"I don't know which Sun Wukong was more powerful than him back then." The Dragon King of the East China Sea was a little distracted for a while.

"I have seen the Dragon King of the East China Sea." Li Zhenwu also bowed his hands a little, with a calm attitude and a smile: "This time I came to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, as a neighbor, asking the Dragon King of the East China Sea to do me a favor."

At the same time, Li Zhenwu introduced himself: "Under Li Zhenwu, live on the Huaguo Mountain first."

Hearing that Li Zhenwu wanted to ask for help, the Dragon King of the East China Sea suddenly felt bad, and he thought about it a lot for a moment, and finally concluded that he was going to bleed a little blood today.

While suffering from the things that might be sent out, the Dragon King of the East China Sea did not dare to refuse Li Zhenwu, so he could only reluctantly say: "If Daxian needs help, just say it!"

Saying this, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was praying that Li Zhenwu would not start with a lion.

so enthusiastic?Li Zhenwu didn't expect the East Sea Dragon King to cooperate so much, so he smiled and said his request: "The spiritual veins of Huaguo Mountain are completely destroyed. I hope the East China Sea Dragon King can help and restore the spiritual veins of Huaguo Mountain!"

"Just this request?" This time, it was the Dragon King's turn to be surprised.

Because Li Zhenwu's request...it's too simple!

The Dragon King of the East China Sea did not expect Li Zhenwu's request to be so simple.

"It's such a simple matter, why didn't Daxian personally..." The Dragon King of the East China Sea hesitated.

The destruction of the spiritual veins and repairing them may be a distressing thing for mortal practitioners.

But for any immortal, that's a breeze!

Besides, is Li Zhenwu's strength comparable to that of ordinary gods?

So the Dragon King of the East China Sea was a little puzzled, thinking that according to Li Zhenwu's strength, not to mention rebuilding the spiritual veins, even rebuilding a piece of spiritual veins would not be a difficult task!

Therefore, the Dragon King of the East China Sea has this kind of doubt, why such a trivial matter comes back to get rid of himself.

"Is there any other conspiracy or purpose besides this?" An idea suddenly popped up in the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Before waiting for the Dragon King of the East China Sea to continue to think deeply, Li Zhenwu had already replied with a faint smile: "Because I can't, so I came to ask you!"

This is a righteous statement, no!

Li Zhenwu is telling the truth. Although he knows how to deal with climaxes, after all, it is not the practice system of this world that speaks out, so there is no spell in this world at all.

Although from Journey to the West, he learned that Sun Wukong's restoration of Huaguo Mountain was just a solution, but Li Zhenwu came from other worlds and knew nothing about spiritual veins.

So he came to ask for help from the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

"If the Dragon King is willing to help, I will be grateful!" Li Zhenwu clenched his fists again, waiting for the reply from the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and hurriedly said, "A trivial matter, a trivial matter. Besides this, does Daxian need help?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea fully thought that Li Zhenwu would have other requirements, but Li Zhenwu nodded decisively: "There is no need to trouble the Dragon King for the others."

"Uh." The Dragon King of the East China Sea was stunned. He didn't expect that Li Zhenwu really only had such a simple request.

After thinking about it, he determined that Li Zhenwu had no other requirements, and he breathed a sigh of relief while wondering.

What I wonder is how could Li Zhenwu's strength not repair a simple spiritual vein?What is relaxing is that Li Zhenwu really only has such a simple request, and he did not embarrass them in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.

While thinking about it, the Dragon King of the East China Sea waved his hand to let Prime Minister Turtle approach him, and then said in front of Li Zhenwu: "Prime Minister Turtle, next, you will accompany this great immortal to Huaguo Mountain and help Huaguo Mountain repair where it is. Spirit veins."

Gui Chenglian stepped forward hurriedly, and then agreed.

Repairing the spiritual veins is really not a difficult task for the immortals. Prime Minister Turtle's strength is enough to repair easily, so the Dragon King of the East China Sea photographed Prime Minister Turtle.

"If that's the case, then ask Prime Minister Turtle to come with me." Li Zhenwu nodded at Prime Minister Turtle.

"Don't dare to take it, it's a trivial matter." Prime Minister Turtle shook his head nervously, but he was actually a little nervous, thinking that he wouldn't be able to come back once he left?

Soon, Li Zhenwu did not delay much in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, so he accompanied Prime Minister Turtle out of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, rose from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea, and then went to Huaguo Mountain.

In the water, the Turtle Prime Minister secretly observed Li Zhenwu, and found that Li Zhenwu can be said to be a master of water, and his speed in the water is no worse than that of an old turtle who has mastered the way in the water!

After watching Li Zhenwu and Prime Minister Turtle leave together, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was stunned for a while, thought for a while, and then hesitated a little: "This matter... Should I report it to the Jade Emperor?"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was tangled, worried that if he told the Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor would embarrass himself. After all, he helped, but Li Zhenwu, who had just defeated the Heavenly Court army.

After thinking about it for a while, the Dragon King of the East China Sea decided to take the initiative to report Li Zhenwu to the Jade Emperor, otherwise it would be troublesome for the Jade Emperor to find out afterward and put on small shoes for himself.

Chapter [-] Rescue the monkeys

Li Zhenwu took Prime Minister Turtle and returned to the top of Huaguo Mountain.

As expected, as the Dragon King of the East China Sea said, repairing the spiritual veins is just a trivial matter.

The Turtle Prime Minister came to Huaguo Mountain, and he did not drink a sip of water or eat a single fruit, but he had already helped Huaguo Mountain's spiritual veins recover.

"Zhenwu Daxian, it has been repaired." Prime Minister Turtle just pinched a magic formula and quickly recovered his spiritual veins.

After the spiritual veins were restored, Huaguo Mountain was suddenly different.

"It's hard work, Prime Minister Turtle." Li Zhenwu thanked him, and asked the monkeys next to him to give him a gift of thanks.

"This is impossible." Guicheng waved his hands continuously, chewing without even looking at the thank-you gift. He didn't dare to accept Li Zhenwu's gift at will. Who knows if the Dragon King will blame him when he returns.

"It's just some special fruits from Huaguo Mountain." Li Zhenwu smiled slightly: "You can also give it to the Dragon King for me."

"Just fruit?" Prime Minister Turtle looked at what the little monkey handed over, and found that it was indeed a fruit, but he had never seen the shape of the fruit.

"At this time, I brought 437 special fruit varieties from the sky, and I must have never tasted the Jade Emperor." Li Zhenwu said confidently.

"Oh?" Turtle Prime Minister looked at it and found that it was a fruit variety that he had not seen in his life for so many thousands of years. He believed Li Zhenwu's words a little bit.

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