I have to touch it myself." Li Zhenwu said to himself, feeling that he was going to waste something.

Immediately, Li Zhenwu's heart moved, and he immediately flew up.

He flew high into the sky, looked around, and found that the mountain range he was in stretched a long way before he could go out.

"With such a big mountain, it seems that only by flying out of this mountain range can we find a place where people live, and then ask for the way."

Li Zhenwu thought, he had already chosen a direction and flew over.

His flying speed was slow, and he wasn't in a hurry at all.

After all, I just came to this Journey to the West world, and I feel fresh about everything, so I want to take a look.

Looking at it, Li Zhenwu realized that this place is indeed the world of Journey to the West.

In the mountains of Nuoda, he felt a lot of 'demon qi'.

"Interesting, there are a lot of living monsters." Li Zhenwu felt very interesting, but he did not bother these monsters.

Of course, the main thing is that Li Zhenwu thought that if he flew through the sky so struttingly, some monsters would take the initiative to send him up to die.

It turns out that he thinks too much.

Li Zhenwu slowly flew over the mountains of Nuoda.

In a valley he flew over, a leopard demon and a fox demon were shivering, watching Li Zhenwu go away carefully.

After confirming that Li Zhenwu was far away, the Leopard Demon shuddered and said, "It's terrible, that monster is terrible."

"Yeah." The fox demon beside him nodded with a concerned look: "The one who just crossed the calamity is this great master."

"That's right, I didn't see how many big demons and little demons in this [-] mountain. When this one flew over his head, didn't he dare to move? Because it's too scary!" Leopard Demon said.

"Being able to survive such a catastrophe, I don't know what kind of strength that person has reached." Fox Demon said.

, Leopard Demon breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, this one here is also a monster. If it is a righteous person, who comes to exterminate demons and bring down demons, we will be miserable."

"Huh? Leopard head, how do you know that the guy just now is a monster? He doesn't have any demonic energy, but is full of immortal energy." The fox demon said with a puzzled look.

"Don't you see that there is a tail behind that one." Leopard Demon Leopard wiped the sweat on his leopard's head and said, "But, I don't know if that one is a monkey demon or an ape. Demon..."

Li Zhenwu, who did not know that he was treated as a monster, slowly flew out of the hundred thousand mountains, and felt the breath of many monsters along the way, but the other party did not shoot at him, and they all shrank like little lambs. , Honestly, so Li Zhenwu is not good at catching a monster, so he will study it.

After flying out of the hundred thousand mountains and flying for a while, Li Zhenwu finally saw traces of human activities.

As a result, Li Zhenwu slowly descended from the sky.

However, just after landing on the ground, Li Zhenwu found a small earth temple beside the road.

"Earth Temple?"

When he saw the Temple of the Earth, Li Zhenwu suddenly thought of the way Sun Wukong used to ask for directions in Journey to the West...

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