Moreover, the Turtle Prime Minister looked at it and found that it was just some ordinary mortal fruit, not the spiritual fruit with aura, so he accepted it with confidence, and said: "In that case, I will thank the Dragon King instead. The good intentions of Zhenwu Daxian."

Having said that, Prime Minister Turtle returned to the sea, and Li Zhenwu gave it a little.

"Zhenwu Daxian, you don't need to send it away." Seeing that Li Zhenwu also deliberately sent himself, Prime Minister Turtle was frightened.

"If that's the case, then send Prime Minister Turtle here." Li Zhenwu nodded, looking at Prime Minister Turtle's attitude and stopped.

And just after saying this, Li Zhenwuhu, who was in front of Prime Minister Turtle, turned into a white light and disappeared.

"Is this a clone?"

Prime Minister Turtle was immediately surprised, because this 'Li Zhenwu' had been with him all the time, but he didn't even see that it was a shadow clone.

And the Dragon King of the East China Sea is also clueless, which means that a clone of Li Zhenwu also has a strength that neither he nor the Dragon King of the East China Sea can see through!

After a moment of amazement, Prime Minister Turtle hurried to the Dragon Palace, ready to go back and report to the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

It was indeed just a shadow clone of Li Zhenwu who went to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to find the help of the East China Sea Dragon King.

And what is Li Zhenwu's body doing?

The monkeys in Huaguo Mountain didn't know it, neither did the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, or even the clairvoyant and Shunfenger who had been quietly paying attention to the lower realms in the heavenly court.

They only saw Li Zhenwu from below, and they turned into many, and then each went about their own business.

They can't tell which is Li Zhenwu's body and which are Li Zhenwu's avatar!

So much so, that Li Zhenwu, who was divided into many troops, was unable to monitor both Clairvoyance and Shunfenger, and he didn't know which one to pay attention to!

Li Zhenwu differentiated into many shadow clones, and then went to work on their own.

Apart from going to the Dragon King of the East China Sea to help restore the Huaguo Mountain spiritual veins, what else did you do?

In a certain city, on the lively streets, people come and go.

On the side of the street, someone was beating the gong.

"Everyone who has passed by, everyone who has passed by, come and have a look! The monkey circus performance from Huaguo Mountain is about to start! Everyone who has money will support a money field, and those who have no money will support a personal field!"

"There is a circus show!"

"Look, it's monkey tricks."

"There are monkeys, go and see."

The shouting from the street immediately attracted many onlookers.

In the crowd watching the center, there was an animal trainer holding a whip, and the monkeys with the light of wisdom were moving one by one.

Projects such as drilling a fire ring, high jumping, and crossing a brazier were played by the monkeys one by one.

It's just that during this process, the monkey's eyes are blank and full of despair.

But the animal trainer was overjoyed. Looking at his harvest this time, he swung the whip even more vigorously: "Standard action!"

The trainer works hard, and the monkey suffers.

The whip slapped the monkey's body in a single stroke, drawing out bloodstains.

Unlike ordinary monkeys, most of the monkeys from Huaguo Mountain have their names written off on the life and death book in Yama Hall, so they are not as good as reincarnation.

Moreover, Huaguoshan Zhongling Shenxiu makes these monkeys extremely intelligent, with wisdom comparable to human beings, but their minds are different.

The performance of the circus continued little by little, but the monkey was tired a little bit, and a little bit more despair.

Li Zhenwu was attracted by this and walked into the city.

"Thanks to the system that can detect the whereabouts of these monkeys and locate them according to the emotions they generate, otherwise it is really difficult to rescue them."

As Li Zhenwu walked into the city, he noticed the circus performance here, and saw the exhausted monkey who was still holding on to the performance under the whip of the animal trainer, and suddenly a surge of anger welled up in his heart.

At this time, someone noticed Li Zhenwu... and the tail behind him.

Suddenly, whispers like "Monster, look at the monster!" are constantly spreading.

Because Li Zhenwu didn't show any miracles at the moment, people didn't fear Li Zhenwu too much, but just stood on the sidelines recklessly, and discussed and pointed at him.

In this discussion and pointing, Li Zhenwu walked towards the position of the animal trainer.

"It's time to end everything!"

Chapter [-]: Creating Taoism

The crowd on the street was watching Li Zhenwu and pointing at him, because now Li Zhenwu only has a monkey's tail behind his back, the others all look like normal people, and they haven't shown anything special yet, so People have no fear of Li Zhenwu's "monsters, monsters".

And Li Zhenwu has been able to ignore these sounds around him, because in the Hokage World, when he was born in Konoha Village, he was already used to such similar sounds.

At this moment, Li Zhenwu's eyes only saw the Huaguoshan monkey who was exhausted and forced to perform tricks.

"It's over, it's over." Li Zhenwu forbade going over, and then grabbed the whip that the animal trainer was about to drop.

"Who are you?" The animal trainer turned his head and looked at Li Zhenwu.

Then, he saw the whispers of the people next to him and heard their voices.Then, he also saw the tail behind Li Zhenwu.

"Monster!" Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and he felt a little fear.

At this time, the scarred monkey on the ground raised his head, saw Li Zhenwu, and then felt a familiar aura from Li Zhenwu's body.

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