Chapter [-]: Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain! (third more)

Looking at the small earth temple on the side of the road, there was an old man with a dirty mud sculpture, Li Zhenwu seemed to be able to feel a faint aura in it.

In addition, Li Zhenwu thought of a way that Sun Wukong often used to ask for directions in Journey to the West.

Find the land of the mountain god!

Li Zhenwu raised his foot and stomped lightly on the ground. Suddenly, a breath emanated from the ground.

"Where is the land?" Li Zhenwu called out while doing so.

After a call, it takes about three breaths.

Li Zhenwu didn't know if he could call out the land at first, but he was just curious and tried to imitate Sun Wukong.

However, after three breaths, Li Zhenwu felt a breath quickly appearing underground, and at the same time, an old helpless voice came over.

"Come here! Daxian, don't worry!"

Following this voice, a short old man slowly emerged from the ground.

And the appearance of this old man is almost exactly the same as the muddy land father-in-law in the small land next to him.

Just as Eunuch Land appeared, he immediately bowed respectfully to Li Zhenwu, and then asked, "I wonder what happened when Daxian called the little old man? As long as he can, he will do his best."

The father-in-law's attitude was very respectful, without a trace of arrogance.

Li Zhenwu waved his hand while feeling amazing, and said, "I'm not a great immortal. The reason why I called you out is to ask you for directions. There is nothing else."

Li Zhenwu said very casually, with an easy-going attitude, and the land couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was also most afraid of encountering that kind of powerful person, but with a bad attitude.

"The great immortal is so powerful, how can you not be called a great immortal." The land leaned on crutches and was short in stature, looking a little low-key and peaceful, but his tone was very humble: "And the previous catastrophe that shocked the three worlds in the [-] mountain should be you, the great immortal. You're going through a robbery."

The father-in-law said very humbly: "I don't know the way Daxian wants to ask? But if you know it, you can say it!"

The attitude of the land is so good that Li Zhenwu has nothing to say.

Therefore, Li Zhenwu directly asked the questions he cared about.

"Where is this place, which state?" Li Zhenwu asked directly.

"Reporting to the Great Immortal, this place is Dongsheng Shenzhou." The land replied, and he was a little puzzled at this time, thinking that the Great Immortal or the Great Monster himself is here, how could he not know where it is?

"Is it an old monster who has been in seclusion for many years?" The land suddenly thought of a possibility. After all, this is a world where immortals and monsters are rampant, and there may be many old monsters living in the dark.

Li Zhenwu didn't know the heart of the land, and was always guessing his identity, but was a little surprised: "This is Dongsheng Shenzhou?"

"Yes, Daxian." The land replied: "This place is Dongsheng Shenzhou, but Dongsheng Shenzhou is on the border. Do you see the [-] mountains behind?"

The land is explaining: "After the [-] Mountains, it is the Nanzhubu Continent."

"So it is." Li Zhenwu nodded, but he was a little surprised that he was in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

"So, where is the Huaguo Mountain in Aolai Country? I'm going there." Li Zhenwu proposed where he was going.

"Aolai Guohuaguoshan?" The land was startled: "But there is a Huaguoshan where the great sage Monkey King Monkey Equals Heaven?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Li Zhenwu looked at the land strangely. The performance of the land was a little unusual, and he seemed a little surprised when he talked about it.

"Is there any problem with Huaguo Mountain now?" Li Zhenwu asked.

The land tangled for a while, and then replied: "I wonder if Daxian knows about the Monkey King?"

"I know." Li Zhenwu nodded.

The land continued: "After the Great Sage Equalling Heaven was crushed under the Wuxing Mountain by the Tathagata Buddha, his Huaguo Mountain, which was the root of the rebellion, was also set on fire by Erlang God, which almost burned out and destroyed the buildings there. Spiritual energy and dragon veins."

"Furthermore, that place is a place where people dare to rebel against the heaven, so although no one forbids it now, there are no immortals or monsters going to that place in the unspoken rules."

"Even the cultivators in the secular world will not go there," said the land.

"So it is." Li Zhenwu thought to himself that what happened to Huaguo Mountain had something to do with this.

After all, Sun Wukong still had the title of the Seven Great Sages of the Monster Race back then, and there were seven sworn monster brothers.

Although these monster brothers are very unreliable, no matter what, it doesn't matter if they don't take care of Sun Wukong's Huaguoshan.

But now the explanation of the land has made Li Zhenwu understand that all those demon clan great sages are worried that if they shoot at will, they will touch the bad head of heaven, and then get burned.

Li Zhenwu thought for a while and asked, "Then, tell me the scope of Huaguo Mountain, and I need to go to Huaguo Mountain."

The land is a bit tangled. On the one hand, I want to persuade Li Zhenwu not to go to that right and wrong place. On the other hand, I think that Li Zhenwu is so powerful that it makes people afraid. If he persuades himself, will he offend the other party?

After some helplessness, the land obediently gave Li Zhenwu directions.

But after pointing out the direction, the land suddenly asked: "Dare to ask the name of the great immortal? Where is the immortal residence?"

Li Zhenwu has already obtained the direction of Huaguo Mountain, and he lost his sense of freshness and curiosity about the land after chatting before, so his body has already flown, and he is going to Huaguo Mountain.

After the land asked this question, Li Zhenwu left an answer before drifting away.

"Li Zhenwu, as for where Xianju is... From now on, it will be Dongsheng Shenzhou Huaguoshan Water Curtain Cave!"

Having said that, Li Zhenwu's figure has drifted away.

The land left in place was a little surprised, "This Daxian wants to set up his residence in Huaguo Mountain? 1"

The land was a little surprised, and what surprised him even more was that when Li Zhenwu took off just now, when he turned his back to him, he saw the tail behind him.

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